
Saturday, April 30, 2011

World Championships: Free Dance

Guignard/Fabbri, ITA: 37.15 TES + 33.07 PCS = 70.22 Total: 120.02 and into 1st place
  •  They are in very sparkly red and gold costumes and are performing to March with Me
  • Some very dramatic posing at the top
  • Two sets of twizzles, good speed and well timed together with a catch foot on the first set
  • Nice deep edges from her in the footwork and they have good timing on the steps
  • Firs lift has several position changes and ends in a rotation lift but it doesn't seem like he has her high enough in the hold
  • Awkward hunched over position for her in the dance spin; lots of skids and hops in the transitions between the positions in the dance spin
  • A nice entry into the second lift but I'd like to see her keep an eye on her free legs in these transitions
  • Interesting hydroblade move from them
  • Awkward musical cuts and it seems that another piece of music was just inserted in the middle of the original
  • The music is really building in this step sequence but their steps and performance quality don't have the same intensity
  • Nice entry into the final rotational lift with him holding her just by her knee

Huang/Zheng, CHN: 36.08 TES + 34.76 PCS = 70.84 Total: 123.01 and into 1st place
  • They are skating to Singing in the Rain, she's in a pink dress and he has a sweater vest
  • They're opening with a step sequence and have some nice speed but it looks very stiff and everything is very placed, especially their arms and legs
  • Nice arch lift with him in a spread eagle position
  • He puts his foot down early on the first set of twizzles, they do 3 sets total
  • Jump twist into a lift with many changes of position--very Zoueva/Shpilband-esque
  • She needs more stretch through her leg positions in this roational lift
  • A few awkward transitions between positions in the dance spin and it gets slow toward the end
  • Her arm is held out to side and in a fist through the beginning of this step sequence
  • Nice lift with her in a Biellman position as he hydroblades
  • They have some really nice qualities but really need to work on the finishing touches to bring their programs up

Coomes/Buckland, GBR: 38.93 TES + 35.61 PCS = 74.54 Total: 126.29 and into 1st place
  •  They are wearing tan African inspired costumes and skating to the Broadway Lion King Soundtrack
  • Nice over the head entry into their rotational lift with a lot of speed
  • Twizzles slightly off on unison with a bit of a gap between the sets
  • Nice stretch for her through the dance spin and some interesting positions
  • Nice lift with him in a hydroblade and her balancing on his back in a catchfoot position
  • Nice upside down lift with her on a handstand on his knee and switching into a rotational lift that seamlessly changes position in the rotation--a real highlight of the program
  • Their height difference is really evident in this step sequence; they have some nice steps and edges and their movements flow better than the other teams
  • Their program is building along with the music and to a nice conclusion
  • Really nice ending lift in a high point of the music

Walden/Edwards, GBR: 38.28 TES + 31.51 PCS = 69.79 Total: 116.52 and into 4th place
  • They have new costumes for this event for their Goodbye Lenin program since the old ones shrunk in the wash
  • They open with a one arm rotational lift which is nicely done
  • Interesting twizzle with the leg extrended straight out but some problems with timing; they complete three sets
  • Straight line lift with her legs extended straight in front of her and into a curve lift
  • She has really nice stretch through her legs and they're also very long so she gets some nice positions in the dance spin; excellent seamless transition out of the dance spin
  • This footwork seems really slow and her free arm is really placed instead of flowing natrually
  • They have a lot of through the leg moves in their program
  • There are a few places in the 2nd step sequence that its not clear if their free leg is supposed to be straight or bent
  • They really show off their strength in the lifts as she's often in positions that require a ton of ab strength but they all start to look the same by the end

Reed/Japaridze, GEO: 37.15 TES + 33.52 PCS = 70.67 Total: 120.11 and into 3rd place
  • They are skating to The Messiah Will Come Again in all black costumes: she has a fringe skirt and boots that go up to her knees
  • Nice stretch from him in the camel position of their dance spin; good speed and centering and a good transition throught he position change
  • Nice lift with her legs wrapped around him as he is in a spread eagle position
  • Lift with him on one leg and she extended parallel to the ice
  • Their twizzles were slightly off
  • Straight line lift with her legs extended straight in front
  • Their step sequence seems kind of slow and doesn't really fit the music
  • Rotational lift with her in a Biellman position
  • Some shimmying and hip shaking for them into the final step sequence
  • They seem to be letting go more here and getting into their music and program
Heekin-Canedy/Shakalov, UKR: 40.70 TES + 36.69 PCS -1.00 = 76.39 Total: 128.70 and into 1st place
  • They are skating to Edith Piaf
  • She is wearing a black and pink dress that moves so well over the ice
  • Rotational lift with her hunched over her leg; not really an attractive position
  • Nice hydroblade entry into the dance spin but slightly awkward transition throught eh position change and really slow at the end
  • She needs more stretch through her free leg in the step sequences
  • Nicely timed on both sets of twizzles
  • Spread eagle with her leaning back toward the ice on a nice musical highlight
  • Lots of hydroblades in the transitions from them
  • They have a really nice on ice presence but it just seems like they're a little tentative and don't have the power through their moves to really get across the ice
  • Nice rotational lift with her leg wrapped around his head; I wish she'd go for these lifts a little more and really finish the line

