
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Four Continents: Ladies Free Skate

Lejeanne Marais, RSA: 30.12 TES + 32.07 PCS = 62.19 Total: 94.34
  • Two footed the opening triple loop
  • Double salchow and a bit two footed
  • Lots of telegraphing into the double axel but she landed it
  • She could be lower on the sit spin but good speed
  • I'd like to see more stretch through her spiral positions
  • Double flip + double toe + double toe
  • Double loop + double toe--traveling in a circle 
  • She needs to commit to this choreography instead of going through the motions
  • Nice speed through the twisted layback but losing speed through the haircutter
  • Not a lot of changes in the upper body level in this step sequence and not very deep into her edges
  • Kind of just ended way at the end of the rink near the boards
Crystal Kiang, TPE: 31.61 TES + 31.27 PCS = 62.88 Total: 93.79 and into 2nd place
  • Two footed the triple toe + double toe combination
  • Long set up and very slow into the triple loop with a two footed landing
  • Two foots the triple flip
  • Nice sideways sit spin with good stretched out leg
  • Really traveling on this combination spin--no centering at all and no speed
  • Nice spiral 
  • Double lutz
  • No speed in that double axel + double toe and she two foots thelanding
  • Double lutz + double loop + double loop
  • Double axel two footed
  • Not a lot of ice coverage on this step seqeunce and she's not using her edges to really get across the ice but some nice upper body movement
  • Big loss of centering on this combination spin and losing speed through the sit position
Chantelle Kerry, AUS: 37.72 TES + 32.49 PCS = 70.21 Total: 102.49 and into 1st place
  • Really wonky on the double axel but she ekes it out
  • Two footed the double loop
  • Double flip + double toe + double toe
  • Nice spiral position 
  • Interesting twisted spiral position into a nice camel position with a good stretched out catchfoot
  • Nice double axel + double toe
  • Double flip + double toe
  • Double toe
  • Nice donut position in her camel spin
  • Nice quality of movement through her step seqeunce but not enough speed or ice coverage and she could be deeper into her edges as well
  • Double loop
  • Nice stretched out sit spin position but finished after the music
Melanie Swang, THA: 36.05 TES + 28.90 PCS = 64.95 Total: 96.16 and into 2nd place
  • Double toe + double loop + double loop
  • Double loop + double loop
  • Double flip + double loop
  • Nice sit spin
  • Decent spiral
  • Double axel
  • Double flip
  • Nice position in the camel spin with a nice catchfoot into a nice overhead catchfoot
  • Lots of spins in this step seqeucne but she's not moving at all through the one foot section and is almost completely stopped
  • Double flip
  • I wish she didn't drop her leg so much or take so long to get into the donut position
  • Nice speed and position in the Biellman
Zhaira Costiniano, PHI: 27.64 TES + 30.29 PCS -1.00 = 56.93 Total: 87.26 and into 5th place
  • 1.5 rotations on the lutz and two footed
  • Triple salchow hand down + double toe tight and two footed
  • Triple salchow fall
  • Lots of traveling on the layback spin with a nice haircutter into a good Biellman with no speed
  • Needs more stretch through these spiral positions
  • Single axel and two footed the landing
  • A little bobbly through this whole step sequence and she seems to not be into her edges and needs
  • Double axel
  • Double lutz
  • Double flip
  • She needs to get her leg to 90 degrees in the camel spin
Yea-Ji Yun, KOR: 33.50 TES + 31.89 PCS -1.00 = 64.39 Total: 96.85 and into 2nd place
  • Triple salchow--nice opening
  • Double axel
  • Fall on the triple lutz
  • Nice step sequence but she seems to be out of steam by the end
  • Nice positions in her layback into a nice Biellman with good speed
  • Double salchow
  • Double axel + double toe with a two foot and step out of the last jump
  • Double flip
  • Nice donut position in her camel spin
  • Double flip
  • Nice positions in the combo spin with good maintaining of speed and centering
Chae-Yeon Suhr, KOR: 28.47 TES + 31.94 PCS -2.00 = 58.41 Total: 94.95 and into 4th place
  • Fall on the opening triple toe
  • Double axel a little forward on the landing but she hangs on
  • Triple salchow + double toe
  • She needs to stretch through her bottom leg in the catchfoot upright position
  • Really tough fall on the triple salchow--kind of fell out of the air straight on her hip
  • Half axel and two footed--looks like the fall spooked her a bit
  • Double toe
  • Not a lot of speed and push through this step sequence
  • Double flip + double toe
  • She needs to work on her arm position in the layback but she has a nice Biellman but no speed
Alexandra Najarro, CAN: 40.29 TES + 40.74 PCS = 80.08 Total: 117.11 and into 1st place
