
Sunday, January 30, 2011

US Nationals: Senior Mens Free Skate

  1. Scott Dyer: 61.65 TES + 59.72 PCS = 121.37 Total: 177.15 
  2. Lloyd Ting: 51.78 TES + 45.64 PCS -1.00 = 96.42 Total: 140.92 and into 2nd place
    1. He is skating to Madness and is currently in 22nd place
    2. Triple Lutz + Double toe to open his program
    3. Fall on a double axel
    4. I'd like to see better sit positions in this combination spin
    5. Nice triple flip
    6. Triple salchow but he had to hold on to the landing
    7. Really nice low sit spin position but I'd like to see him really stretch through his free leg
    8. Triple flip + double toe
    9. Some nice edges in his step work sequence but I'd like to see a lot more upper body involvement
    10. Nice triple flip
    11. Turn out of his second double axel but he doesn't put his free leg down
    12. I'd like to see more performance and connection with the audience in this choreographic step sequence
    13. Good final sit spin
  3. Sean Rabbitt: 51.93 TES + 52.36 PCS = 104.29 Total: 155.71 and into 2nd place
    1. He is skating to Long de Chuan Ren and is currently in 21st place
    2. Triple lutz + single toe
    3. Triple salchow + triple toe and he holds on to the landing of the second jump
    4. Double flip
    5. Interesting camel spin into sit spin variation and a nice low sit spin
    6. Triple loop
    7. Nice triple
    8. His sit spin is so low which is so difficult at his height and he really stretches through his legs and gets into a really nice position
    9. I'd like to see him put more performance through his step sequence and a lot more power behind the steps
    10. Double axel + double toe + double toe was nicely done
    11. Triple salchow with a nice flow out of the jump
    12. Double axel was a little tight on the landing
    13. Good final combination spin
  4. Parker Pennington: 51.99 TES + 58.20 PCS -1.00 = 109.19 Total: 164.68 and into 2nd place
    1. He is skating to Freedom and is currently in 19th place
    2. This is a self choreographed program
    3. He opens with hands down on his triple axel
    4. Nice comeback with a double axel + triple toe combination
    5. Triple loop but a little tight on the landing
    6. Nice camel spin position and good speed and he has a nice catchfoot position
    7. Triple flip but he hangs on to the landing
    8. A very nice smooth step sequence
    9. Good triple salchow out of a nice spread eagle
    10. Triple lutz + double toe + double toe with a tano arm
    11. Nice musicality in his choreographic step sequence but a few ice sprays in some places
    12.  A little wild on the landing of his triple lutz but he hangs on
    13. Really tight and forward on the landing of his triple flip
    14. A nice low sit spin position for him
    15. Good speed through his combination spin and he has some nice positions
  5. Andrew Gonzales: 52.05 TES + 57.06 PCS - 1.00 = 108.1 Total: 162.52 and into 3rd place 
    1. He is skating to Music from 1492 and is currently in 20th place
    2. A fall on his opening triple flip
    3. Great height and landing on his double axel
    4. Triple loop + double toe
    5. A really nice camel position and catch foot position
    6. A very nice flowy quality to his step sequence and good use of his upper body
    7. Nice low sit spin position with great speed
    8. Triple lutz + double toe + double loop nicely done
    9. Triple flip + double toe
    10. Misses his toe pick on his triple lutz, not quite sure it will count as a single or not
    11. A nice choreographic step sequence
    12. Nice triple salchow
    13. Great speed and a super low sit position in his final combination spin
  6. Wesley Campbell: 57.84 TES + 60.50 PCS -1.00 = 117.34 Total: 176.69 and into 2nd place 
    1. He is skating to Man on a Wire and is currently in 14th place
    2. Such an effortless entry into his double axel and a great landing
    3. Triple lutz + double loop
    4. A fall on his triple axel
