
Saturday, September 14, 2013

US International Figure Skating Classic Free Dance

Telegina/Japaridze, GEO: 34.53 TES + 33.02 PCS = 67.55 Total: 109.70
  • Curve lift with her wrapped around his waist while he is in a spread eagle
  • A little off on their unison in the first step sequence and not a lot of interesting variations in hold
  • Twizzles slightly off and they seem to be a little choppy
  • Rotational lift 
  • Flip up into a handstand lift with him in a spread eagle 
  • Lots of ice spray on the edge changes in their 2nd step sequence indicating they might not be clean
  • Slow dance spin but good flexibility from her
  • I feel like the tango/Latin elements of their program are placed here and there and it doesn't really come across coherently through the whole program
  • Rotational lift with her in a haircutter
Aronow/Brubaker, USA: 28.57 TES + 33.73 PCS = 62.30 Total: 100.31 and into 2nd place
  • Nice lift with three good changes of position
  • Curve lift with him in a backwards hydroblade and her holding her body parallel to the ice
  • Nice flow through their step sequence with a bit more intricate changes of hold
  • They are far apart on their twizzles and seem to be off by a rotation on the 1st two sets
  • Nice backwards rotational lift with her in a twisted split position
  • Great extension and flexibility from her in the dance spin
  • Nice stretched free leg and good deep knees through their 2nd step sequence but they seem to have gotten lost at the end of the pattern
  • A bit of trouble in the flip up to their closing lift
Bernardi/Mior, ITA: 35.29 TES + 30.69 PCS -1.00 = 64.98  Total: 106.13 and into 2nd place
  • I'm not sure I get the theme they were going for here...he looks like an orchestra conductor but seemed to be a puppet who came to life
  • Good unison on the twizzles through all three sets
  • Rotational lift with her wrapped around his neck and one position change
  • They are a bit choppy in places and don't always seem to have a good speed and flow across the ice
  • Decent positions in their dance spin but they could use some more speed and flexibility
  • Pretty good matching let height on their step sequence and good unison 
  • Kick into a split lift transitioning into a rotational lift but she could use more stretch behind her knees in the split position
  • Interesting lift with him in a lunge and her balancing on his leg and a position change
  • Ended just after their music
Maekawa/Maekawa, MEX: 28.87 TES + 27.81 PCS = 56.68 Total: 92.26 and into 4th place
  • Split rotational lift but she could have more flexibility and stretch through the position--it also seemed rather bouncy but it was in time with the music so that might have been a choice
  • Basic holds in their step sequence and not fully stretched through their free leg positions
  • Twizzles a bit slow and a bobble on the 2nd set from her as they were too close
  • Not very deep in their edges in the 2nd step sequence and not a lot of use in her free arm
  • Straight line lift with him in a squat
  • Slow curve lift with her kicking over his head
  • She could have more stretch through her free leg and he could have more flexibility through his positions in the dance spin but speed is maintained throughout
  • Haircutter rotational lift wrapped around his neck
Tobias/Stagniunas, LTU: 37.36 TES + 37.55 PCS -2.00 = 72.91 Total: 121.08 and into 1st place
  • A little bobble from him on the 1st set of twizzles, good speed but unison is off
  • Nice speed and flow through the 1st step sequence with nice changes of hold and good use of her free arm
  • Rotational lift with her wrapped up around his head
  • Nice stretch from her through the dance spin with interesting arm positions in the layback and a good exit out of the spin
  • Nice hydroblade lift with her in a haircutter resting on his leg
  • A little bit of a lack of unison and varying leg heights in their 2nd step sequence in places
  • Arabesque lift with her standing on his leg and him balancing on one leg
Cannuscio/McManus, USA: 34.86 TES + 37.41 PCS -1.00  = 71.27  Total: 119.34 and into 2nd place
  • Nice speed and flow through their 1st step sequence with lots of changes of hold and good use of her free arm
  • Interesting rotational lift with two changes of position
  • Nice stretch through their free leg and decent matching leg lines in the 2nd step sequence 
  • Nice changes of position for her with him in a spread eagle
  • One arm rotational lift with her in a catchfoot position
  • Great character to this program and they don't drop it during their elements
  • He bails on the 1st set of twizzles and they only do 2 sets so that will really hurt their level
  • Could use a bit more speed on the dance spin but nice positions
  • Upside down hair cutter lift for her with him in a spread eagle
  • Nice final arabesque lift 
Kriengkrairut/Giuletti-Schmitt, USA: 42.83 TES + 40.62 PCS -2.00 =81.45 Total: 134.48 and into 1st place
  • Nice unison and matching leg lines in their 1st step sequence, I like how both of them make use of their free arm and have an ease in the change of hold
  • A little off on the unison of their twizzles but pretty good
  • She has great lines on the ice
  • Twist up into a rotational hair cut lift
  • Nice entry into their dance spin with great positions from both of them with nice stretched out positions 
  • Great backwards shoot the duck lift with her in an overextended split position arching back
  • Cartwheel up to a nice attitude position and then wrapping around his neck in the rotational lift
  • This team is such a joy to watch and have a great ease on the ice in addition to making some beautiful pictures
  • A bit of a bobble getting into their 2nd sequence but it wasn't on an element so it won't effect the levels
  • Rotational lift with him holding her by the foot with a change of position in the middle