  • Popped the opening toe
  • Her spiral is out to the side instead of right behind her
  • Fall on the next triple
  • Step out, hand down and knee down on the triple loop
  • Odd arm position in the layback but a lot of speed and a nice haircutter
  • Popped that jump
  • Double + double toe
  • Very nice double axel + double toe + double toe
  • Good position in the donut into the catchfoot with good speed
  • She could have more stretch through her free leg throughout this step sequence
  • Triple salchow
  • Her leg in the camel is slightly below 90 degrees and could have more stretch through her upright catchfoot
Mimi Tanasorn Chindasook, THA: 28.04 TES + 32.92 PCS = 59.96 Total: 97.19 and into 3rd place
  • Underrotated and two footed double axel
  • Triple toe + double toe
  • Double flip
  • Double loop + double toe
  • Botched her spin and has to skate around in a circle waiting to catch up to her music
  • Fall on the triple toe
  • Double flip
  • Not a lot of speed through this step sequence
  • Single axel and she just looks completely out of steam
  • Decent layback but she can't seem to control the Biellman
  • Decent positions in the combination spin with decent speed 
Sandra Kophon, THA: 35.39 TES + 32.18 PCS = 67.57 Total: 103.15 and into 2nd place
  • Double axel
  • Double toe + double loop
  • Triple salchow was two footed and probably under-rotated
  • Double axel
  • Decent speed through this tucked sit spin
  • Decent flow through this step sequence but a little slow and not a lot of stretch through her free leg
  • Double flip + double loop--nice spring and height in the second jump
  • Double loop + double loop + single loop
  • Double flip
  • Good position in the upright catchfoot but she needs more stretch through her free leg and more speed through the sit portion of the spin
  • Nice increase in speed through the haircutter and good Biellman
Qiuying Zhu, CHN: 34.09 TES + 34.25 PCS -2.00 = 66.34 Total: 102.77 and into 3rd place
  • Triple toe flip out and hands down
  • Triple toe + double toe
  • Double salchow
  • Nice speed and position in her camel spin 
  • Fall on that jump
  • Double axel
  • Double axel with a step out
  • Double flip + double toe + double loop
  • Nice position in the upright catchfoot spin
  • I'd like to see more fight through this step sequence with the tango music--very slow and not a lot of push through the edges
  • She could use more stretch through this sit position and more speed
Melinda Wang, TPE: 32.15 TES + 36.19 PCS = 68.34 Total: 103.69 and into 2nd place
  • Triple toe + single toe
  • Triple flip + double toe
  • Double loop
  • Nice double axel
  • Good camel spin into a nice twisted sit spin and a decent upright catchfoot 
  • Nice to see some expression and performance quality
  • Nice spiral
  • Double toe
  • Too big on the double axel and she has to put her hands down
  • Double flip
  • Nice push through the step sequence but she's a little choppy on her edges 
  • Good twisted sit spin 
Haruka Imai, JPN: 49.05 TES + 42.25 PCS -2.00 = 89.30 Total: 134.49 and into 1st place
  • Triple toe + triple toe--probably under-rotated and tight on the landing
  • Fall on the triple lutz
  • She's just going through the motions with this choreography
  • Triple flip with a step out
  • Triple loop + double toe
  • Bent knee on her sit spin
  • Triple salchow + double toe + double loop
  • Nice spiral position
  • Triple salchow--not enough height and a fall; she seems to really be running out of steam
  • Nice recovery with that triple
  • Really nice position in her layback spin with good speed and nice maintaining of the speed through the Biellman
  • Nice speed through the camel spin and nice donut position
Cynthia Phaneuf, CAN: 44.83 TES + 51.88 PCS = 96.71 Total 147.47 and into 1st place
  • Popped her opening jump
  • Nice triple loop
  • Single loop
  • Nice camel spin into a fast sit spin with a nice position
  • Missed a part in the middle
  • Nice triple toe
  • Triple toe + double toe + double toe
  • Nice stretched out sit spin position into a nice tucked position
  • Nice flow through this step sequence and great ice coverage; mostly clean edges
  • Nice position in the camel spin with good speed in the sit spin and into the haircutter
Amelie Lacoste, CAN: 43.84 TES + 53.09 PCS -1.00 = 95.93 Total: 147.65 and into 1st place
  • Huge triple loop with nice flow out of it
  • Nice triple flip
  • Step out and hands down on the triple salchow
  • Nice layback spin into a haircutter
  • A little bobble on her footwork, seems a little choppy in places 
  • Single jump
  • Triple loop + double loop a little tight
  • A little hunched over in the sit spin position but good speed
  • Really nice spiral right on the music
  • Fall on the double axel
  • Double salchow
