
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Potential Grand Prix Men

There are 28 men on the list including Kevin van der Perren who announced his retirement but could still receive assignments and several skaters that competed as juniors and may choose to move up to seniors or return to the Junior Grand Prix.

There are 60 Grand Prix slots (including host picks) with 40 of the 60 slots filled from this list, meaning approximately half of the skaters outside of top 12 finishers at worlds will be given a 2nd assignment.  If some of these men choose to remain junior, more spots will be available.  

If the "comeback skater clause is still in effect this season, Evan Lysacek would be eligible as he received assignments last season due to his World Ranking and would not have forfeited his comeback eligibility.
Note that this season the top 6 finishers at Worlds will not be able to compete at three events.

The assignments will be released on May 21st.  
Top 12 finishers at Worlds (guaranteed 2 GP spots, top 6 are seeded and may do 3 events)
1 Patrick Chan
2 Daisuke Takahashi
3 Yuzuru Hanyu
4 Brian Joubert
5 Florent Amodio
6 Michal Brezina
7 Denis Ten
8 Jeremy Abbott
9 Javier Fernandez
10 Samuel Contesti
11 Takahiko Kozuka
12 Kevin Reynolds

Top 24 Seasons Best (guaranteed 1 spot)
3 Evgeni Plushenko
6 Artur Gachinski
13 Nobunari Oda
14 Nan Song
15 Tomas Verner
17 Ross Miner
18 Adam Rippon
19 Han Yan (Junior)
20 Joshua Farris (Junior)
22 Takahito Mura
23 Jason Brown (Junior)
24 Kevin van der Perren

Top 24 World Standings (guaranteed 1 assignment)
15 Alexander Majorov
20 Richard Dornbush
21 Konstantin Menshov
24 Tatsuki Machida

Top 3 at Junior Grand Prix Final and Jr. Worlds (considered for 1 spot)
All meet one of the criteria above

Number of skaters eligible by country (not including host picks):
Japan: 6 
USA: 6
Russia: 3
Canada: 2
China: 2
Czech Republic: 2
France: 2
Belgium: 1
Kazakhstan: 1 
Italy: 1
Spain: 1
Sweden: 1

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