
Friday, November 4, 2011

Cup of China Short Dance

This event begins at 3:30am EST.
The skaters are on the ice and warming up.
Group 1
Samuelson/Gilles, USA: 22.51 TES + 21.13 PCS = 43.64
  • They are wearing all black costumes which really sets them apart from the neon multicolored field
  • She has very free movement through her hips and great arch in her back and use of her head
  • Nice lift timed with the music with an over the head kick to a hold and a drop into a spread eagle position for him and an arched back position for her
  • They have great speed and flow through their rhumba sequence
  • She does an extra twizzle on the first set and they just lose the unison in the second two sets 
  • Very nice edgework from her in the step sequence; his aren't as deep so it occasionally hurts their unison
  • Their leg lines match each other well and they both have nice stretch through their legs
  • Nice final rotational lift with her upside down hanging by her knees
  • They still have a new look about them but very solid for how short they've been together
Yu/Wang, CHN: 27.58 TES + 21.78 PCS -1.00 = 48.36 and into 1st place
  • They are wearing green, yellow and orange costumes and she has long feathers attached to her butt
  • Nice performance quality from her in her face right from the top
  • Nice unison on all three sets of twizzles and great speed in the first set
  • They don't have very deep edges in their rhumba sequence and I'd like to see her do a bit more with her arm then just hold it in a V to the side
  • I'd like to see her stretch through her free leg in the non touching step sequence but it has a nice flow to it and good unison
  • I'd like to see more arch from her in the straightline lift with him in a spread eagle and her wrapped around his leg
Lichtman/Copely, USA: 18.79 TES + 21.47 PCS = 40.26 and into 3rd place
  • She's in a hot pink dress and rocking the side pony tail
  • Some of these movements at the top seem very forced and feels like they're just going through the choreography and not really performing the steps
  • Nice edges and extension through the rhumba but Charlotte looks very unison
  • Slight loss of unison in the twizzles
  • I'd like to see her lose a little control and really go for some of these movements including the arches
  • Good lift with a change of position
  • He bobbles the footwork in the step sequence and has to catch up with her
  • Their lines match each other very well in the rhumba
  • Overall a fine performance but they seem a little nervous and tentative and still look very junior
Coomes/Buckland, GBR: 28.85 TES + 25.04 PCS = 53.89 and into 1st place
  • She is wearing a gold bangly dress with a black sash
  • Nice to see a team bringing the passion to these Latin dances!
  • Their rhumba looks very placed and I'd like to see better flow
  • Interesting entry into their lift--almost like a pairs overhead entry but they have a really difficult time with their exit
  • The twizzles seemed very slow
  • Nice change of positions for them in the step sequence but their arms are not together and they lose unison on one of their turns
Group 2
Huang/Zheng, CHN: 21.73 TES + 23.34 PCS = 45.07 and into 3rd place
  • They are wearing bright yellow costumes with flowers and she has a huge head piece around the front of her head
  • She bobbles the second set of twizzles but doesn't put her foot down
  • It's really nice to see him getting into the performance
  • I'd like to see more for her in the rhumba in terms of her free arm instead of just sticking it out to the side
  • Rough entry into their lift and they have to abort
  • He has really nice edgework in their step sequence and really uses his arms well
  • Interesting attempt at a samba roll on the ice
Carron/Jones, FRA: 25.35 TES + 27.06 PCS = 52.41 and into 2nd place
  • They are in blue costumes and she has a red and yellow skirt with a red flower in her hair
  • They struggled with unison in all three sets of their twizzles
  • Good speed, nice extension through their free leg on the rhumba but I'd like to see her do something with her arm besides leave it on her hip
  • Flip over the shoulder into their lift and ends with a rotation
  • I like how they use their edges in the rhumba section
  • They lose unison in a few places in the step sequence
Bobrova/Soloviev, RUS: 32.50 TES + 33.23 PCS = 65.73 and into 1st place
  • She is in an orange and black long sleeve dress--looks more Halloween than Latin especially with the hair ribbon in her ponytail
  • Their moves at the top have more commitment than any of the other teams I've seen this morning
  • She comes out of the first set of twizzles late and it looks like they get very close at the end of the second twizzles
  • She has very nice lines and expression and really uses her whole body to express the movement
  • Good speed, lines and edgework through the rhumba sequence
  • Backwards cartwheel entry into their straightline lift with a change of position
  • I like how deep they are in their knees in the step sequence, but they are so deep in plie that they sometimes forget to straighten the free leg when it's lifted
Shibutani/Shibutani, USA: 27.71 TES + 30.08 PCS = 57.79 and into 2nd place
  • They are wearing all black and her dress has an asymmetrical hemline, a cut out on one side and one shoulder strap
  • She's really working that ponytail in the beginning
  • I love that their Latin dance moves feel authentic and not cheesy
  • Great speed and flow through the rhumba pattern with nice stretch through their legs and use of the upper body to accent
  • The second and third set of twizzles seemed slow for them which is still fast compared to the field and all three sets were spot on for unison
  • I like how they both use their head and upper body to accent points in the rhumba
  • For being so young they have a great maturity on the ice and really look like a senior team
  • The only error I saw in the step sequence was when Alex came out of a turn slightly earlier than Maia
  • Rotational lift with good speed and a change of position
 Pl.  NameNationTSS
1Ekaterina BOBROVA / Dmitri SOLOVIEVRUS65.7332.50
2Maia SHIBUTANI / Alex SHIBUTANIUSA57.7927.71 30.087.717.367.577.547.430.00#8
3Penny COOMES / Nicholas BUCKLANDGBR53.8928.85
4Pernelle CARRON / Lloyd JONESFRA52.4125.35 27.066.716.576.966.896.710.00#6
5Xiaoyang YU / Chen WANGCHN48.3627.58 21.785.435.185.685.465.461.00#2
6Xintong HUANG / Xun ZHENGCHN45.0721.73 23.346.045.685.645.865.890.00#5
7Emily SAMUELSON / Todd GILLESUSA43.6422.51 21.135.435.145.255.325.250.00#1
8Charlotte LICHTMAN / Dean COPELYUSA40.2618.79 21.475.575.075.395.505.290.00#3

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