
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Breaking Down the Elements: Ice Dance Lifts Levels of Difficulty

Definition and Requirements: (must be in accordance with Rule 604, paragraph 16) Dance Lift (definition) – A movement in which one of the partners is elevated with active and or passive assistance of the other partner to any permitted height, sustained there and set down on the ice. Any rotations and positions and changes of such positions during the lift are permitted. Lifts should enhance the music chosen and express its character and should be performed in an elegant manner without obvious feats of strength and awkward and/or undignified actions and poses.
Short Lift - duration of following lifts up to maximum of 6 seconds:
a) Stationary Lift - A lift which is executed “on the spot” (stationary location) by the lifting partner who may or may not be rotating.
b) Straight Line Lift - A lift in which the lifting partner travels in a straight line in any position on one foot or two feet.
c) Curve Lift - A lift in which the lifting partner travels on one curve (lobe) in any position on one foot or two feet.
d) Rotational Lift - A lift in which the lifting partner rotates in one (clockwise or anti-clockwise) direction while traveling across the ice.
Long Lift - duration of following lifts up to maximum of 12 seconds:
e) Reverse Rotational Lift - A lift in which the lifting partner rotates in one direction (clockwise or anti-clockwise) and then in the other direction while traveling across the ice.
f) Serpentine Lift - A lift in which the lifting partner travels on two different curves of approximately similar curvature and duration. The change of direction of the pattern may incorporate a turn of not more than ½ rotation. The pattern must be serpentine shaped (“S”). After the completion of the 2 curves the couple may skate additional curves or rotate but this will not be counted.
g) Combination Lift - A lift combining two of the above “types” of lifts a), b), c) and d). It must have 2 fully established approximately equal parts or will be assessed as a single lift determined by the larger part. A further part may be added to the combo (such as a curve, or rotation) provided it is within the allowable time but will not be counted.
There is a choice for required lifts:
SENIOR: either 2 Short Lifts and 1 Long Lift or 4 Short Lifts.
JUNIOR: either 1 Short Lift and 1 Long Lift or 3 Short Lifts
􀂾 If the option with the Long Lift is used, each Short Lift must be of different type and a chosen type of difficult pose for the lifted partner and a chosen type of difficult position for the lifting partner is permitted in only one Short Lift or in one part of Long Lift. Change of Pose for Lifted partner may be used twice - in two different types of Short Lifts or in one Short Lift and one part of Long Lift or in two parts of Long Lift. Exception: Reverse Rotational Lift Level 4 Option 2, where the one hand lift may be used in both directions.
􀂾 If the option with only Short Lifts is used, only one type of Short Lift may be repeated and a chosen type of difficult pose for the lifted partner and a chosen type of difficult position for the lifting partner is permitted in only one Short Lift. Exception: Change of Pose for Lifted partner may be used in two different types of Short Lifts A chosen type of difficult pose for the lifted partner and a chosen type of difficult position for the lifting partner is permitted in only one Short Lift or in one part of Long Lift. Each repeated difficult pose or position will be called by the Technical Panel as "simple" and it will not be considered for the level. (see exceptions above).
Note: SENIOR: Up to two (2) additional Lifts (up to 6 seconds each) without any requirements for the Level are permitted (provided that they are not illegal), but only the first three performed Lifts (in option with 2 Short and 1Long) or the first four (in option with 4 Short) will be identified and considered in determining the level of difficulty. The additional 2 Lift(s) will be considered by the judges in marking the Choreography. However, if a sixth Lift (in option with 2 Short and 1Long) or seventh (in option with 4 Short) is performed, it will be considered by the Technical Panel as an Extra Element.
JUNIOR: One (1) additional Lift (up to 6 seconds) without any requirements for the Level is permitted (provided that it is not illegal), but only the first two performed Lifts ( in option with 1 Short and 1Long) or the first three (in option with 3 Short) will be identified and considered in determining the level of difficulty. This additional 1 Lift will be considered by the judges in marking the Choreography. However,  if a fourth Lift (in option with 1 Short and 1Long) or fifth (in option with 3 Short) is performed, it will be considered by the Technical Panel as an Extra Element.
Note: Long Lift will have the same value as 2 Short Lifts.
Note: The following movements and/or poses during the lift are not allowed and will be called Illegal:
lifting hand(s) of the lifting partner higher than his head*
– lying or sitting on the partner’s head;
sitting or standing on the partner’s shoulder, back;
lifted partner in upside down split pose (with angle between thighs more than 45 degrees)**.
lifting partner swinging the lifted partner around by holding the skate(s)/boot(s) or leg(s) only and/or by holding the hand(s) with full arm extension by both partners.
*It is NOT considered as an illegal lift if:
the point of contact of the lifting hand/arm of the lifting partner with any part of the body of the lifted partner is not sustained higher than the lifting partner’s head; 
the lifting hand/arm which is used for support or balancing only or which touches any part of the body of the lifted partner is not sustained by the lifting partner higher than his head for more than 2 seconds.
** A brief movement through an upside down split pose (with any angle between thighs) will be permitted if it is not established (sustained) or if it is used only to change of pose.
Note: If the Lift does not fit to the phrasing of the music in the Free Dance, the judges must reduce the GOE and the GOE must be in minus.
Some Examples:
a) Difficult Pose for Lifted partner (must be held for at least 3 seconds):
- spread eagle – outside: same edges (one forward one backward) on the same curve;
- full split - when the legs of the lifted partner are extended in one line with the angle between thighs about 180 degrees and not just a V;
- full “Biellmann” - body upright pulling the boot by the hand behind and the heel of the boot above the level of the head;
- full doughnut/ring- upper body arched back, holding one or both legs close to the head in a full circle (maximum a half a blade length between head and blade);
- upside down combined with difficult hold;
- from a vertical position lady is cantilevered out - lady’s torso extended away from the man and the only one additional point of support are the hands;
- balancing in a horizontal position with only one additional point of support;
- leaning out (forwards or backwards) where the only one additional point of support are the legs;
- full layback with arched pose with no support from the lifting partner above the thigh;
- extending out with the majority of body weight in a horizontal line with the only one additional point of support being shoulders and/ or upper back. The Technical Panel is to be strict on the “horizontal line” in order to consider this as a difficult pose.
Note: full “Biellmann and full doughnut/ring – may NOT be used by the lifted partner as two different difficult variations.
b) Change of Pose: Lifting partner changes hold and Lifted partner changes hold and body pose so that it is a significant change (i.e., a photographer would produce two different photos). A mere change of position of arm(s) and/or legs is not enough to constitute a change of pose. Only changing to the reverse side (mirror) or changing the height of the body is not enough. The change of pose and hold must occur simultaneously. Each pose, preceding and following the change must be clearly defined and the first pose must be attained and clearly shown prior to the change to the second pose.
c) Difficult Position for Lifting Partner(must be held for at least 3 seconds):
- one foot;
- shoot the duck (thigh at least parallel to the ice) with any position of free leg;
- spread eagle – inside: same edges (one forward one backward) on the same curve;

