
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Breaking Down the Elements: Pattern Dance Element Levels and GOE (Jr and Sr Dance)

Calling specifications for Pattern Dance Element:
Basic Requirement for calling a Sequence of the Pattern Dance Element Level 1 (sequence or section) is that at least 50% of the prescribed steps must be completed by both partners and at least the requirements for Level 1 are fulfilled (1 Key Point in the sequence or section is executed correctly).  If no Key Point is executed correctly, the section/sequence gets NO LEVEL.
--Each sequence/section is called as a separate element
--The level is called after conclusion of each sequence/section by the TS based on the sum of correctly executed Key Points
--If all Key Points are performed correctly the sequence/section gets Level 4
--The level for the sequence/section is downgraded by one level for each Key Point performed incorrectly

Junior: The following features for each Key Point are to be taken into consideration by the Technical Panel to establish the level of each sequence of the Viennese Waltz.
1st Sequence (VWSeq1)
  • Man's Steps 9-10--Man's Closed Choctaw
    • Entry on Clean LFI edge
    • Correct placement of free foot (toe of free foot placed on the ice behind the heel of the skating foot)
    • correct turn
    • exit on clean RBO edge
  • Lady's steps 10-11--Lady's Open Mohawk
    • entry on clean LFO edge
    • correct placement of free foot (heel of free foot placed on the ice at the inner side of the skating foot)
    • correct turn
    • exit on clean RBO edge
  • Man and Lady's Steps 19-20
    • correct Cross-Roll
    • correct cross behind/cross in front
    • correct change of edge
  • Man and Lady's Steps 23-24
    • Lady--correct CR FRO and 3 turn; Man--correct CR LBO
    • correct outside Sw for both
2nd Sequence: (VWSeq2)
  • Man and Lady's Steps 4-5
    • correct cross-roll
    • correct cross behind/cross in front
    • correct change of edge
  • Man's Steps 9-10--Man's Closed Choctaw
    • Entry on Clean LFI edge
    • Correct placement of free foot (toe of free foot placed on the ice behind the heel of the skating foot)
    • correct turn
    • exit on clean RBO edge
  • Lady's steps 10-11--Lady's Open Mohawk
    • entry on clean LFO edge
    • correct placement of free foot (heel of free foot placed on the ice at the inner side of the skating foot)
    • correct turn
    • exit on clean RBO edge
  • Man and Lady's Steps 23-24
    • Lady--correct CR FRO and 3 turn; Man--correct CR LBO
    • correct outside Sw for both
Senior: The following features will be taken into consideration by the Technical Panel to establish the level of each section of the Golden Waltz
Section 1: (GWSe1)
  • Man and Lady's Steps 1-4 (Walk Around 3 Turn)
    • correct placement of the feet (between the feet of the partner)
    • correct turns
  • Man's Step 15a-15b (xb-LFI-opMo)
    • entry on clean LFI edge
    • correct placement of free foot (heel of free foot placed on ice at the inner side of the skating foot)
    • correct turn
    • exit on clean RBI edge
  • Lady's Step 15 (xb-LFI-Br)
    • entry on clean LFI edge
    • correct turn
    • exit on LBO edge
  • Lady's Step 21 (Shoot the Duck and side by side Three Turn LFI)
    • thigh of the skating leg at least parallel to the ice and the free leg straight and extended forward parallel to the ice
    • correct turn ending with front coupees
Section 2: (GWSe2)
  • Man's Steps 26a-26c (RBO 3-Turn, Pivot, RFI-LBI SprE)
    • correct pivot position (toe picks of the left foot touches the ice)
    • correct full inside spread eagle position
  • Lady's Step 30b (Twizzles and layback position)
    • correct back outside twizzle of full two rotations
    • layback position--free leg stretched in front in line with upper body
    • layback position--body less than 45 degrees above horizontal line
    • layback position--position must be maintained through the entrance, turn and exit of the RBO3
  • Man's and Lady's Steps 34-35 (RFI SwOpCho-LBO)
    • entry on clean RFI edge
    • correct placement of free foot (heel of free foot placed on ice at the inner side of the skating foot)
    • correct turn
    • exit on correct LBO edge
  • Man and Lady's Steps 39-40 (XB-LFI OpCho-RBO)
    • entry on clean LFI edge
    • correct placement of free foot (heel of free foot placed on ice at the inner side of the skating foot)
    • correct turn
    • exit on correct RBO edge
Marking Guide for GOE for Sequence/Sections of Pattern Dance Element
Quality/correctness of edges for the whole of sequence/section
  • 40% or less clean steps/turns with many errors: -3
  • 50% clean steps/turns with 2 major errors: -2
  • 60% clean steps/turns with 1 major error: -1
  • 75% clean steps/turns with no major errors: 0
  • 80% clean steps/turns with no major errors: +1
  • 90% clean steps/turns with no major errors: +2
  • 100% clean steps/turns: +3
Depth of edges
  • very flat: -3
  • generally flat: -2
  • some flats: -1
  • shallow: 0
  • good curves: +1
  • deep: +2
  • very deep: +3
Correct holds
  • 40%: -3
  • 50%: -2
  • 60%: -1
  • 75%: 0
  • 80%: +1
  • 90%: +2
  • 100%: +3
Correct pattern (correct tracking and restart and its repetition if more than one sequence is required)
  • 40%: -3
  • 50%: -2
  • 60%: -1
  • 75%: 0
  • 80%: +1
  • 90%: +2
  • 100%: +3
Correct timing (holding edges/steps for required number of beats)
  • 40%: -3
  • 50%: -2
  • 60%: -1
  • 75%: 0
  • 80%: +1
  • 90%: +2
  • 100%: +3
Other Adjustments
Loss of balance without additional support by one partner: reduce sequence/section by 1 grade
Loss of balance without additional support by both partners: no higher than 0
Stumble (loss of balance with additional support by hand and/or free foot) by one partner: not higher than 0
Stumble by both partners: not higher than -1
Fall by one partner: not higher than -2
Fall by both partners: mark as -3
Sequence/section missed through interruption, up to 1/4: not higher than -1
Sequence/section missed through interruption, up to 1/2: not higher than -2
Sequence/section missed through interruption, more than 1/2: mark as -3

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