
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Top Moments of 2011: February

Four Continents
Mirai Nagasu finally showed her potential with a stunning free skate that led her to a bronze medal and one of the top scores of the season.

Miki Ando also took the event by storm, winning the gold medal and scoring over 200 points.

Virtue and Moir withdrew after a few second of their free dance in their first event of the season citing an injury to Tessa.

The Chinese Federation was accused of falsifying the ages of their skaters to make them age eligible for events, including Grand Prix Final medalists, Sui and Han.  The ISU launched an investigation but the story faded away.  Here's how I covered it.

Alissa Czisny had a small role in a major Superbowl ad which later launched a longer web ad based entirely on her story.

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