spread eagle – on a straight line (for Straight Line Lift only); same edges (one forward one backward) on the same line;
- Ina Bauer; same or different edge (one forward one backward) on parallel tracing);
- full crouch with two knees bent (thighs at least parallel to the ice) on two feet; except Stationary Lift if not rotating;
- full crouch with one knee bent (thigh at least parallel to the ice) on two feet with one leg extended to side, except Stationary Lift if not rotating;
- full lunge / drag (thigh at least parallel to the ice) with any position of free leg, except Stationary Lift if not rotating;
- one hand lift.
Note: Only 2 different types of spread eagle positions from 3 types mentioned above can be used and if Ina Bauer position (skated on same edges) is also used it must NOT be performed on the same edges as the above mentioned type(s) of spread eagle. Otherwise the position performed on the same (repeated) edges will NOT be considered for the level.
d) Examples of Groups of Creative/Difficulty entry
a) Unexpected entry without any evident preparation.
b) Entry from a difficult position for the lifting partner (see paragraph c) above); the difficult position must be reached before the lifted partner leaves the ice.
c) Entry from a difficult transition by the lifting partner: series of :at least two difficult turns (e.g. Bracket; Choctaw; Counter, Open Mohawk, etc.) before the lift (but not progressives).
d) Significant transitional movement by the lifted partner to reach the desired pose - while establishing the final pose, the lifted partner performs a significant transitional movement. This is not the same as a change of pose, because the transitional movement is not established. It is just used for transition.
Note: A chosen type/variation of Creative/Difficult entry must be different for each lift. The repeated type/variation of Creative/Difficult entry will be ignored by the Technical Panel and it will not be considered for the Level. The types/variations of Difficult Creative entries may be chosen from the different groups a), b), c) and b) mentioned above and/or among the different variations within these groups but in any case the difference must be obvious.