Tobias/Stagniunas, LTU: 39.68 TES + 38.17 PCS = 77.85 Total: 131.01 and into 1st place
  • First Shpilband/Zoueva team of the day skating to Les Mis
  • Twizzles very close together, may have gotten off at the end of the first set
  • She has a really nice arabesque
  • They have a nice connection with each other in this first step sequence and nice speed on the ice with some good choreography
  •  Nice lift where he lifts her up by one leg and she goes over his head
  • Nice positions in the dance spin with good transitions and speed
  • I like the attack behind this second step sequence although she could straighten her free leg more in places
  • Nice position in the split lift with him in apread eagle position
  • Gorgeous hydroblade lift with her in a Biellman position
  • Finished before the music

Reed/Reed, JPN: 41.64 TES + 37.83 PCS -1.00 = 78.47 Total: 133.33 and into 1st place
  • They are skating to Ain't No Sunshine and Think
  • She's in a red asymmetrical dress and he's in black
  • Flip into lift with her parallel to the ice over his knee and him in a pread eagle
  • Started a little far apart on the twizzles; they complete three sets
  • I feel like this program is a little too sexy for a brother/sister team and it's a little uncomfortable in places
  • Nice rotational lift with her sitting on his shoulder
  • Nice step work sequence but she seems to drop her head a lit
  • Nice positions in the dance spin with slightly awkward transition between positions and really losing speed at the end
  • This step sequence seems a little tight and placed when it should be a little freer especially with the music
  • Rotational lift with one arm hold and she's in a catch foot position
  • Looks like he may have fell getting into his ending pose

Zhiganshina/Gazsi, GER: 44.13 TES + 41.29 PCS = 85.42 Total: 140.95 and into 1st place
  • Love her tutu and arm poofs!
  • They are music box dancers who come to life it looks like
  • Nice twizzles with good unison
  • I like the positions they're choosing to do which keep the character of the program and work with the tutu as well--ie not smashing it against his body
  • It may be partly the music but this step sequence seems really slow and it's unclear if they are keeping the stiff arms or more flowy
  • Straight line lift with her face down and legs straight out but an awkward exit out of it
  • Awkward transition in the dance spin and no speed at all, looks like she has trouble getting out of it
  • She needs to straighten her free leg in the step sequence; the music is picking up speed but they aren't
  • Rotational lift with her in a hunched over position; a few teams have done this lift today and it hasn't looked good on anyone yet
  • He takes a bobble through some transitional footwork
  • Upside down lift with him holding her by the leg and on one foot

Carron/Jones, FRA: 41.55 TES + 41.64 PCS = 83.18 Total: 140.86 and into 2nd place
  • They are skating to a Gershwin Medley
  • She is in a gold sparkly costume, he has a gold tie
  • Really cool entry into their first lift which is stationary and rotational with her legs held out
  • Twizzles seemed a little out of control for him but they keep the unison
  • Step sequence seems painfully slow but she does a good job of using her arms to keep the movement flowing
  • Rotational lift with her in a catchfoot position
  • Flip into a spread eagle position for him and she's arched back with her foot hooked over his shoulder
  • She needs to straighten her free leg through the step sequence
  • This step sequence seems better timed and has a nice flow
  • Nice speed in their dance spin with a good transition between positions
  • Rotational lift with her in a flat position
Cappellini/Lanotte, ITA: 44.58 TES + 45.07 PCs = 89.65 Total: 153.77 and into 1st place
  • They are skating to Umbrellas of Cherbourg; she i swearing a pretty shade of blue with a dark blue shrug and also has blue earrings and a necklace
  • Three sets of twizzles, nicely timed, her arms look a little stiff
  • Nice straight line lift with her extended out over his legs
  • Rotational lift her wrapped around his shoulder
  • They have a very nice flow through their step sequence and her arms look freer here
  • Nice lift with her leg wrapped around his head and arched back
  • A big ice spray into a transitional shoot the duck
  • Nice positions on their dance spin and good transitions but very slow
  • Overall I'd like to see a lot more power and speed from them throughout the program and a little more abandon through the movements

