
Thursday, August 30, 2012

JGP Lake Placid Pairs Short Program

Aaron/Settlage, USA: 20.99 TES + 22.83 PCS = 43.82
  • Very nice footwork into a double twist but I'd like to see them get more height
  • Nice side by side double axels
  • This team has such nice maturity and presence on the ice and she has great lines
  • Hand down on the throw triple salchow
  • Nice extension through the hand to hand lift but it seemed a bit slow
  • Nice synchronization through the beginning of their side by side spins and some nice positions
  • Their footwork seems a little choppy, especially for this music but they are very together and present it nicely
  • A decent position for her on the death spiral
Prolls/Blommaert, GER: 22.51 TES + 19.02 PCS -1.00 = 40.53
  • He was a little off on the side by side double axels but they both landed them
  • She had a hop on the entry into the double twist and not much height
  • Not a lot of speed and power on the throw triple salchow and she sat down on the jump--I think she could have fought for it and held on
  • She has nice extension through the lift but it seems slow with not enough ice coverage
  • I'd like to see them push through this step sequence and be more playful to match the tone of the music 
  • A little far apart on the side by side spins and off on their timing; she also seems to be travelling during the spin
  • She has a good arch on her death spiral but needs more stretch through her leg
  • They finished a few seconds after their music
Lavrentieva/Rudik, UKR: 15.19 TES + 17.54 PCS = 31.73
  • A lot of prep into the double twist but not a lot of height
  • Very slow into the throw double salchow and she falls
  • They overall need a lot more speed and intensity to match this music
  • Very slow rotations on their hand to hand lift and she could use more arch in her back
  • I'd like to see more arch from her in the death spiral but overall decent
  • A little far apart on their side by side spins and slow but they are perfectly together
  • Very slow on their step sequence and they tend to drift apart but they're very together
  • They seemed to finish just after the music

Gainetdinova/Bich, RUS: 19.19 TES + 20.72 PCS = 39.91
  • She's very tiny but has a lot of presence on the ice
  • Good speed through the opening into a double twist with her arms over her head but not a clean catch
  • Nice ride out on the throw triple salchow
  • Good speed and timing on their side by side spins with some good positions; lose the synchronization and the speed at the end
  • There's a lot of details in this program and it really goes well with the music
  • She could have a better death spiral position
  • Nice press lift entry with her facing away from him but they can't hold on to it through the change of position and set it down early
  • Nice choreography in this step sequence but it seems slow for the music and lacking energy
  • Nice side by side double axels right at the end of the program--she really finishes off her jumps
  • Finished after their music
Denney/Frazier, USA: 21.39 TES + 23.19 PCS = 44.58
  • Nice speed into the double twist but crashy landing
  • Small throw triple salchow but she hangs on to it
  • They both struggle on the landing of their side by side double axels but hang on
  • Good timing on their side by side spins and good distance between them but they're a little slow
  • I'd like to see them really let go and bring some of the fire and intensity of the tango to this program 
  • Interesting backward entry into a tuck position and then a hand to hip hold with her arched over his hand
  • Seems slow through the footwork but she's turning on the intensity here; nice variety in their footwork and good timing with the music
  • They also seemed to finish just after their music
Smyth/Dodds, AUS: 8.32 TES + 12.06 PCS -1.00 = 19.38
  • Tiny double twist, completely vertical and she hits the ice with her feet almost before he can catch her
  • Backwards lift with hand to hand hold, nice stretched position for her but awkward set down on the ice
  • Side by side double flip
  • Very slow side by side spins but they are very together even through the change of foot
  • There aren't a lot of transitions in this program and there are a few places where they almost seem lost like they don't know where the other is
  • Very small throw double salchow and she puts a hand down
  • They almost come to a full stop in the middle of their ice during their step sequence
  • Their music ended on the entry into their death spiral--they continued with the program and she fell on the death spiral
  • They seem very new and tentative and they picked a piece of music that overpowered them
Pfund/Reiss, USA: 21.73 TES + 22.64 PCS -1.00 = 43.37
  • I like their postures, attitude and attack at the top of this program
  • Very nice, fast, high double twist with a clean catch
  • Very nice throw triple salchow with a good landing for her
  • She was a little forward on the landing of their side by side double axels but hangs on
  • Good speed on their pairs spin but a little off on the timing 
  • Very precise on their foot work and they cover about half the ice in dance hold; nice varied movement but they could use some more expression
  • Stag position in the lift for her with a one arm hold for him
  • I'd like to see her do something better with her arm during the death spiral--it's stuck in an awkward position
  • They also finished after their music

