
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

US Nationals: Junior Short Dance

  1. Gamelin/Gamelin: 24.78 TES + 19.17 PCS = 43.95
    1. They are twins and 17 years old skating to Keep Holding On
    2. they are very off on the unison in their twizzles and he puts his foot down.  They look very unstable
    3. The pink in the under layer of her green skirt is really pretty
    4. They have nice lines and holds in the Viennese Waltz and its very smooth overall
    5. Nice rotational lift
    6. Awkward music change into the second section
    7. Nice step sequence with good unison
  2. Cannuscio/McManus: 18.22 TES + 22.31 PCS = 40.53 and into 2nd place
    1. I like how much she gets into the program right from the beginning
    2. Good twizzles and a nice head roll accent at the end of the first set
    3. The VW really fits into their music and they have nice lines and arms and good speed and flow across the ice
    4. Rotational lift was ok--I'm not crazy about her position
    5. Awkward music change
    6. Lots of personality in this step sequence, good unsion, very unique
    7. A very cool lift at the end of the program where he spins her up and down
  3. Buckner/Taylor: 24.85 TES + 14.66 PCS = 39.51 and into 3rd place
    1. I didn't get a chance to see their program.
  4. Aldridge/Eaton: 29.14 TES + 22.77 PCS = 51.91 and into 1st place
    1. very elegant
    2. nice twizzles
    3. nice flow in the VW and nice positions but she had a little slip on one of the edges
    4. I'd like to see more of an arch in her back in the rotational lift
    5. Very nice step sequence
    6. A very enjoyable program from them
  5. Bonacorsi/Mager: 28.23 TES + 24.16 PCS = 52.39 and into 1st place
    1. They are 18 and 20
    2. I'd like to see a lot more fluidity through her arms
    3. The all white costumes on both and the white ice makes it hard to really see some of their movements
    4. They have a nice VW
    5. good twizzles but they drifted apart in the second and third sets
    6. Interesting and difficult one armed rotational lift
    7. There were a few bobbles in the step sequence and it didn't look effortless
  6. Dzierzanowski/Dispenza: 11.72 TES + 13.64 PCS = 25.36 and into 6th place
    1. I didn't see their program but they skated to I'll Be
  7. Heritage/Fast: 26.35 TES + 17.91 PCS = 44.26 and into 3rd
    1. I missed their program.
  8. Lichtman/Copely: 31.15 TES + 24.08 PCS = 55.23 and into 1st place
    1. They are 17 and 21
    2. They have nice fast twizzles but a little loss of unison
    3. She needs more stretch through her free leg
    4. Nice suspension of lines through the VW and nice use of their upper bodies to accent the movement
    5. Nice performance quality
    6. Bobble from her on the step sequence but very nice and smooth otherwise
    7. Nice lift in the haircutter position for her
    8. This is their last year of international junior eligibility--they'll be one of five Zoueva-Shpilband US teams at the senior level next year
  9. McNamara/Carpenter: 20.72 TES + 19.08 PCS = 39.80 and into 7th place
    1. From what I saw of their program they look very young.  Some of their moves do not look as advanced as the rest of the field: not deep into their knees, really finishing through all the movements, etc. but they had a very nice program and have a lot of potential.
    2. I'm not sure I understand their program with the 40's dress and military uniform but tango music and moves
  10. NOTE: Cannuscio/McManus scores have been adjusted. They now have 52.25 and are in 3rd
  11. Wojton/Soyfer: 20.93 TES + 15.92 PCS = 36.85 and into 9th place
    1. off unison on their twizzles and he stumbles
    2. Nice lines and carriage
    3. It's interesting to have the girl taller than the man--Im interested to see how this works in the lifts of their free dance
    4. It's also nice to see a man who projects more emotionally than the girl in the program but I'd like to see a little more connection between them
    5. They need to really get down into their knees and edges and this will make their program flow better and they won't have so many bobbles here and there
  12. Yang/Baker: 32.72 TES + 23.37 PCS = 56.09 and into 1st place
    1. Very nice deep knees and good flow in their step sequence
    2. Nice secure twizzles with good arm positions
    3.  like that they incorporate arms that fit their theme into the context of the VW but I'd like to see a bit more fluidity in her arms
    4. I'd like to see a little more arch in her back in the one arm lift but it was well done
    5. Very enjoyable program and nice technique--at 15 and 17 they definitely can have a bright future in this discipline
  13. Olson/Cowan: 26.58 TES + 21.62 PCS = 48.20 and into 6th place
    1. This team is so elegant and her costume is gorgeous
    2. This team has such a nice connection to each other and to their program
    3. Their lift was very good with interesting position changes
    4. Their VW just glides across the ice and they hit some really nice lines
    5. Difficult twizzles, very fast and good unison
    6. Great step sequence and great closing lift
    7. I fell in love with this team and this program.  They were great!
  14. Glastris/Allison: 22.22 TES + 14.99 PCS = 36.21 and into 12th place
    1. I'm not sure her cabaret esque costume matches their music
    2. She has really nice presence on the ice and nice details in her hands and arms
    3. Some of their movements look a little too placed and I wish they'd flow a little more
    4. Awkward music change
    5. Really nice flip into a lift with her in a nice arch and he skates backward on one foot
    6. She bobbles on footwork and it seems slow for this music
    7. Second set of twizzles was very slow
    8. At 15 and 22 this team could have a hard time developing as they are not eligible for any junior level international competitions due to his age.

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