
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Cup of China Men's Free Skate

The event begins at 6:15am EST.
The warmup group is on the ice.
Group 1
Richard Dornbush, USA: 76.78 TES + 65.56 PCS = 142.34 Total: 205.27
  • Hand down on the quad toe but he lands it
  • Nice triple lutz
  • Triple axel + triple toe with a step out on the toe
  • I really like this step sequence--it fits the music,k character of the program and is very difficult
  • Good camel positions into a nice low sit spin
  • Beautiful triple axel
  • Hydroblade to triple salchow to double axel
  • Great low sit spin position with broken leg variation
  • Triple lutz + double toe + double loop with both arms overhead and very tight on all the landings
  • Triple flip
  • Triple loop
  • Great speed in his final combination spin with a smooth flying change
  • If he can hit this program clean it will be a big point getter
Kevin Reynolds, CAN: 79.30 TES + 62.80 PCS -2.00 = 140.10 Total: 204.41 and into 2nd place
  • Beautiful quad salchow to open the program
  • Quad toe
  • Fall on his triple axel
  • Fall on the quad loop
  • Great passion behind this step sequence and he's walking a fine line between being too flaily and really going for it
  • Nice camel spin into sit spin but he loses speed by the end of his upright spin
  • Triple flip + triple toe + triple loop
  • Nice step up into double axel
  • Triple lutz + triple toe -- a little wonky on the landing of the toe
  • Triple salchow + double loop
  • Nice scratch spin at the end of his program
Jialing Wu, CHN: 63.49 TES + 54.94 PCS -1.00 = 117.43 Total: 182.49 and into 3rd place
  • Big triple axel + triple toe to open his program
  • Triple salchow
  • Fall on the triple axel
  • His feet got tangled up and he two footed that triple
  • These spins are very slow and he only does a small number of variations
  • Very slow on this footwork as well with not a lot of power and ice coverage
  • Triple flip + double toe
  • Nice triple loop
  • Better speed through this camel to sit to triangle spin
  • Double axel + double toe + double loop was wild and he turned out of the last jump
  • Really low landing on that triple and he has to put his free leg down
  • Nice sit positions and speed
Nan Song, CHN: 86.45 TES + 67.58 PCS = 154.03 Total: 226.75 and into 1st place
  • Nice quad toe + triple toe combo
  • Solo quad toe
  • Huge triple axel right in front of the judges
  • Good positions in his sit spin but lost his centering a few times
  • His step sequence is decent and he's in to it enough that the audience is clapping along
  • Triple axel + single toe
  • Triple salchow
  • Good camel position but his broken leg variation isn't great and he needs more flexibility through the catch foot
  • Great triple right on the music
  • Right into another triple
  • Very fun choreographic step sequence
  • Double axel + double toe
  • Fast triangle spin position with a flying change into a scratch spin
Group 2
Nobunari Oda, JPN: 74.30 TES + 76.16 PCS -1.00 = 149.46 Total: 227.11 and into 1st place
  • Triple axel + double toe + double loop combo was a little tight at the end
  • Opened up his triple lutz early but tacks on the triple toe
  • Triple loop right into one footed footwork on the landing
  • Fall on his next triple flip and it takes him a second to get back into his program
  • Good camel position but he has to drop his leg to get into the catchfoot position
  • Big triple axel
  • Good triple salchow
  • Triple lutz + double toe
  • Double axel with a bit of a struggle on the landing
  • He looks tired here a t the end
  • Good low sit positions with good speed
  • A lot of energy and flow across the ice in his choreography at the end into the ending pose
Jeremy Abbott, USA: 69.67 TES + 80.50 PCS -1.00 = 149.17 Total: 228.49 and into 3rd place
  • Fall on the quad toe attempt
  • Nice high triple axel--almost put a hand down on the landing but hung on
  • Great sit spin positions with good speed
  • Triple flip with an easy transition out of it
  • His step sequences are always so brilliantly choreographed and performed
  • Singled his axel
  • Triple lutz + double toe + double loop
  • Triple salchow
  • Triple loop + double toe
  • Nice speed in the upright spin
  • Double axel
  • Nice camel spin into a fast sit spin and  nice extension in the upright spin
  • I believe he finished well after his music
Yuzuru Hanyu, JPN : 72.80 TES + 74.36 PCS -2.00 = 145.16 Total: 226.54 and into 4th place
  • Huge quad toe
  • Big triple axel
  • Another solid triple flip
  • Great sit position with both his arms free and good speed
  • Possibly a hand touch down on that triple lutz
  • Triple axel + triple toe but he just can't hold on to the landing and falls
  • Another triple lutz and another fall
  • Nice Ina Bauer
  • Good triple loop
  • Very nice low sit spin position into the triangle
  • I love his passion in this choreographic step sequence
  • Double salchow
  • Nice camel position into a sit spin and finishing with a Biellman
Artur Gachinski, RUS: 69.04 TES + 72.86 PCS -1.00 = 140.90 Total: 222.54 and into 5th place
  • Fall on his opening quad toe attempt
  • Spread eagle into triple axel--wild in the air and has to step out of it
  • Triple axel + double toe
  • Nice broken leg variation in his camel spin but he needs more stretch through the catchfoot position
  • Good low sit position with a nice change of foot into a twist variation
  • Not a lot of upper body in this step sequence, very slow and a move that looks like he lost his balance; he's giving away a lot of points here by not going for the high levels
  • Pops open his salchow into a single
  • Triple loop was tilted in the air but he lands it
  • Double Flip
  • Triple lutz + double toe + double loop really tight
  • Double axel sequence very tight on the landings
  • Nice camel position right into a Y spin with a change foot into a sit spin
Pl.  NameNationTSS
1Nan SONGCHN154.0386.45 67.586.796.257.116.716.930.00#4
2Nobunari ODAJPN149.4674.30 76.167.867.437.577.687.541.00#5
3Jeremy ABBOTTUSA149.1769.67 80.508.007.827.938.188.321.00#6
4Yuzuru HANYUJPN145.1672.80 74.367.617.297.257.467.572.00#7
5Richard DORNBUSHUSA142.3476.78 65.566.616.396.466.616.710.00#1
6Artur GACHINSKIRUS140.9069.04 72.867.
7Kevin REYNOLDSCAN140.1079.30 62.806.436.076.296.366.252.00#2
8Jialiang WUCHN117.4363.49 54.945.865.215.545.575.291.00#3
1Jeremy ABBOTT
2Nobunari ODA
4Yuzuru HANYU
8Jialiang WU

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