  • An alright illusion spin into a nice broken leg sit spin
Bingwa Geng, CHN: 37.02 TES + 45.89 PCS -2.00 = 80.91 Total: 127.89 and into 4th place
  • Two foots the landing of the triple lutz
  • Hand down and then a fall on the double axel
  • Double toe
  • Really nice upright catchfoot spin and good speed into the tucked sit spin
  • Really nice position in the spiral
  • Triple lutz + double toe
  • Double salchow
  • Really nice twisted position in the camel into a nice donut position with a nice entry into it
  • Triple toe with a fall and slid right into the boards
  • Single axel and then awkward landing
  • Nice movement through this step sequence and a nice quality  steps
  • Nice layback into a Biellman
Victoria Muniz, PUR: 36.36 TES + 40.84 PCS -2.00 = 75.20 Total: 117.83 and into 5th place
  • Triple flip + double toe + double loop
  • Double flip
  • Fall on that triple
  • Nice camel spin and a nice donut
  • Single axel + double toe
  • Two foot and fall on the triple loop
  • Needs more stretch through her spiral positions
  • Triple loop with a step out and hand down
  • Double axel with a turn out
  • A little slow through this footwork and she looks a little tired 
  • Nice speed through this camel spin but not a great A spin into a nice sit spin
  • Really fast layback spin with a nice position into a nice haircutter and a decent Biellman
Min-Jeong Kwak, KOR: 40.41 TES + 42.39 PCS = 81.80 Total: 130.52 and into 4th place
  • Triple lutz
  • I think she forgot to take her gloves off before she skated--they're fuzzy and don't go with the costume or the program
  • Triple salchow
  • Double axel + double toe with a little bit of a turnout
  • A little slow through the sit spin
  • Decent spiral position
  • Double lutz + double toe really tight on the landing
  • Fall on the triple salchow
  • Nice position in the layback spin with a nice haircutter and Biellman
  • Double lutz
  • It looks like she's really muscling through this step sequence and not stretching through her free leg; lots of snow indicates that she's not clean on her edges
  • Nice double axel
  • Nice upright catchfoot spin into a good tucked sit spin and finished just slightly after her music
Caroline Zhang, USA: 63.25 TES + 54.19 PCS = 117.44 Total: 176.18 and into 1st place
  • Nice triple flip + double toe
  • Good triple lutz
  • Double axel
  • Nice positions in the combination spin with good stretch and speed
  • She could use a little more stretch through her sit spin and losing a lot of speed through the tuck
  • Nice triple loop
  • Nice spiral position 
  • Nice triple lutz + double toe + double loop
  • Nice triple loop + double toe
  • A little slow through this step sequence
  • Nice double axel right on the music and big smile going into her signature layback spin
Ashley Wagner, USA: 66.61 TES + 61.73 PCS = 128.34 Total: 192.41 and into 1st place
  • Nice triple flip + double toe + double toe
  • Double axel + double toe
  • Triple lutz 
  • Nice twisted sit position but a little slow into the tuck position
  • Nice spiral positions
  • Good layback spin into a nice Biellman
  • Nice triple loop right on the music
  • Really nice triple salchow with good flow out of the jump
  • Triple loop + double toe
  • Triple flip
  • Nice push through this step sequence with good  flow and edges
  • Nice speed through the twisted camel and nice broken leg sit spin ending with a scratch spin
Agnes Zawadzki, USA: 49.27 TES + 55.09 PCS = 104.36 Total: 157.23 and into 3rd place
  • Step out of the double axel
  • Triple flip
  • Really great speed through this layback spin into a nice Biellman
  • Solid triple lutz
  • Really nice spiral
  • Double + double toe really close to the boards
  • Nice camel spin into a donut 
  • Single axel + double toe
  • Triple toe + double toe + double loop
  • Double salchow
  • Nice to see her smile through this step sequence; nice energy and flow across the ice but could be deeper in her edges
  • Nice positions and speed in her final combination spin and beautiful toe point through the upright catchfoot
Kanako Murakami, JPN: 51.58 TES + 54.29 PCS = 105.87 Total: 169.32 and into 3rd place
  • Nice triple lutz
  • Solid triple loop
  • Triple flip with a bit of a step out
  • Nice speed through her layback spin into a nice Biellman
  • A little slow getting out of the sit spin 
  • Triple + single toe
  • Really high free leg on the takeoff of that triple
  • Nice double axel
  • I like the lightness in this step sequence with nice flow across the ice and good edges
  • Interesting entry to her triple salchow + single toe
  • Really slow in this final combination spin
Mao Asada, JPN: 62.95 TES + 61.42 PCS = 124.37 Total: 188.62 and into 2nd place
  • Her costume is gorgeous--Grecian draping with tons of sparkle underneath; lovely lilac shade on her
  • Triple axel was two footed but yay!