Calling Specifications for Lifts : a Lift is a movement in which one of the partners is elevated with active and/or passive assistance of the other partner to any permitted height, sustained there and set down on the ice. A brief movement in which both skates of one of the partners may leave the ice with support by the other partner and the lifted partner is not sustained in the air is not considered as a Lift. No part of the costume may be used as any support in a Lift. If it happens, the deduction of 1.0 will be applied by the Technical Panel and the lift will block a box but will not count for a value.
These are the following calling specifications for Lifts Level 1:
a) Stationary Lift: While on the spot and lifted partner is held off the ice for at least 3 seconds. If the lifted partner is sustained less than 3 seconds it will be called Stationary Lift NO Level.
b) Straight Line Lift: On an identifiable straight line while traveling and lifted partner is held off the ice for at least 3 seconds. If the lifted partner is sustained less than 3 seconds it will be called Straight Line Lift NO Level.
c) Curve Lift: On an identifiable curve while traveling and lifted partner is held off the ice for at least 3 seconds. If the lifted partner is sustained less than 3 seconds it will be called Curve Lift NO Level.
d) Rotational Lift: Lifted partner is held off the ice for at least 3 rotations and lifting partner moves through at least 3 rotations. If there are less than 3 rotations (and more than 1 rotation) it will be called Rotational Lift NO Level.
e) Reverse Rotational Lift: Lifted partner is held off the ice for at least 2 rotations in each direction and lifting partner moves through at least 4 rotations (with at least 2 rotations in each direction). If there are less than 2 rotations (and more than 1 rotation) in either direction it will be called Reverse Rotational Lift NO Level (if there is less that 1 rotation in the second direction it will be called Rotational Lift + Combo).
f) Serpentine Lift: At least 2 identifiable curves while traveling and lifted partner is held off the ice for at least 3 seconds on each direction. If the lifted partner is sustained less than 3 seconds in each direction, it will be called a Serpentine Lift NO Level. (If there is not a second identifiable curve it will be called a Curve Lift + Combo).
g) Combination Lift: See rules for each part of a) b) c) d) above. Two different lifts from group a), b), c) and d) only must be skated. If one of the parts of the Combination Lift is not identifiable, the performed part of the lift will be called with the Level + Combo.
1. One rotation at the beginning or end of any non-rotational lift is considered part of the entry or exit (e.g. out of Curve lift).
2. For all rotational lifts, the movement through the change of position will be counted if it occurs during rotation, but not on entry or exit, and will not count if rotation stops, change occurs and than rotation continues. Also, the rotations will only be counted if the lift is traveling. If the traveling action is stopped, the additional rotations on the spot will not be counted as part of the rotational lift.
3. For the Combination Lift, because only lift types a), b), c) and d) are permitted:
a) if a couple skate an e) or f) lift as the first part of the Combination Lift, the Reverse Rotational (e) or Serpentine (f) Lift will be identified and called as it was performed and the remaining part of the lift will be ignored and not counted in determining the Level;
b) if a couple skate an e) or an f) lift as the second part of the Combination Lift, that part of the lift will be identified as a Rotational or Curve, and the lift be identified and called as it was performed and the remaining part of the lift will be ignored and not counted in determining the Level;
c) if the choice is Straight Line + Curve, the pattern must be clearly skated, or the lift may be called a Curve or Straight Line, or Serpentine depending on the pattern.
4. If an error occurs in the first or second part of a planned Long Lift (Combination, Reverse Rotational, Serpentine), so that the other part of the Lift does not have the minimum requirements to be called, then the Technical Panel will call the performed part of the lift with the reached level + COMBO (the word “Combo” means an intention to skate one of the types of the Long Lift).  (For example, if an error occurs in the first part of a Serpentine Lift and the basic requirements for the second curve are not fulfilled, this lift will be called CuLi with the performed level + COMBO. If another Curve Lift is performed in the program, it can then be counted for points, because the Curve Lift is not repeated.)
block a box for lifts.  
5. If a program begins with the partner in a lift before the music starts, the duration of the lift will be counted when one of the partners begins to move.
6. If a program concludes with a partner in a lift, the duration of the lift will be calculated until the movement stops completely.
7. A one hand lift “without any means of support” requires that there is no contact other than the lifting partner’s hand/arm and the lifted partner. Contact at the lifting partner’s shoulder and/or any part of his body (except lifting hand/arm) is incorrect.
8. If the change of pose does not meet the requirements, the Level of the lift will be identified according to the requirement to the lift fulfilled.
9. If there a loss of control with additional support (touch down by free leg/foot and/or hand(s)) occurs after the Lift has commenced and the Lift continues after touchdown (without interruption) its Level will be determined according to the requirements fulfilled and reduced by 1 level per touchdown (in Combo Lift only the Level of the Lift that had a touchdown will be reduced by 1 level).
10. If the Lift has commenced and immediately is stopped by fall, stumble or any other reason for interruption and it’s type can not be identified it will be called “Lift -No Level “ and the element will
11. If the Lifting Partner stops continuous rotation during a Rotational Lift (Lifting Partner rotates for while, stops rotation, and then continues to rotate some more), the feature for the Lifted Partner is affected in the following way:
-If the Lifted Partner is in a difficult position when the rotation stops, the Level is reduced by one.
-If the Lifted Partner is executing a change of position when the rotation stops, the feature does not count as difficult.
-If the Lifting Partner stops traveling, the rotations and features do not count from that point on.

