
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Potential Grand Prix Men

There are 28 men on the list including several skaters that competed as juniors and may choose to move up to seniors or return to the Junior Grand Prix.  This list was compiled using previous criteria for determining Grand Prix assignments.

There are 60 Grand Prix slots (including host picks) with 39 of the 60 slots filled from this list, giving the skaters a good probability of receiving a second assignment.  Joshua Farris and Jason Brown are likely to move to the senior ranks this season while Nathan Chen and Shotaro Omori may stay in juniors for another season, making additional spots available.

The assignments will be released on June 1st.   

Top 12 finishers at Worlds (guaranteed 2 GP spots, top 6 are seeded)
1 Patrick Chan
2 Denis Ten
3 Javier Fernandez
4 Yuzuru Hanyu
5 Kevin Reynolds
6 Daisuke Takahashi
7 Max Aaron
8 Takahito Mura
9 Brian Joubert
10 Michal Brezina
11 Peter Liebers
12 Florent Amodio

Top 24 Seasons Best (guaranteed 1 spot)
6 Takahiko Kozuka
11 Nobunari Oda
12 Tatsuki Machida
13 Ross Miner
14 Han Yan
16 Richard Dornbush
18 Jeremy Abbott
19 Nan Song
20 Joshua Farris (Junior)
21 Maxim Kovtun
22 Jason Brown (Junior)
23 Konstantin Menshov
24 Nathan Chen (Junior)

Top 24 World Standings (guaranteed 1 assignment)
18 Alexander Majorov
20 Adam Rippon
24 Chafik Besseghier

Top 3 at Junior Worlds and JGPF Gold Medalist (considered for 1 spot)
Shotaro Omori (Junior)
All others meet one of the criteria above

Number of skaters eligible by country (not including host picks):
United States: 8
France: 3
Canada: 2
China: 2
Czech Republic: 1
Germany: 1
Kazakhstan: 1
Russia: 2
Spain: 1
Sweden: 1

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