
Friday, November 11, 2011

NHK Trophy Pairs Free Skate

This event begins at 12:05 am EST.
The skaters are on the ice for warmup.

Group 1
Purich/Schultz, CAN: 41.60 TES + 41.01 PCS = 82.61 Total: 128.17
  • He turned out of their side by side triple toes
  • Somehow they popped their twist and he just tossed her up and caught her
  • Good landing on the throw triple salchow
  • She needs to really stretch through that position in the air
  • A little bit of unison issues on their side by side double axels + double toes but they land them
  • Good death spiral position for her
  • Good positions in the spiral sequence
  • Looked like she opened up early on that throw and two footed the landing
  • She needs a lot more stretch and flexibility through that carry lift
  • She botches the flying entry to the side by side spins and can't seem to get back in to it and just stands there on the ice and shouts I'm sorry at her partner
  • Good lift but a very easy exit
  • Decent pairs spin
  • This is their first senior season and they still look like a junior team.  There's a lot of things to work on but they're still young.
Castelli/Shnapir, USA: 53.05 TES + 48.04 PCS -2.00 = 99.09 Total: 149.02 and into 1st place
  • Triple twist was nice but she crashed into him on the landing
  • He falls on the first set of the side by side triple toes and can't complete the second
  • Nice stretched out position for her in the air with a flip exit but I'd like to see her really hold the arabesque on the exit
  • Looks like she makes the rotation on the throw triple axel but can't hold on to the landing--it's right on the crescendo of the music and if they ever hit it, it will be a wow moment
  • Off on the unison of their side by side spins
  • I'd like to see more stretch from him in the spiral or a different position that would show him off better
  • Really great position with him carrying her on just her hip and her legs crossed and supporting herself on his shoulder
  • Nice side by side double axels
  • Good speed on their pairs spin and good positions for her
  • She has a really lovely arabesque line
  • Great throw triple salchow right on a crescendo in the music
  • Really awkward death spiral position where she is high up and crooked
  • Their signature split lift is great with a nice new exit where she rolls off his back
Iliushechkina/Maisuradze, RUS: 53.27 TES + 52.62 PCS = 105.89 Total: 159.01 and into 1st place
  • She doubled the side by side salchows
  • Great entry into the triple twist, huge height and a clean catch
  • Double toe sequence 
  • The takeoff on the throw looked terrible but she got huge distance and managed to land it
  • Nice overhead one armed lift with a change of position so she's sitting on his hand and a nice lift where she just twists down
  • Throw triple loop was good, perhaps a tad two footed
  • Nice counterbalancing spin in their pairs spin into a pearl position for her
  • Great entry into the lift with her holding her leg up and a backwards flip into the air position
  • Nice spiral positions 
  • Good speed on their side by side spins but a small loss of unison in the middle
  • Nice lift with him holding her by her hip as she lays on her side
  • Great death spiral position at the beginning but she's almost flat on the ice by the end after the change of hand
Kavaguti/Smirnov, RUS: 61.13 TES + 61.36 PCS = 122.49 Total: 177.51 and into 1st place
  • Nice side by side triple toes
  • A bit of a crash on the landing of the triple twist
  • Throw triple salchow was slightly forward on the landing but she hangs on
  • Good unison and positions in their side by side spins
  • Great flexibility from her in the spiral sequence
  • She two foots the landing of the first double axel in their sequence but manages to pull out the second
  • Hangs on to that throw triple loop
  • Beautiful air position for her in a nice catchfoot into a handstand
  • Interesting to see such an easy exit from them on that 2nd lift
  • Very nice carry position with him on one foot and her in a haircutter position but the ending looked a little troublesome
  • Good speed on the pairs spin
Group 2
Denney/Coughlin, USA: 55.61 TES + 53.66 PCS -1.00 = 108.27 Total: 163.75 and into 2nd place
  • Decent side by side triple toes
  • Huge triple twist but he doesn't quite catch her as high as some of the other teams