    5. A really nice camel position into a good catch foot position with nice speed
    6. Triple flip + triple toe combination
    7. A nice triple salchow with good flow out of the jump
    8. He really gets into the ice and glides across the surface
    9. A nice flow into this step seqeunce but I don't see a ton of difficulty here; he does have a nice one foot sequence at the end
    10. A nice sit spin position but he has a slightly awkward arm position and I'd like to see him work on the placement of his hands
    11. Double loop + double toe + double loop
    12. A nice choreographic step sequence and he has a nice pleasant look on his face
    13. A nice double axel
    14. Double flip
    15. A nice upright spin but a loss of centering into his sit spin position
  7. Christopher Caluza: 50.58 TES + 49.86 PCS -2.00 = 98.44 Total: 157.72 and into 5th place  
    1. He is skating to Warsaw Concerto and is currently in 15th place
    2. A fall on his opening triple lutz
    3. Triple toe a little sideways on the landing but he hangs on
    4. Hand down on his double axel
    5. A good sit spin position
    6. I'd like more performance and variety in his upper body usage in the step sequence
    7. A big lead into his triple salchow but he landed it nicely
    8. Triple loop + double toe + double loop with Rippon arms
    9. Triple flip
    10. Triple lutz + double toe with a tight landing
    11. Double axel + double toe--all the combinations occured after the halfway point
    12. He falls on the entrance to his combination spin; nice positions but it's unclear whether he started the spin before the fall and will receive no credit
    13. I'd like to see more power and emotion in his choreographic step sequence--he puts his unique ariel in the program again
  8. Alexander Johnson: 48.70 TES + 59.50 PCS = 108.20 Total: 165.50 and into 3rd place 
    1. Nice triple axel double toe to open his program
    2. Double axel--looks like he didn't have a tight enough rotation and opened up
    3. Good sit spin positions but a little slow
    4. A nice triple lutz
    5. Double loop
    6. A good camel spin position but very slow, he could work on more flexibility through his catch foot position
    7. Double flip and he turns out of it
    8. I'd like to see him deeper in knees and have more power behind his step sequence
    9. Tight landings on his triple lutz + double toe + double loop
    10. Single salchow--looks like he's starting to run out of steam here
    11. Better speed and power through his choreographic step sequence
    12. Double toe + double toe + double loop--this is an illegal combination (only one three jump combination is allowed) so he'll receive no credit for any of the jumps
  9. Joshua Farris: 43.24 TES + 50.58 PCS -3.00 = 90.82 Total: 151.73 and into 8th place 
    1. He is skating to Porgy and Bess and is currently in 13th place
    2. A fall on his opening triple axel
    3. He hangs onto the landing of his triple loop
    4. A fall on his second triple axel--he is still skating juniors internationally and the big jump to the senior level is landing the triple axels and many men struggle with this element when they first make the transition
    5. Nice triple lutz + double toe but a little forward on the landing
    6. There is no power or speed in this step sequence
    7. Forward on the landing of his double axel and he puts both his hands down
    8. A nice low sit spin position with good speed in the position change
    9. A fall on his triple lutz
    10. Double flip + double toe + double loop with a tight landing
    11. triple salchow and a bad landing and he almost hits the board in front of the judges
    12. He is only 15 and the youngest senior mens competitor and I think he has a bright future ahead of him if he can shake off this disappointment
  10. Jonathan Cassar: 63.28 TES + 68.50 PCS = 131.78 Total: 187.76 and into 1st place
    1. He is skating to Schindlers List and is currently in 17th place