Duration of following lifts up to maximum of 6 seconds
Level 1:  A Lift that does not meet level 2, 3 or 4 requirements but meets the Basic Requirement and Calling Specifications for the Lift:  Lifted partner: Is held off the ice for at least 3 seconds

Level 2: OPTION 1: Lifted partner: Sustains a difficult pose (for at least 3 seconds) OR moves through a significant change of pose.
OPTION 2: Lifting partner: Sustains a difficult position (for at least 3 seconds).

Level 3: Lifted partner: Sustains a difficult pose (for at least 3 seconds) OR moves through a significant change of pose AND Lifting partner: Sustains a difficult position (for at least 3 seconds)

Level 4: Lifted and Lifting partners: Requirements for level 3 AND  creative / difficult entry.

Level 1: A Rotational Lift that does not meet level 2, 3 or 4 requirements but meets the Basic Requirement and Calling Specifications for a Rotational Lift.  Lifted partner: Is held off the ice through 3 rotations AND  Lifting partner: moves through at least 3 rotations.

Level 2: OPTION 1: Lifted partner: In a difficult pose through at least 3 rotations OR a significant change of pose during rotations AND Lifting partner: at least 4 rotations
OPTION 2: Lifting partner: One Hand/Arm Lift (without any other means of support) AND at least 2 rotations in one hand hold.

