
Friday, November 26, 2010

Trophee Eric Bompard--Pairs Short Program

I'm having some technical difficulty getting the feed up so it may be a few minutes before I get underway.

Group 1
Anna Khnychenkova/Mark Magyar, HUN
  • I missed most of their program but tuned in in time to see a nice double throw
  • She could use more arch in her back and a more stretched out position in the lifts
  • The spins were slow but had good unison
  • Nice stretched out death spiral position
  • Their footwork sequence is really slow but has good unison--the steps aren't that difficult and they're not getting much ice coverage
22.48 TES + 16.98 PCS = 39.46 new seasons best into 1st place

Felicia Zhang/Taylor Toth, USA
  • She could use some more stretch through her free legs on transition moves
  • Nice triple twist but she crashes into him on the landing
  • On their side by side triples it looks like she misses her take off and doesn't do the jump and puts a hand down so they'll get no credit--on the replay you can see that she hits the side of her blade on the ice while taking off for the jump
  • Nice air position in the lift
  • She hangs on to the landing of her throw triple
  • Nice unison on the side by side spins but they get a little off in the middle
  • Nice step sequence but I'd like to see a little more difficult and movement but it has a lovely flow acros the ice
  • I like her entrance into the death spiral but her legs could be slightly more stretched out
20.65 TES + 20.28 PCS = 40.93 into 1st place

Klara Kadlecova/Petr Bidar, CZE
  • This is a young team at 15 and 19
  • Nice double twist with a clean catch
  • I believe they did a throw double here but it was landed cleanly--on the replay it was a triple and it was nicely landed
  • She puts a hand down on their side by side triples
  • Some nice speed in their side by side spins but they're way off on their unison and she gets faster in the upright spin while he slows considerably
  • He couldn't get her all the way up on the lift and has to set her back down on the ice
  • She looks a little sideways in her death spiral
  • Nice use of the music in this step sequence and they're really making use of their whole bodies here
  • This team has some nice qualities and if they can up their difficulty they'll be more on par with other teams here
18.82 TES + 20.50 PCS = 39.32 into 3rd place

Group 2
Vera Bazarova/Yuri Larionov, RUS
  • Not sure what's going on but the warm up group is off the ice and they've been skating around for about 2 minutes now and they're putting their jackets and scarves back on.  Still no announcement for them to take the ice.
  • Nice side by side triples to start their program
  • She has a great arabesque position
  • Great height on their triple twist and a very clean landing
  • Nice landing on the throw triple jump
  • He lifts her like she weights nothing
  • Nice position in the death spiral--he changes hands and she regrabs behind his back
  • Nice positions in the spins, good speed throughout and good unison
  • Nice entrance into the lift with her on one leg, great change of position where she is on her side and he's holding with one hand and effortless exit with a flip out of the lift
  • Nice intricate stepwork sequence with nice flow and movement
36.47 TES + 27.71 PCS = 64.18 new seasons best and into 1st place

Maylin Hausch/Daniel Wende, GER
  • They are skating to Tango de Roxanne and aren't really attacking this music
  • Nice side by side triples
  • Double twist with a clean catch with her arms over her head
  • Nice throw triple
  • Into the step sequence and I'd like to see her work on her arm and hand positions as everything is very stiff and it disrupts the line
  • Very slow death spiral but I like her free arm position
  • She could use a little more arch in her lift position
  • Nice transition from the camel to the sit spin in their spin sequence but a little off on the unison at the end
  • Ending pose is very smooth which does not go with the build of the music and the dramatic ending
31.37 TES + 22.65 PCS = 54.02 new seasons best and into 2nd place

Mylene Brodeur/John Mattatall, CAN
  • Nice triple twist but she crashes into him on the landing
  • She falls on the side by side triples
  • She falls on the throw triple and I'm not sure she'll get credit for the full rotation as her blade never really came back down on the ice--on the replay it looks like she only got around twice
  • Nice unison on the spins but they were slow and I wasn't crazy about the positions
  • Interesting entrance to the death spiral and a nice stretched out position for her
  • Nice movement in relation to each other on the step sequence
  • Final lift could use more arch from her and a nice flip exit
24.80 TES + 22.67 PCS -2.00 = 45.47 and into 3rd place

Aliona Savchenko/Robin Szolkowy, GER
  • I still don't understand what's supposed to be happening at the beginning of this program
  • Huge throw triple and she really nails the landing
  • Nice triple twist but she crashes into him on the landing
  • She steps out of her side by side triple--on the replay her air position was way off, Kudos to her for hanging on to the landing
  • Nice air positions in the lift and she shows off her flexibility
  • I like her arm positions in the death spiral and they change hands for extra points
  • Nice difficulty in their step sequence but it seems slow and he has a bobble in the middle
  • Nice fast side by side spins with good unison but I'd like to see more stretch from him in the bottom leg of his side by side spin
34.62 TES + 32.03 PCS = 66.65 new seasons best and into 1st place

Top 3
1. Savchenko/Szolkowy
2. Bazarova/Larionov
3. Hausch/Wende

Top TES: Bazarova/Larionov
Top PCS: Savchenko/Szolkowy

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