    2. This is one of my favorite free programs and the choreography is exquisite
    3. He opens his program quietly with a step sequence and has some great upper body movements
    4. Nice triple lutz double toe combination
    5. Pretty triple salchow
    6. A very nice double axel
    7. I love how much he invests in the program and he really performs it
    8. Another nice triple salchow
    9. Nice sit position with good speed
    10. Hand down on his triple lutz
    11. His spread eagle positions are brilliant and unmatched by anyone here
    12. Triple flip double toe, and he turns out of the double toe but doesnt put his free leg down
    13. Nice triple loop double toe combination
    14. A nice camel position and a decent catch foot position
    15. A nice choreographic step sequence well done with the music
    16. Double axel
    17. A really nice combination spin with good speed
  11. Grant Hochstein: 117.61 Total: 183.37 and into 2nd
  12. Jason Brown: 144.44 Total: 208.76 and into 1st
  13. Jason Wong: 110.43 Total: 172.63 and into 6th
  14. Adam Rippon: 76.36 TES + 77.42 PCS = 153.78 Total: 220.04 and into 1st place 
    1. He is in 9th place after the short program
    2. Off in the air on his triple axel and steps out of it
    3. Double axel
    4. Beautiful triple Rippon lutz with a great landing
    5. A very nice sit spin position with good speed
    6. He has such deep knees and edges in this program and flows so well across the ice
    7. Nice triple axel
    8. Great triple triple toe
    9. He has such an intese focused look on his face during this program
    10. Triple lutz with the tano variation, double toe
    11. Nice triple loop
    12. A nice combination spin with good speed
    13. There is so much difficiulty and content in this step sequence and he uses every inch of his body to get across the ice
    14. Triple salchow
    15. Great speed in his donut position into his broken leg sit spin and scratch spin
  15. Richard Dornbush: 83.27 TES + 74.58 PCS = 157.85  Total 225.56
    1. He is currently in 7th place
    2. Nice triple flip to open his program
    3. Great triple axel + triple toe
    4. Triple lutz beautifully done
    5. I'd like to see this step sequence look a little more effortless for him
    6. Nice camel spin with a nice transition into his catch foot position
    7. So much personality in this program and great choreography to match the Sherlock Holmes theme
    8. Great triple axel past the halfway point
    9. Nice position in his sit spins and great speed through the change of position
    10. Great triple salchow out of a difficult entry
    11. Triple lutz + double toe + double loop with both arms up
    12. A little tight on the landing of the first double axel in his 2 double axel sequence
    13. Great triple loop
    14. Great choreography in his choreographic step sequence
    15. Great speed in his camel spin, great sit spin position, nice flexibility through his upright spin
    16. Wow!!!!
  16. Armin Mahbanoozadeh: 77.40 TES + 70.88 PCS = 148.28 Total: 215.05 and into 3rd place
    1. He is currently in 8th place
    2. He opens with a nice triple lutz
    3. Great triple axel
    4. Triple flip triple toe nicely landed
    5. Nice triple loop
    6. Armin is really turning on the personality at the start of this step sequence and there's a lot of difficulty in these steps but it seems a little slow
    7. Squeaks out the landing on his triple axel + double toe combination
    8. Nice positoin in his sit spin and good speed
    9. A little tight on the landing of his triple toe
    10. Interesting positions in his second sit spin but a little slow at the end
    11. I'd like to see Armin let go a little more and really perform his program instead of doing the elements
    12. Nice triple salchow
    13. Double axel + double toe + double loop
    14. And now that the jumps are over he really comes alive in this choreographic step sequence and I'd love to see this passion throughout his whole program