Reed/Rogov, ISR: 35.56 TES + 32.70 PCS = 68.26 Total: 113.49 and into 4th place
  • They could use more stretch through their free leg in the 1st step sequence but their leg lines match well
  • Step up into an arched position with him in a spread eagle, transition into the rotational lift is slow
  • I'm not sure this program really works for them because they don't seem to really be committing to the characters or the choreography and embracing the playfulness of the music
  • Good twizzles
  • Twist up into a rotational lift with her in a haircutter position
  • Slow on the dance spin and a bit choppy in the change of direction
  • A bit on top of their blades in the 2nd step sequence and they could work on having deeper edges
  • Awkward flip up into a lift with her standing on his leg
Plutowska/Gerber, POL: 35.47 TES + 32.86 PCS = 68.33  Total: 114.48 and into 4th place
  • Flip up into a straight line lift with nice position changes for her and nice speed through the rotational portion
  • They could have better matching leg lines in the 1st step sequence and she bobbled a turn and put a foot down and had to get back into it
  • He seemed a bit wild on the twizzles but they hung on
  • Nice curve lift with him in a spread eagle and her hanging upside down
  • Nice extension from her in the dance spin but a little bit slow
  • One arm rotational lift with an up and down motion
  • She has such elegance on the ice with great posture and lines
  • Nice use of the free arm and changes in hold in the 2nd step sequence 
  • Rotational lift changing directions in the middle
Zlobina/Sitnikov, AZE: 38.80 TES + 39.79 PCS = 78.59 Total: 132.34 and into 2nd place
  • Nice lunge position from him with her leaning back over the ice in their 1st lift
  • He struggled to hang on to his 2nd set of twizzles but they had good unison
  • Good speed through their step sequence but a few places that were a bit choppy and they could use their eges more
  • Rotational lift with one arm in a catchfoot position for her
  • She could stretch more through the sit position in their dance spin but good speed throughout
  • Nice lasso entry into a one foot curve lift with a change of position
  • Good unison and flow through their 2nd step sequence
  • Rotational lift in a haircutter position
Weaver/Poje, CAN: 49.33 TES + 50.05 PCS = 99.38 Total: 161.99 and into 1st place
  • Nice passion and tango feel at the top of their program
  • Nice changes of hold and unison in their first step sequence with good edges and they keep the performance up the whole time
  • Nice arched position for her in the first position in the dance spin but extremely slow
  • Difficult one arm rotational lift with him picking her up from the ice
  • Cartwheen up to a straight line lift with two changes of position
  • Curve lift with her balanced out parallel to the ice
  • A little slow on the twizzles but good unison
  • Rotational lift with her in a haircutter but he is holding her foot and her arms are wrapped around his neck
Orford/Williams, CAN: 41.67 TES + 42.29 PCS -1.00 = 82.96 Total: 137.60 and into 2nd place
  • Loss of balance on the first lift--he was skating backwards on one leg and flipped her up over his head but they got out of it gracefully
  • Nice positions, speed and a good exit out of their dance spin
  • Twizzles were a little choppy and they could have been closer together
  • Great extension and lines through their step sequence with good speed and flow; also nice unison and matching leg lines
  • Flip up into a rotational lift with great speed and a nice exit from her
  • Good speed and unison through their 2nd step sequence but a bit choppy in places
  • One arm rotational lift
  • Cool toss lift into a straight line lift with him in a squad 
  • I think this program will flow a bit better once they really get it later in the season but at times they seem to be fighting to keep up with the music
Coomes/Buckland, GBR: 38.32 TES + 42.12 PCS -1.00 = 79.44  Total: 133.41 and into 4th place
  • He falls at the top of the program in a transition movement
  • Cool press lift from an upside down position into a nice rotational lift
  • Good ease in their position changes in the 1st step sequence
  • Twizzles a bit choppy and really off on their unison
  • They have some interesting lifts with very unique entries and exits but they still seem a bit messy
  • Good positions in speed in their dance spin but a bit choppy on the change of direction
  • One arm up and down rotational lift with her legs in a half split
  • Cartwheel up into a couple flips
Davis/White, USA: 53.17 TES + 57.85 PCS -1.00 = 110.02 Total: 183.69 and into 1st place
  • Very good slide across the ice up into their first lift and extremely difficult
  • Nice leg lines and unison in the 1st step sequence with ease in their changes of holds and really good edge changes
  • Press up nto a handstand balancing on his shoulder into a split rotational lift
  • Nice positions in their dance spin with a good entrance from a spiral and a lift exit
  • Very close and good speed on their first set of twizzles but a bit slower on their second set
  • Solid second step sequence and they really flew across the ice
  • Rotational lift
  • Stag lift with her balancing on just his shoulders
PlaceStart No.NameShort DanceFree DanceTotal Score
114Meryl Davis
Charlie White, USA
211Kaitlyn Weaver
Andrew Poje, CAN
312Nicole Orford
Thomas Williams, CAN
47Lynn Kriengkrairut
Logan Giulietti-Schmitt, USA
513Penny Coomes
Nicholas Buckland, GBR
610Juliya Zlobina
Aleksei Sitnikov, AZE
75Isabella Tobias
Stagniunas Deividas, LTU
86Anastasia Cannuscio
Colin McManus, USA
99Justyna Polutowska
Peter Gerber, POL
108Allison Reed
Vasili Rogov, ISR
111Angelina Telegina
Otar Japaridze, GEO
123Federica Bernardi
Christopher Mior, ITA
132Alissandra Aronow
Collin Brubaker, USA
144Pilar Maekawa
Leonardo Maekawa, MEX

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