Level 3: OPTION 1: Lifted partner: In a difficult pose through at least 4 rotations OR A significant change of pose during rotations AND Lifting partner: at least 5 rotations
OPTION 2: Lifting partner: One Hand/Arm Lift (without any other means of support) AND at least 3 rotations in one hand hold

Level 4: OPTION 1: Lifted and Lifting partners: Requirements for Level 3 Option 1 AND creative/difficult entry
OPTION 2: Lifted partner: in a difficult pose through at least 5 rotations OR A significant change of pose during rotations  AND Lifting partner: at least 6 rotations.
OPTION 3: Lifting partner: One Hand/Arm Lift (without any other means of support) AND at least 3 rotations in one hand hold (One hand only must be used to lift, hold and set down the partner )

Duration of this type of lift up to maximum of 12 seconds
Level 1:
A Reverse Rotational Lift that does not meet level 2, 3 or 4 requirements but meets the Basic Requirement and Calling Specifications for a ReverseLifted partner: Is held off the ice through 4 rotations AND Lifting partner:  moves through at least 4 rotations (with at least 2 rotations in each direction)

Level 2: OPTION 1: Lifted partner: for at least 2 rotations during one direction OR one significant change of pose during the rotation in one direction AND Lifting partner: moves through at least 5 rotations (with at least 2 rotations in either direction) Rotational Lift. 
OPTION 2: Lifting partner: One Hand/Arm Lift in one of the directions for at least 2 rotations (without any other means of support) except during change of direction AND moves through at least 4 rotations (with at least 2 rotations in each direction)

Level 3: OPTION 1: Lifted partner: in a difficult pose for at least 3 rotations during both directions OR in a difficult pose for at least 3 rotations during one direction AND one significant change of pose during the rotation in the other direction  AND  Lifting partner: moves through at least 6 rotations (with at least 3 rotations in each direction)
OPTION 2: Lifting partner: One Hand/Arm Lift in both directions for at least 2 otations in each direction (without any other means of support except during change of direction) AND moves through at least 5 rotations (with at least 2 rotations in either direction)
OPTION 3: Lifting partner: One hand/arm lift during one direction for at least 3 rotations AND Lifted partner: In a difficult pose during the other direction for at least 3 rotations OR one significant change of pose during the rotation in the other direction AND moves through at least 3 rotations in each direction

Level 4: OPTION 1: Lifted and Lifting partners: Requirements for Level 3 Option 1 or Option 3 AND creative/difficult entry
OPTION 2: Lifting partner: One Hand/Arm Lift in both directions for at least 2 rotations in each direction (without any other means of support except during change of direction) AND moves through at least 5 rotations (with at least 2 rotations in either direction AND One hand only must be used to lift, hold and set down the partner
OPTION 3: Lifted partner: significant change of pose during the rotation in both directions AND Lifting partner: moves through at least 6 rotations (with at least 3 rotations in each direction

Duration of this type of lifts up to maximum of 12 seconds
Level 1:
A Serpentine Lift that does not meet level 2, 3 or 4 but meets the basic requirement and calling specifications of Serpentine Lift. (Must have two similar curves with no more than ½ rotation between curves) Lifted partner: Is held off the ice for at least 3 seconds for both curves.

Level 2: OPTION 1: Lifted partner: Sustains a different difficult pose for 3 seconds on both curves OR significant change of pose during both curves OR a combination of the above (one change of pose on 1 curve and difficult pose on other for 3 seconds)
OPTION 2: Lifted partner: Sustains a difficult pose for 3 second on one curve OR significant change of pose during one curve AND Lifting partner: Sustains a different difficult position for 3 seconds on one curve. 
OPTION 3: Lifting partner: Sustains a different difficult position for 3 seconds on both curves.

Level 3: Lifted partner: Sustains a different difficult pose for 3 seconds on both curves OR significant change of pose during both curves OR a combination of the above (one change of pose on 1 curve and difficult pose on other for 3 seconds) AND Lifting partner: Sustains a different difficult position for 3 seconds on both curves

Level 4: Lifted and Lifting partners: Requirements for level 3 AND creative /difficult entry

Duration of this type of lifts up to maximum of 12 seconds

For level requirements please refer to paragraphs a), b), c) and d). If both parts of the Combination Lift are executed with requirements for Level 3 and a creative/difficult entry is used for the first part of the Lift - it counts for both its parts and increases the Level to 4.  If only the 2nd part of the Combination Lift is executed with the requirements for Level 3 and a Creative/Difficult entry is used in the first part of the Combination Lift the second part of this Combination Lift is still upgraded to Level 4.

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