
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Junior World Championships: Pairs Free Skate

UPDATE: My computer is really having troubles with the SBS stream and I'm not getting anything but a white screen anymore.  I'll post videos as soon as they've available
The first warm up group is on the ice.  This stream likes to buffer every few minutes, so I apologize if a few elements are missing.

Group 1
Martini/Kiefer, AUT: 32.54 TES + 28.21 PCS = 60.75 Total: 96.53
  • They are 18 and 20 and in 16th place after the Short Program
  • They are one of several teams skating to Addams Family for their free skate this season
  • Through the legs entrance to their first lift with a two arm hold--seems like they're rotating very slow and not covering much ice
  • Nice side by side doubles toes
  • They are way off on their unison on the side by side spins and are spinning very slow
  • In the transition elements she needs to really stretch through her lifted leg
  • Press lift--She could use a little more arch in her lift position and really get her legs behind her, a change of position as he spread eagles and they have no speed
  • Throw double toe--not a lot of speed or ice coverage but she lands it
  • They have nice stretched out positions in their back spirals with a catchfoot position
  • Way off on their double toe + double toe + double toe combo--she landed before he took off
  • Decent pairs spin and their speed is better here than in their other spins
  • Finished just a tad behind the music
  • Overall their elements were decent, they just need more speed, power, and technical difficulty
Lavrentieva/Rudik, UKR: 34.16 TES + 30.92 PCS = 65.08 Total: 102.29 and into 1st place
  • They are in 14th place after the short program
  • I'm getting music but no picture at the moment
  • Good unison on their side by side double toes 
  • She has a nice position in their lift and has good stretch through her legs--but it seems really short
  • Nice throw double
  • Good positions and flexibility through the pairs spin but not a lot of speed
  • Hard to really get a feel for that program as there was so much buffering but she doesn't look happy as they take their bow
  • Throw double salchow in the playback was ok with a low landing and not a lot of throw height or distance
  • She is flat on the ice at the end of the death spiral
Klatka/Chruscinski, POL: 36.60 TES + 30.50 PCS -1.00 = 66.10 Total: 103.13 and into 1st place
  • They are 13 and 19 and currently in 15th place
  • They are also skating to Addams Family
  • Nice height on their double twist, she has a over the head arm position, and a clean catch
  • Their unison is off on the entrance to their sbs jumps but the stream cut out during the jump
  • I'd like to see her work on her arm positions in the pairs spin--she cuts off her lines and it distorts the look of her position
  • Nice flexibility from both of their through their pair spiral
  • A really nice landing for her on their throw double 
  • Spread eagle entrance to over head lift--Her free leg seems to be dangling up there and not really held in a specific position
  • Good unison on the sbs spins--In the upright catch spin she really hikes her hip up to get her leg up and it's slightly throwing her off balance
  • She could use more stretch through this lift in a split position
  • She has a really high free leg in her death spiral and her head looks like it's resting on the ice
Khnychenkova/Magyar, HUN: 37.46 TES + 32.18 PCS -1.00  =68.64 Total: 106.99 and into 1st place
  • They are 16 and 20 and are in 13th place after the short program
  • Good height on the throw double twist with a good catch
  • Low landing on the throw triple toe but she hangs on to it
  • They have good unison on their side by side spins but seem tired and the spins are slow
  • Good throw triple salchow
  • She could use more arch in her death spiral but a nice exit
  • They are doing a Spanish themed program but it seems they're just going through the motions and not really attacking or performing their choreography
  • Nice stretch through their spiral sequence
  • Through the legs entrance to the lift--she needs to arch her back more and really get her legs behind her for a nicer air position
  • Good unison on their side by side triple toes
  • A really tough fall out of a lift--She goes for the catch foot and comes straight down to the ice
Group 2
Morand/Leemann, SUI: 38.03 TES + 34.53 PCS = 72.56 Total: 113.30 and into 1st place
  • Having some technical difficulties...should be back up by Gillespie and Dematte if not sooner
Gillespie/Dematte, ITA: 39.67 TES + 36.84 PCS = 76.51 Total: 116.44 and into 1st place
Andrews/LeDuc, USA: 38.72 TES + 39.23 PCS -1.00 = 76.95 Total: 117.11 and into 1st place
Kadelecova/Bidar, CZE: 36.39 TES + 37.95 PCS = 74.34 Total: 117.24 and into 1st place

Group 3
Vasilieva/Shevchuk, RUS: 30.78 TES + 41.37 PCS -3.00 = 69.15 Total: 114.98
Jones/Gaskell, CAN: 42.08 TES + 42.56 PCS = 84.64 Total: 129.28 and into 1st place
Astakhova/Bochkov, RUS: 33.13 TES + 39.95 PCS -1.00 = 72.08 Total: 118.75
Cain/Reagan, USA: 47.66 TES + 44.00 PCS = 91.66 total: 135.40 and into 1st place

Group 4
Stolbova/Klimov, RUS: 53.48 TES + 51.91 PCS = 105.39 total: 159.60 and into 1st place
Takahashi/Tran, JPN: 45.11 TES + 52.56 PCS -1.00 = 96.67 Total: 154.52
Purich/Schultz, CAN: 39.59 TES + 43.05 PCS = 82.64 Total: 129.97
Sui/Han, CHN: 56.13 TES + 52.72 PCS -1.00 = 107.85 Total: 167.01 and into 1st place

Gold: Sui/Han
Silver: Stolbova/Klimov
Bronze: Takahashi/Tran

Sui and Han (1st)
Takahashi/Tran (3rd)


  1. Do you have any reviews of the Canadians?

  2. Unfortunately my feed stopped working this morning. I will post a video here if one becomes available. Is there something in particular you're looking for?

  3. I would just love to see both of their programs, or read any play-by-plays! Thanks! :)

  4. There is a video of Gaskell and Jones in my short program post but I haven't seen any yet of Purich and Schultz. Will keep looking!
