
Friday, November 5, 2010

Cup of China Short Dance

1. Isabella Cannuscio/Ian Lorello, USA
  •  This is a great piece of music (Piano Man) and they really grab your attention from the beginning
  • I think Isabella throws her head a little too much in some of the transitions
  • Simple but elegant rotational lift at the top of the routine
  • Nice jump into the twizzles for extra points and a difficult twizzle sequence without a step in between the twizzles
  • Sometimes it looks like his arm positions are too high for her to grab
  • Nice step sequence on the music change but their edges could be a little deeper
  • Golden Waltz looked a little clunky and they didn't cleanly hit all the positions
  • Her leg could be more parallel to the ice in the shoot the duck position
  • The over the head lift into the rotational lift looked labored here but should be nice with a bit more practice
  • The back walkover into the ending pose needed straight knees from her and made getting into the ending pose difficult
  • Overall a good program from a young team.  They have some nice elements but have room to improve.
Xueting Guan/Meng Wang, CHN
  • She drops her foot in the first set of twizzles so they may lose a level there
  • She could use crisper positions and more extension through her legs in the Golden Waltz
  • Pretty but simple rotational lift with a change of position
  • I like where the footwork is placed musically but she leans forward too much during it and needs to work on her arm positions
  • Nice lift where he swings her at different heights--something I haven't seen before
  • Ending pose hit right on music
Xiayang Yu/Chen Wang, CHN:
  •  She doesn't quite get her foot in between his on some of the turns in the Golden Waltz which is required
  • Her arms look very placed and there isn't a lot of flow between movements
  • She needs to keep her knee high through the whole attitude section
  • Good speed through the Golden Waltz--there are places where they seem to float through it and it would be great if all the sections had that same quality
  • Twizzles were solid and they did the third set for extra points on levels and grade of execution
  • She needs more arch in her back on the rotational lift and I'd like to see her grab her foot
  • The transition into the tango is still awkward and doesn't seem to go with the music
  • Step sequence is together but feels a little slow and I really want them to attack it
  • Last lift doesn't do much for me and she kind of flops back down on the ice
  • I think they performed here much better than at NHK Trophy
Nora Hoffman/Maxim Zavozin, HUN
  • I love the color of her dress, how it looks and the way it moves when she skates
  • Great speed and coverage of the ice in the midline step sequence
  • I love the way she uses her arms but some of the holds in the Golden Waltz could be more effortless
  • Nice shoot the duck and attitude positions from Nora
  • Awkward transition into the glide with her in a split position but once that gets worked out this could be a lovely move
  • Fast twizzles but he doesn't grab his blade in the second set
  • Her legs are in a really awkward position in the rotational lift but the entrance into the lift was nice
  • This program had a lot of nice elements and I can't wait to see it progress
Kharis Ralph/Asher Hill, CAN
  • These costumes are heinous
  • She needs to really extend her free leg throughout her footwork 
  • They really glide across the ice in the Golden Waltz, have great speed and nice coverage.  The use of her arms is the finishing touch on a lovely section.
  • Great shoot the duck and attitude positions for Kharis
  • Nice rotational lift but she needs to arch her back more; beautiful change of position
  • Hop into the twizzles with some interesting arm positions, but they lost speed in the second set
  • Midline step sequence is lovely but seems to lose a little steam midway through
  • Death spiral into a dance spin into the world's most awkward ending pose
 Ekaterina Bobrova/Dmitri Soloviev, RUS
  •  They start off with a bang and really grab your attention
  • He almost falls out of his second set of twizzles but saves it
  • The step sequence seems to slow considerably but shows off some great edges
  • Great Golden Waltz sequence.  The steps go well with the music but I don't really like their song choice.  It's almost distracting
  • LOVED the death drop.  It was really breathtaking.
  • The rotational lift is fine but it's distracting to have her dress up over her head like that
  • Loved this program.  Very impressed by a team I didn't know much about going into this competition.
  • They received one deduction.  Will have to wait for the protocol sheets to see what for--likely an extended lift
Xintong Huang/Xun Zheng, CHN: 
  • I really didn't get the beginning.
  • Performed three sets of twizzles but their unison was off.
  • They are making some awkward arm movements in their step sequence that must go with the story of the program (which I still don't understand) but are distracting from the actual steps.
  • She doesn't get her foot between his on the turns
  • Lift is fine but very simple
  • Backwalkover to overhead lift and then he drops her between his legs and puts her down which is exactly as awkward as it sounds.  Also doesn't really look like a dance lift to me.
Madison Hubbell/Keiffer Hubbell, USA
  • I love that they enter the ice in character
  • Maybe we shouldn't kiss her shoulder if we're brother and sister
  • Nice rotational lift with her leg in scorpion position and free leg fully stretched
  • Good edges and positions throughout the Golden Waltz--she could be clearer about attitude vs arabesque positions
  • He goes down on the footwork and she trips over him.  It takes them 5-10 seconds to get back into the choreography.
  • Jump into the twizzles but he is significantly slower on the second set
  • The fall plus the deduction (likely for an extended lift) really took the wind out of this team.  Their routine is good but I'm not sure it's good enough to compete with the other top American teams
Frederica Faiella/Massimo Scali, ITA:
  • What a horrid costume for her.  Generally all white costumes past the knee do not work well with the white ice.
  • Jump into the twizzles with great positioning and look effortless but he finishes before her on both sets
  • Gorgeous Golden Waltz sequence
  • He steps on her dress and can't get his skate unstuck
  • Interesting lift but the entrance looked labored
  • She's turning on the performance in the second half
  • Awkward back walkover at the end of their program
Nathalie Pechalat/Fabian Bourzat, FRA:
  • They are in performance mode the second their names are called
  • Love the look up through her eyelashes she does on the first beat of the music
  • Twizzles seemed clean and they did three sets
  • It looked like she had a bobble on the midline step sequence
  • Their Golden Waltz looks a little choppy and it seems as if they don't quite finish all their steps
  • Nice lunge straight into the lift
  • I'm not sure I understand why they have such a big lead over the Italians

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