
Friday, December 31, 2010

Breaking Down the Elements: Ice Dance Grades of Execution

The scale of values for ice dance can be found here:

SD: Lift does not reflect the character of the chosen rhythms: Reduce by 1 grade
Pose awkward or not aesthetically pleasing: Reduce by 1 grade
More than 1/2 turn within (straight line/curve lift) or between curves (serpentine lift): Reduce by 1 grade
Lift does not fit the phrasing of the music: No higher than -1
Increase GOE by 1 grade for each of the following difficult characteristics:
Body lines and pose of both partners beautiful and aesthetically pleasing
Speed maintained or accelerated during the lift
Lift with special attribute for lifting partner
Entry is unexpected and/or creative
Lift reflects character of the chosen rhythm(s) (SD) and/or fits to the phrasing of the music.

Spins and Combination Spins
Not on spot (traveling) in one part of the combination: Reduce by 1 grade
Not on spot (traveling) in both parts of the combination or in the spin: No higher than -1
Pose awkward or not aesthetically pleasing: Reduce by 1 grade
Spin or combination spin does not fit to the phrasing of the music: No higher than -1
Combination Spin: Change of foot not simultaneous: No higher than -1
Combination Spin: Recenters completely (except combo spin with different direction of rotation): No higher than -1
Increase GOE by 1 grade for each of the following difficult characteristics:
Body lines and pose of both partners beautiful and aesthetically pleasing
Speed of rotation maintained or accelerated during the Spin
Entry is unexpected and/or creative
Dance Spin fits to the phrasing of the music

Set of Twizzles
Execution not simultaneous, one twizzle: Reduce by 1 grade
Execution not simultaneous, two or more twizzles: No higher than -1
Execution of turn incorrect, one twizzle: No higher than 0
Execution of turn incorrect, two or more twizzles: No higher than -1
Increase GOE by 1 grade for each of the following difficult characteristics:
Exit with running edge maintained (no immediate step down)
Twizzles reflect the character of the chosen rhythm(s)
Fast rotation of twizzles
Fast movement across the ice

Step Sequences
SD: Step sequence does not reflect the character of the chosen dance: Reduce by 1 grade
Pattern/placement incorrect or incomplete: Reduce by 1 grade
More than two arms lengths between partners (non-touching): Reduce by 1 grade
Inclusion of not permitted element/movement e.g. stop, jump with more than 1/2 rev. (for each): Reduce by 2 grades
Separation to change a hold exceeds one measure of music: Reduce by 1 grade
Skating in hand-in-hand hold in sustained position with fully extended arms (in hold): Reduce by 1 grade
Step sequence is not skated to the rhythm pattern of the music: No higher than -1
Lack of flow (movement across the ice): No higher than -1
Increase GOE by 1 grade for each of the following difficult characteristics:
Reflection of the rhythm pattern (SD and FD) and character of the rhythms (SD)
Skating with good speed and flow

Loss of Balance or Stumble on Required Element
Loss of balance without additional support--1 partner: Reduce by 1 grade
Loss of balance without additional support--both partners: No higher than 0
Stumble (loss of control with additional support by free foot or hand)--1 partner: Not higher than 0
Stumble--both partners: Not higher than -1

Fall on Required Element
Fall by one partner: Not higher than -2
Fall by both partners: Mark as -3
Fall on the entrance and rest not completed: Mark as -3
3/4 of element missing: Mark as -3

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