
Sunday, January 23, 2011

US Nationals: Junior Mens Short Program

  1. Alexander Aiken: 33.39 TES + 28.39 PCS = 61.78
    1. He executed a Triple Lutz + Triple Toe, Triple Loop, Level 4 Sit Spin, Level 3 Step Sequence, Level 2 Camel Spin, Double Axel and Level 4 Combination Spin with all positive GOEs.
  2. Harrison Choate: 25.63 TES + 25.06 PCS -1.00 = 49.69
    1. He executed a Triple Lutz, Triple Loop, Level 2 Camel Spin, Double Axel, Level 4 Combination Spin, Level 3 Step Sequence and Level 4 Sit Spin with only two negative GOEs and one fall.
  3. Will Michael: 23.73 TES + 22.54 PCS -2.00 = 44.27
    1. He exeucuted a triple axel (under-rotated), Triple Lutz + Double Toe, Triple Loop, Level 2 Camel Spin, Level 2 Step Sequence, Level 3 Sit Spin and Level 3 Combination Spin with two positive GOEs and two falls.
  4. Emmanuel Savary: 29.96 TES + 24.61 PCS -1.00 = 53.57
    1. He executed a Double Axel, Triple Flip + Triple Toe, Level 3 Camel Spin, Triple Loop, Level 3 Step Sequence, Level 4 Sit Spin, and Level 4 Combination Spin with only two negative GOEs and one fall.
  5. TJ Yang: 23.44 TES + 24.39 PCS = 47.83
    1. He executed a Double Axel, Triple Lutz + Double Toe, Single Loop, Level 3 Camel Spin, Level 4 Sit Spin, Level 2 Step Sequence and Level 4 Combination Spin with only two negative GOEs.
  6. Steven Evans: 32.70 TES + 28.96 PCS = 61.66
    1. He executed a Triple Lutz + Triple Toe, Triple Loop, Level 4 Combination Spin, Double Axel, Level 2 Camel Spin, Level 4 Sit Spin and Level 3 Step Sequence with only one negative GOE.
  7. Shotaro Omori: 28.20 TES + 23.99 PCS = 52.19
    1. He executed a Triple Flip + Double Toe, Triple Loop, Double Axel, Level 4 Sit Spin, Level 2 Step Sequence, Level 3 Camel Spin and Level 4 Combination Spin with only two negative GOEs.
  8. Alexander Zahradnicek: 34.10 TES + 29.71 PCS = 63.81
    1. He executed a Triple Flip + Triple Toe, Triple Loop, Double Axel, Level 3 Camel Spin, Level 2 Step Sequence, Level 4 Sit Spin and Level 4 Combination Spin with all positive GOEs.
  9. Max Aaron: 34.91 TES + 28.04 PCS = 62.95 and into 2nd place
    1. He is 18 years old and is skating to El Tango de Roxanne
    2. Forward and hands down on his triple axel attempt
    3. Nice height and speed through the rotations of his triple triple combination
    4. Good speed and position through his camel spin
    5. Nice solo triple well timed with the music
    6. I like this step sequence and it goes well with the music but I'd like to see a little more attack from him
    7. Fast sit spin but I'd like to see a little lower position
    8. Fast camel into a nice low sit spin, he could use more stretch through his bottom leg in upright spin but great speed
    9. Finished slightly after the music
  10. Ryan Hartley: 23.57 TES + 20.79 PCS = 44.36 and into 9th place
    1. He is 17 years old and skating to James Bond Theme
    2. Great height on the first jump in his triple double combo
    3. Odd air position on his double axel but he lands it
    4. He turns out of his solo triple jump
    5. He could be more stretched out through his camel positions
    6. He is traveling in his sit spin positions but they are low and he has lost all speed at the end
    7. Camel spin into sit spin into triangle position with almost no speed
    8. I'd like to see a lot more use of his upper body in this step sequence and really see him get into his edges and knees and make the whole thing bigger
  11. Timothy Koleto: 26.05 TES + 24.92 PCS -1.00  = 49.97 and into 7th place
    1. He is 19 years old and skating to Cotton Club
    2. Forward on the landing of his triple jump but manages to tack on the double for the combo
    3. Nice solo triple jump
    4. I like the easy laid back feel to his skate
    5. Gorgeous camel position into a nice triangle position and a low sit spin with good speed throughout
    6. Fall on his double axel
    7. This is a nice step sequence that goes well with the music and he really plays to the character and the judges
    8. Great speed in his spins
    9. I like his extension through his sit spin positions
    10. Very enjoyable program and solid except for the one fall
  12. Philip Warren: 24.55 TES + 26.10 PCS -1.00  = 49.65 and into 9th place
    1. He is 17 years old and skating to Fur Elise
    2. Im not sure I understand his costume with this music
    3. Really off in the air on his opening triple and he falls
    4. Solid solo triple but he'll lose points for having no combination
    5. He's really traveling on his combination spin and I'd like to see him have more extension through his legs
    6. Great height and arm position on his double axel with a solid landing
    7. I like his foot position in his camel spin--it really elongates his leg line
    8. He seems to really be enjoying his step sequence but I'd like to see him get deeper in his knees and make the moves bigger
    9. Really off center on this final combination spin
  13. David Wang: 28.88 TES + 24.46 PCS = 53.34 and into 6th place
    1. He is 16 years old and skating to Summer
    2. I don't think I would have chosen ice blue for my costume if I was skating to Summer
    3. Nice opening triple double combination
    4. Good solo triple with a good arm accent with the music
    5. He could work on stretch through his camel spin position but he has a nice donut position
    6. Solid double axel, perhaps a tiny bit forward on the landing
    7. He could extend his bottom leg more in the upright spin and keep the speed up through this combination spin
    8. Good speed and nice low sit spin positions
    9. I'd like a little more variety and more upper body use in his step sequence and I think he can push through these moves more and really cover the ice
Top 5:
  1. Alexander Zahradnicek: 63.81
  2. Max Aaron: 62.95
  3. Alexander Aiken: 61.78
  4. Steven Evans: 61.66
  5. Emmanuel Savary: 53.57

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