
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Breaking Down the Elements: Novice Ladies Short Program

The novice ladies short program consists of 6 elements that must be performed in 2:30 maximum time.

1. Axel or double axel
2. Double or triple jump immediately preceded by connecting steps or other free skating movements.  May not repeat double axel.
3. Jump combination, double/double or double/triple, may not repeat either Axel jump performed or solo jump
5. Layback or sideways leaning spin, no change of foot, may not have flying entry, minimum 6 revolutions
6. Spin combination, with only 1 change of foot and minimum of 1 change of position.  2 revolutions required for position to count.  No flying entry, minimum 5 revolutions each foot
7. Spiral sequence, minimum 2 spiral positions for 3 seconds each or 1 spiral position for 6 seconds for a fixed base value.

The main differences between the novice and junior level is that the novice program is 20 seconds shorter, they can execute a single axel, the double or triple jump is of their choice, they cannot execute a triple/triple combination, they have one less spin requirement and the spin requires less revolutions, there is one less required position in the combination spin and one less revolution per foot, and they must perform a choreographic spiral sequence instead of a step sequence.

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