    15. Great donut position in his combination spin and so much speed in his sit position into the scratch spin
  17. Keegan Messing: 76.56 TES + 66.94 PCS = 143.50 Total: 213.29 and into 4th place 
    1. He is currently in 4th place
    2. Big triple axel and he holds on to the landing
    3. Hand down on the quad toe but he lands it!
    4. Nice sit spin positions for him
    5. Double axel out of a spread eagle
    6. Tight on the landing of his triple lutz + double toe
    7. Nice speed in his camel spin but he loses his centering a little on the position change
    8. Nice triple axel + double toe
    9. So much speed and abandon in this step sequence and you can tell he is putting everything into it
    10. Great speed through his camel spin and accelerates into a low sit spin
    11. He's not the most artistic skater but I think he is smart in picking programs and themes that work for him
    12. Nice triple loop
    13. Triple salchow + double toe + double tloop
    14. Triple lutz at the absolute end of the program
  18. Douglas Razzano: 71.29 TES + 66.86 PCS -1.00 = 137.15 Total: 206.76 and into 6th place
    1. He is currently in 5th place
    2. Great height and ice coverage on that triple axel and a great landing
    3. A turnout of his quadruple toe
    4. Tight on the landing of his second triple axel and he tries to get his feet under him and falls
    5. Nice recovery with a triple lutz
    6. Good speed and position in his camel spin
    7. A nice sit spin position but he slows through the position change
    8. His step sequence is nicely choreographed to the music and he has some nice upper body movement to accompany his footwork
    9. Nice triple triple toe
    10. Great triple salchow
    11. Nice triple loop
    12. Double axel + double toe + double loop
    13. Great sit spin position
  19. Ross Miner: 81.80 TES +74.56  PCS = 156.36 Total: 224.35 and into 2nd place 
    1. He is currently in 6th place
    2. A nice step sequence to open the program
    3. Big triple axel + double toe
    4. Triple lutz + triple toe
    5. So much air on his triple axel and he hangs on to the landing
    6. Nice positions in his combination spin but not a ton of speed
    7. I like the little touches that have been added to this program and there's a nice feeling to it
    8. Good triple loop
    9. Nice triple lutz
    10. Great spread eagle position
    11. Great spread eagle into Triple loop + double toe + double toe
    12. I like the variety in his choreographic step sequence but I'd like to see a bit more power here
    13. Triple flip
    14. Great position on his sit spin but he loses speed through the position change
    15. Nice double axel
    16. Slow final spin but a great program!
  20. Jeremy Abbott: 66.91 TES + 79.86 PCS -1.00 = 145.77 Total: 224.16 and into 3rd place 
    1. Solid triple lutz to open the program
    2. Triple flip
    3. Triple axel + double toe--that error could cost him as he already has the lowest jump content of the top three men
    4. Such great personality and steps in this footwork sequence and he makes everything look so effortless
    5. This program is so well timed to every moment of the music
    6. Huge triple axel and he has to put a hand down on the landing
    7. A fall on his triple lutz--he's really left the door open now
    8. Triple loop double toe double loop and he struggles to hold on to the landing and has no speed
    9. Triple salchow
    10. Beautiful choreographic step sequence into a nice double axel
    11. Nice camel spin into a beautiful sit spin
    12. I can't wait to see this program skated perfectly because I think it will leave the audience speechless
  21. Brandon Mroz: 73.66 TES +68.22 PCS = 141.88 Total: 213.49 into 6th place
    1. He is currently in 3rd place
    2. Step out of his quadruple toe
    3. Triple axel + double toe--he doesn't have the jump content of Ryan Bradley so he's left the door open
    4. Nice Triple lutz
    5. He doesn't seem to have much speed in this step sequence and isn't getting much ice coverage
    6. Nice triple loop well timed with the music
    7. Nice sit spin positions but not much speed
    8. Great triple axel
    9. Nice triple lutz triple toe but he has to step back on the landing of the second jump
    10. Good triple salchow
    11. Triple lutz + single toe + double loop
    12. Very slow camel spin
    13. A little wild at the beginning of his choreographic step sequence but in a good way
    14. Ginal combination spin and he finishes a hair after the music
  22. Ryan Bradley: 78.17 TES + 73.34 PCS = 151.50 Total: 231.90 and into 1st 
    1. This is one of my favorite free programs ever
    2. The audience is already loving it and he's only in his staring pose
    3. Step out and hand down on his opening quad toe
    4. Step out of his second quad toe as well
    5. So much personality in this step sequence and he performs with every inch of his body
    6. Triple axel, forward on the landing but he hangs on
    7. Nice triple lutz
    8. Nice sit spin positions
    9. He uses every second of the music and performs to every accent
    10. Triple axel triple toe and he just hangs on to the landing
    11. Triple loop
    12. Triple salchow + double toe + double toe
    13. Triple flip to end his jumps
    14. Nice camel spins and good positions
    15. Final spin combination now and he's picking up a little speed

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your comments. NOW I can go watch it.