  • He's really close to the boards on the side by side double axels but hangs on--I'd like to see him really ride out those jump landings and extend his free leg
  • She falls on the throw triple loop
  • I want to see her lower on this death spiral and they don't go for the higher levels by doing more rotations or a change of hand
  • Good speed in their pair spin with a nice seamless exit
  • Her air position in the lifts isn't great and she needs more arch in her back and more stretch through her legs
  • Very nicely landed throw triple flip
  • Loss of unison in their side by side spins and they're a little slow
  • Good flip exit from the lift
  • Decent spiral sequence
  • Press overhead lift but her position isn't great so her butt is really sticking out in the air and they finish after their music
Berton/Hotarek, USA: 52.49 TES + 55.11 PCS = 107.60 Total: 163.80 and into 2nd place
  • Great triple toe + double toe + double toe combination
  • Double twist with a clean catch
  • Very nice lift starting with her between his legs and great air position from her but I'm not crazy about the exit
  • Great spiral sequence with a nice connection between them
  • She puts her hands down on their side by side triple salchows
  • Good speed and unison in their side by side spins
  • The attitude position in this lift is not great and she needs to really get that leg behind her and open up her hip to make that position better
  • Great save on that throw triple salchow from her
  • Nice pair spin with a seamless change of direction
  • I love how they feel this music and how well it's choreographed 
  • Throw double loop
  • Nice backwards entry to the lift
  • A good arch in her death spiral
Takahashi/Tran, JPN: 55.92 TES + 58.28 PCS = 114.20 Total: 172.09 and into 2nd place
  • Nice high easy triple twist
  • She two foots the landing of their side by side triple salchows
  • They both struggle and step out of the side by side triple toes
  • A nice change of hand and exit from the death spiral
  • Good speed in their side by side spins and good unison
  • Very nice air position for her and a change in hand on the lift with a nice one armed exit 
  • Good throw triple salchow
  • She two footed the landing on the throw triple toe and she didn't get a lot of ice coverage on that jump
  • Good pairs spin but they could use more speed
  • Great dance lift into the lift in a split position
  • Beautiful arabesque position for her in the spiral sequence
  • I love how stretched out her air positions is in these lifts with nice pointed toes 
  • They really backloaded this program to take advantage of the 10 percent bonus after the halfway mark
Savchenko/Szolkowy, GER: 48.58 TES + 63.87 PCS = 112.45 TotalL 171.68 and into 3rd place
  • Huge throw triple right off the bat to start their program
  • She stumbled a bit on the first triple in their triple toe + triple toe sequence and he doubled both jumps
  • Their spiral sequence is gorgeous and shows off both of their flexibility to it's best advantage
  • A little bit of a unison error in their side by side spins but they get back together
  • The triple twist was good but not as clean as they normally do it
  • She singled their side by side double axels
  • Nice change in rotational direction in their first lift with her on her stomach
  • Nice spread eagle with her weight not even in the air
  • Good speed in their pairs spin with a great change of direction transition
  • Backwards entry into their final lift and they never get it quite up and have to set it down
  • She two foots the throw triple salchow
Pl.  NameNationTSS
1Yuko KAVAGUTI / Alexander SMIRNOVRUS122.4961.13 61.367.797.547.647.827.570.00#4
2Narumi TAKAHASHI / Mervin TRANJPN114.2055.92 58.287.327.297.327.467.040.00#7
3Aliona SAVCHENKO / Robin SZOLKOWYGER112.4548.58 63.878.147.827.868.147.960.00#8
4Caydee DENNEY / John COUGHLINUSA108.2755.61 53.666.966.506.756.716.611.00#5
5Stefania BERTON / Ondrej HOTAREKITA107.6052.49 55.116.896.717.076.896.890.00#6
6Lubov ILIUSHECHKINA / Nodari MAISURADZERUS105.8953.27 52.626.686.396.576.826.430.00#3
7Marissa CASTELLI / Simon SHNAPIRUSA99.0953.05 48.046.325.646.006.255.822.00#2
8Natasha PURICH / Raymond SCHULTZCAN82.6141.60 41.015.325.

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