
Thursday, January 27, 2011

US Nationals: Senior Ladies Short Program

  1. Kelsey Traunero
  2. Felicia Zhang
  3. Alissa Czisny
  4. Christina Gao
  5. Kristiene Gong
  6. Alexe Gilles
  7. Agnes Zawadzki
  8. Caroline Zhang
  9. Ellie Kawamura
  10. Mirai Nagasu
  11. Katy Jo West
  12. Raina Narita: 15.77 TES + 17.98 PCS = 33.75 and into 12th place
    1. She is 16 and skating to Papa Can You Hear Me
    2. She pops open her opening triple toe
    3. A fall on her triple lutz
    4. I'd like to see her back a little higher in her camel spin but she has a nice sit spin position
    5. A nice spiral and footwork into her double axel which she pops into a single and two foots
    6. A decent stepwork sequence but a lot of reaching forward
    7. Slow in her sit spin but a nice low position
    8. Nice haircutter position in her layback spin
  13. Tatyana Khazova: 10.70 TES + 16.88 PCS -1.00 = 26.58 and into 13th place
    1. She is 20 years old and skating to We Are From Jazz
    2. She has a bad back injury that she is dealing with
    3. A fall on her opening triple loop
    4. She pops her double axel into a single
    5. Double lutz double toe combination with no sped on the landing
    6. This is a really cute step sequence but I'd like to see a little more speed and power across the ice from her
    7. She has some nice positions in her camel spin
    8. A good layback spin but she really looks like she's in pain afterward
    9. Really slow combination spin
  14. Morgan Bell: 24.95 TES + 24.78 PCS = 49.73 and into 5th place 
    1. She is skating to Assassin's Tango
    2. She is skating with a lot of passion here at the beginning of her program which is great to see in a tango
    3. Spread eagle into a very nice double axel
    4. Triple toe double toe combination was very nicely done
    5. Triple salchow was a little tight and not as well done as the other
    6. Nice layback spin with a very nice biellman
    7. Good low sit spin position
    8. Nice camel position, a lot of trouble centering her spin on the change of foot into the layback portion
    9. A lot of passion and energy in this step sequence and a great musical change to make this a highlight of the performance
  15. Kristine Musademba: 24.59 TES + 23.35 PCS -1.00 = 46.94 and into 8th place
    1. A nice opening triple loop
    2. A fall on her triple flip and she'll be penalized for having no combination
    3. A very pretty double axel
    4. A nice sit spin position but she loses her centering in the change of position
    5. I don't like when ladies drop their position and hike their butt in the air to get into the donut position in the camel spin
    6. A really prety step sequence and she is very expressive with her face and arms through the movement
    7. Nice positions in the layback position but some centering issues
  16. Keli Zhou: 21.30 TES + 20.08 PCS = 41.38 and into 12th place
    1. She is 17 years old and skating to Scene d'Amour
    2. Really off in the air on her triple loop and she doubles it and two foots the landing
    3. Nice triple salchow double toe recovery but a little bit of a fight for the landing
    4. The sit spin nearly slows to a stop
    5. Into her step sequence--its nice but there's nothing that really draws you in, I'd like to see more performance from her
    6. Nice camel spin into a really pretty sit spin positions and a nice upright spin with a catch front leg
    7. A nice double axel near the end of her program
    8. I'd like to see a better arm position on the layback spin but a nice haircutter and Biellman position
  17. Vanessa Lam: 31.73 TES + 25.88 PCS = 57.61 and into 5th place
    1. She is 15 years old and skating to Con Te Partiro
    2. Nice spread eagle into her double axel
    3. Triple lutz + double loop combination nicely done with good speed
    4. Good solo triple flip
    5. Very nice layback position into a nice Biellman that picks up speed
    6. A nice spiral position in some transition footwork
    7. A nice entry into her combination spin with great positions and great speed--her camel spin is especially pretty; she spins so fast!
    8. A nice step sequence, but I'd like to see just a bit more power from her
    9. Final spin sequence with a nice sit spin with good speed
  18. Joelle Forte: 26.34 TES + 20.69 PCS = 47.03 and into 9th place