  • Triple flip + double loop
  • Hand down on the triple lutz
  • Nice camel spin dropping right down into a broken leg sit spin and a nice stretched out catchfoot upright spin with a pointed foot
  • Double axel + triple toe
  • Triple lutz + double loop + double loop
  • Double salchow
  • A little loss of centering on that sit spin
  • Gorgeous step sequence with nice flow and she is just floating across the ice
  • Triple loop
  • Nice donut spin into a gorgeous circle spiral right at the end of her program
  • Such an inspired program
Kexin Zhang, CHN: 58.32 TES + 51.20 PCS -1.00 = 108.52 Total: 162.59 and into 5th place
  • Triple toe + triple toe
  • Triple lutz + double toe
  • Triple lutz--very solid thus far
  • Nice camel spin with good speed and position and picking up speed through the donut position
  • Nice spiral
  • Didn't start her rotation quick enough on that triple and falls
  • Triple loop
  • Nice layback spin into a nice fast Biellman
  • Triple salchow was a little wonky but she lands it
  • Double axel + double toe
  • Nice flow through this step sequence and good edges
  • Really interesting positions in her final combination spin
Pl.  NameNationTSS
1Ashley WAGNERUSA128.3466.61 61.737.617.467.937.717.860.00#20
2Mao ASADAJPN124.3762.95 61.427.757.437.647.827.750.00#23
3Caroline ZHANGUSA117.4463.25 54.196.866.367.076.796.790.00#19
4Kexin ZHANGCHN108.5258.32 51.206.716.256.396.546.111.00#24
5Kanako MURAKAMIJPN105.8751.58
6Agnes ZAWADZKIUSA104.3649.27
7Cynthia PHANEUFCAN96.7144.83 51.886.546.216.506.546.640.00#14
8Amelie LACOSTECAN95.9343.84 53.096.756.506.576.756.611.00#15
9Haruka IMAIJPN89.3049.05 42.255.545.115.185.365.212.00#13
10Min-Jeong KWAKKOR81.8040.41 42.395.755.005.325.295.141.00#18
11Bingwa GENGCHN80.9137.02 45.896.075.575.615.825.612.00#16
12Alexandra NAJARROCAN80.0340.29 40.745.214.895.
13Victoria MUNIZPUR75.2036.36 40.845.394.825.
14Chantelle KERRYAUS70.2137.72 32.494.143.964.
15Melinda WANGTPE68.3432.15 36.194.544.364.614.574.540.00#12
16Sandra KHOPONTHA67.5735.39
17Qiuying ZHUCHN66.3434.09 34.254.613.964.294.364.182.00#11
18Melanie SWANGTHA64.9536.05 28.903.713.463.643.713.540.00#4
19Yea-Ji YUNKOR64.3933.50 31.894.293.714.114.003.821.00#6
20Crystal KIANGTPE62.8831.61 31.273.963.793.933.933.930.00#2
21Lejeanne MARAISRSA62.1930.12
22Mimi Tanasorn CHINDASOOKTHA59.9628.04 32.924.363.964.
23Chae-Yeon SUHRKOR58.4128.47 31.944.253.753.964.073.932.00#7
24Zhaira COSTINIANOPHI56.9327.64
1Ashley WAGNER
3Caroline ZHANG
5Kexin ZHANG
8Cynthia PHANEUF
9Haruka IMAI
10Min-Jeong KWAK
11Bingwa GENG
12Victoria MUNIZ
13Alexandra NAJARRO
14Melinda WANG
15Sandra KHOPON
16Qiuying ZHU
17Chantelle KERRY
18Mimi Tanasorn CHINDASOOK
19Yea-Ji YUN
20Melanie SWANG
21Chae-Yeon SUHR
22Lejeanne MARAIS
23Crystal KIANG

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