Chock/Zuerlein, USA: 45.65 TES + 44.74 PCS = 90.39 Total: 151.86 and into 2nd place
  • He is wearing a lot of of foundation today
  • They are skating to Cabaret and it really suits their personalities perfectly
  • Nice twizzles with music accents and good unison and speed
  • Nice movements throughout this step sequence and it goes with the music so well
  • Nice positions in their dance spin with great flexibility from her but no change of direction
  • Another nice step sequence from them; the elements are all there but they just dont have the same level of difficulty as the top teams
  • Nice entry into the upside down lift which seems to come out of nowhere
  • Upside down lift with him skating backward on one leg and only her leg is holding her up
  • Good performance from them but (it may have just been the camera angles) it seemed to lack some of their usual energy

Crone/Poirier, CAN: 45.69 TES + 44.43 PCS = 90.12 Total: 151.13 and into 3rd place
  •  They are skating to Eleanor Rigby
  • It looks like someone attacked their costumes with a can of spray paint--not sure what it adds to their program and the accent on his crotch is distracting
  • Nice positions on the dance spin, good transitions, good speed
  • Upside down lift with her holding her leg and he on one leg
  • This step sequence is nicely put together and really flows across the ice
  • He looks really wild in the twizzles and may have stepped down early; her free leg in the second set was wild as well
  • Curve lift with him in a spread eagle and she standing on his thigh and leaning back
  • She looks a little hunched over in this second step sequence and really tight through the movements
  • Cartwheel into a rotational lift
  • They seemed kind of bobbly today in a few places, but I preferred their performance today than during the rest of the season

Ilinykh/Katsalapov, RUS: 42.47 TES + 46.52 PCS = 88.99 Total: 154.50 and into 1st place
  • They are skating to Don Quixote and she is wearing a gorgeous black and gold tutu
  • She has crazy long legs and the tutu really shows them off
  • Nice lift with him on one leg and her in an arched catch foot position
  • Nice speed on the twizzles but he really struggles through the second set and looks really unstable
  • She really uses her arms and legs to her advantage through this step sequence and they have really nice edges
  • One armed roatational lift with her in an arched catch foot--their lifts are really basic but they are a young team and this is an area they really have room to improve and grow
  • Bobble getting into a really difficult lift but they hang on--they both have all their weight leaning to one side and her leg is hooked over his shoulder and she is leaning over the side
  • My feed died so I missed the end of their program

Weaver/Poje, CAN: 48.51 TES + 46.74 PCS = 95.25 Total: 160.32 and into 1st place
  • They are skating to Moulin Rouge
  • Nice step sequence from them to start their program
  • Twizzles were good but really slowed down at the end
  • Nice dance spin positions, slightly awkward transition on the change of direction
  • Lift that starts with her on the ice, one armed hold, her in catch foot position and she's almost perpindicular to the ice
  • Cartwheel into a spread eagle lift with her arching back
  • Lift with him skating backwards on one leg and her legs extended straight out in front of her
  • This step sequence is nice but some parts seem choppy
  • Rotational lift with her in an arched catch foot position
  • Nice final rotational lift with change of position
  • Nice clean program for them--not an obvious mistake in sight for the first time this season
Pechalat/Bourzat, FRA: 43.00 TES + 51.57 PCS -2.00 = 92.57 Total: 163.54 and into 1st place
  • They are skating to a Charlie Chaplin Medley
  • Nice lift with him on one foot skating backwards and her leaning on his leg--simple but effortless
  • Nice step sequence; there are a few places she could stretch more through her free leg
  • 3 solid sets of twizzles; she gets very close to him at the end of the last one but they get out of it ok
  • Nice lift that winds up and down but a little awkwardness getting out of it
  • One armed rotational lift with her in a catch foot position
  • A bad fall for both of them getting into a lift--that could cost them the podium
  • Really slow in the dance spin, especially through the change of direction
  • Such a shame about the falls marring an otherwise solid program

Bobrova/Soloviev, RUS: 45.79 TES + 48.56 PCS = 94.35 Total: 160.23 and into 3rd place
  • They are skating to Melody of the White Nights
  • Her hair has such a finished look with the french braid into the bun and the flower
  • Nice unison on the twizzles, but got off on the third set
  • Flip into a straight line lift with her arched back and the arch in her back is gorgeous
  • Looks like a few bobbles/wild moments in this step sequence
  • Nice position changes throughout this lift
  • Good speed into the dance spin and great use of her arms in the layback position; starting to lose speed at the end but great exit
  • This second step sequence looks really tight as well
  • Nice position changes in the rotational lift including one where she looks like shes sitting on his arm and extended to teh side
  • An overall good program but I just don't find anything particularly memorable about it

Shibutani/Shibutani, USA: 48.14 TES + 48.77 PCS = 96.91 Total: 163.79 and into 1st place
  • They are skating to Smile and Lets Face the Music and Dance
  • So much speed in their dance spin, great transition, and beautiful layback position for her
  • Beautiful flow through their first step sequence
  • Effortless combination lift that ends in a nice rotational lift
  • This team has been said to have the best twizzles in the world and they do 3 sets of lighting fast perfectly unison twizzles
  • Nice twist around to him holding her in front
  • Their performance is not as joyful as I've seen before--they've got to be super nervous!  But they're still doing a wonderful job
  • Nice edges and clean steps from them in the 2nd step sequence
  • They seem to really be getting into the program here at the end, big smiles!
  • Nice one arm rotational lift
  • Charming program and very clean!