    1. She is 24 years old and skating to Cirque de Soleil
    2. She opens with a triple lutz double toe combination
    3. A nice triple salchow
    4. I like her layback position and she has an interesting variation
    5. A nice step sequence but it doesn't fully cover the ice
    6. A nice double axel, the entrance looked slow but the jump was very nice with good height
    7. A little slow at the end of her sit spin
    8. A nie spiral into her final combination spin with really nice positions and she picks up speed in her upright catch leg spin
  19. Ashley Wagner: 27.27 TES + 27.36 PCS = 54.63 and into 6th place
    1. She is 19 years old and skating to Once Upon a Time in America
    2. A very nice spiral into her opening triple flip and she turns out of it
    3. Triple lutz double toe with a two footed landing on the triple lutz
    4. Great position in her sit spin with nice speed
    5. Nice power through her step sequence and very expressive through her face and upper body
    6. A nice camel spin position with nice layback and sit positions in this combination spin
    7. A little tight on the landing of her double axel but she hangs on to it
    8. Very nice layback spin with good haircutter and biellman positions and nice speed
  20. Yasmin Siraj: 26.63 TES + 24.28 PCS -1.00 = 49.91 and into 7th place 
    1. At 14 she's the youngest lady competing at the senior level
    2. Triple + double toe--a little tight on the first landing but she hangs on
    3. A fall on her triple flip
    4. She has a lot of personality and spunk on the ice
    5. Nice positions in her combination spin
    6. A nice double axel with a nice flow out of the element
    7. Really pretty layback positions but she loses speed in her Biellman
    8. All smiles in this step sequence; I think she could get into her knees a little bit more and not be so bouncy through these edge changes
    9. Nice speed through her donut position but I'd like to see a little more stretch through the catch foot
  21. Rachael Flatt: 31.55 TES + 30.77 PCS = 62.32 and into 3rd place
    1. I'm not really crazy about this yellow long sleeve dress on her
    2. She is debuting a new short program
    3. Triple flip + double toe--she must not think she needs the triple triple here
    4. Nice triple lutz
    5. Good camel positions and a lot of improvement in the catch foot variation with a lot more flexibility
    6. I'd like to see a different arm position for her on her layback spin
    7. Really nice double axel with good speed
    8. A nice Ina Bauer on a nice crescendo in the music
    9. So much expression and passion from her in this step sequence but at points it almost starts to look slightly wild, but she's put the most into her footwork out of anyone I've seen so far
    10. Really nice closing spin combination and the crowd is on their feet, one of the best programs I've seen from her and nice choreography from Lori Nichols
  22. Danielle Kahle: 25.13 TES + 20.74 PCS = 45.87 and into 14th place
    1. She is 21 years old and skating to Kill Bill
    2. A nice opening triple flip
    3. Triple loop double toe with good landings on both
    4. A nice spiral into her double axel and she stepped out of it
    5. Nice position in her layback spin but not very difficult variations
    6. Nice variations in her camel spin and good speed
    7. I'd like to see more performance from her in this footwork
    8. She has nice spins but her positions are all relatively simple compared to what the other ladies are doing
  23. Melissa Bulanhagui: 23.77 TES + 21.59 PCS = 45.36 and into 15th place
    1. She steps out of the triple flip but tacks on her double toe
    2. An interesting variation in her layback spin with her arms hooked behind her back; she could use more stretch and speed through her layback position
    3. A really nice triple lutz with good flow out of the jump
    4. Nice speed through her sit spin but only one slight change of position
    5. She looks a little wild in some of these positions in her combination spin and she could use more stretch through the last two positions
    6. I'd like to see more passion from her in this step sequence, especially since it's a tango and I'd like to see her deeper in her knees
    7. A nice double axel right at the end of the program

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