Virtue/Moir, CAN: 51.21 TES + 56.29 PCS = 107.50 Total: 181.79 and into 1st place
  • This dress and hair style actually make Tessa look kind of chunky which she is not
  • Twizzles in a circle very clean
  • Their program is so unique as they're doing a samba
  • Nice step sequence for them but the music sounds like it's been slowed down
  • Through the lift that stopped them at 4CCs with her wrapped around his head
  • Cartwheel into an upside down one arm hold
  • Nice lift with him skating backwards on one leg and she literally wraps around his body and changes position
  • Great connection between them in the second step sequence
  • Good positions in the dance spin but it seems a little slow
  • Off the music a little bit in some transition moves
  • Rotational lift with her wrapped around his head in a catch foot position
  • At the end here it doesn't have the attack I'd normally expect from them

Davis/White, USA: 53.78 TES + 57.73 PCS = 111.51 Total: 185.27 and into 1st place
  • She's back in the Forever 21 dress and her hair is up, which she normally wears down for this program
  • She has passion and attack written all over her face for this tango program
  • First lift with her wrapped around his leg as he skates backward on one foot
  • Step sequence was so clean and so well done
  • Twizzles so fast and so together; you can see Igor pumping his fists by the boards
  • Effortless entry into a lift with her standing on his leg
  • Great tango legs through this transitional section
  • Really difficult position for her in the dance spin with nice transitions and an excellent exit
  • Rotational lift with her wrapped around him and then with her upper body extended over hte ice
  • So much edge quality in the step sequence, no ice sprays at all
  • Final split rotational lift
  • In my opinion, that should take the title: It was so much more polished than Virtue and Moir

      1. Davis/White, USA: 53.78 TES + 57.73 PCS = 111.51 Total: 185.27
      2. Virtue/Moir, CAN: 51.21 TES + 56.29 PCS = 107.50 Total: 181.79
      3. Shibutani/Shibutani, USA: 48.14 TES + 48.77 PCS = 96.91 Total: 163.79
      4. Pechalat/Bourzat, FRA: 43.00 TES + 51.57 PCS -2.00 = 92.57 Total: 163.54
      5. Weaver/Poje, CAN: 48.51 TES + 46.74 PCS = 95.25 Total: 160.32 
      6. Bobrova/Soloviev, RUS: 45.79 TES + 48.56 PCS = 94.35 Total: 160.23
      7. Ilinykh/Katsalapov, RUS: 42.47 TES + 46.52 PCS = 88.99 Total: 154.50
      8. Cappellini/Lanotte, ITA: 44.58 TES + 45.07 PCS = 89.65 Total: 153.77 
      9. Chock/Zuerlein, USA: 45.65 TES + 44.74 PCS = 90.39 Total: 151.86 
      10. Crone/Poirier, CAN: 45.69 TES + 44.43 PCS = 90.12 Total: 151.13
      11. Zhiganshina/Gazsi, GER: 44.13 TES + 41.29 PCS = 85.42 Total: 140.95 
      12. Carron/Jones, FRA: 41.55 TES + 41.64 PCS = 83.18 Total: 140.86
      13. Reed/Reed, JPN: 41.64 TES + 37.83 PCS -1.00 = 78.47 Total: 133.33
      14. Tobias/Stagniunas, LTU: 39.68 TES + 38.17 PCS = 77.85 Total: 131.01 
      15. Heekin-Canedy/Shakalov, UKR: 40.70 TES + 36.69 PCS -1.00 = 76.39 Total: 128.70
      16. Coomes/Buckland, GBR: 38.93 TES + = 74.54 Total: 126.29
      17. Huang/Zheng, CHN: 36.08 TES + 34.76 PCS = 70.84 Total: 123.01 
      18. Reed/Japaridze, GEO: 37.15 TES + 33.52 PCS = 70.67 Total: 120.11
      19. Guignard/Fabbri, ITA: 37.15 TES + 33.07 PCS = 70.22 Total: 120.02 
      20. Walden/Edwards, GBR: 38.28 TES + 31.51 PCS = 69.79 Total: 116.52

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