Purdy/Marinaro, CAN: 24.20 TES + 23.64 PCS = 47.84
  • I adore her dress--light pink with ivory flowers on it and it seems the skirt is a slightly different shade than the top giving it almost an ombre effect
  • Decent double twist
  • Nice side by side double axels with good flow out of them
  • Nice transitional dance move into the death spiral but she could really stretch through her leg and foot 
  • Nice entry into the lift with a good arch through the change of position and a flip exit
  • Nice lift into a throw triple salchow--a bit forward on the landing but she hangs on
  • I like the variety of dance holds in their step sequence and the nice "dip" moment right in the middle of the ice
  • Nice timing on their side by side spins with good distance between them but off a bit at the end
  • This is such a well put together program with great expression and they complement each other really well
  • She's almost his height so it will be interesting to see what happens to this team in the future
Rau/Simpson, CAN: 18.90 TES + 18.83 PCS = 37.73
  • She is darling in her ringmaster outfit with colored hair extensions
  • Actually I guess she's a chimney sweep...
  • Nice double twist with good height and a nice catch
  • There's a nice ease about this team on the ice--everything seems light and airy
  • Small throw triple salchow but they hang on to it
  • She got absolutely no height on her side by side double flip
  • She needs to really stretch through those legs in her lift but a nice flip exit
  • Completely flat in the death spiral but an interesting toss exit
  • They could work on better matching some of their spin positions and their timing is off
  • Good step sequence but they finish way off their music
Desjardins/Bilodeau, CAN: 19.64 TES + 19.11 PCS = 37.75
  • Her dress might be my favorite of this competition--beautiful shade of blue with a gathered bust and it floats perfectly with her movement
  • Nice side by side double flip
  • Good timing on their side by side spins but they have different arm positions in some of the spins
  • A little tentative on the landing of their double twist
  • She sits and then falls on the landing of her throw triple salchow
  • She needs more extension and flexibility through both positions in the lift
  • Good speed in the death spiral but her position is flat
  • Good connection with the music in their step sequence but a little choppy and I'd like to see more ballet emphasis in their arms
  • Finished after their music
Oltmanns/Santillan, USA: 19.56 TES + 19.54 PCS = 39.10
  • Great opening to this program with excellent choreography and nice expression to really get the audience invested--nice twizzles as well
  • Nice steps into their side by side spins with good unison until the change of foot but they get it back
  • Small double twist but a decent catch
  • She singles her side by side double axel and he has a low landing
  • They have great unison and details in their program
  • Interesting one hand hold with her in a backwards split but close to the boards on the landing and the set down is a little awkward
  • Not a lot of speed going into the throw triple salchow but she hangs on to it
  • Music ends while they're in their death spiral but they continue to the end
  • They are almost identical in height which makes some of the pair elements very difficult but they complement each other very well and have a nice presence on the ice
Pl.  NameNationTSS
1Vasilisa DAVANKOVA / Andrei DEPUTATRUS48.9727.16 21.815.575.295.575.465.360.00#1
2Margaret PURDY / Michael MARINAROCAN47.8424.20 23.645.865.826.005.866.000.00#11
3Haven DENNEY / Brandon FRAZIERUSA44.5821.39 23.195.755.645.895.795.930.00#8
4Madeline AARON / Max SETTLAGEUSA43.8220.99 22.835.795.395.795.755.820.00#4
5Jessica PFUND / AJ REISSUSA43.3721.73 22.645.615.575.795.755.571.00#10
6Ekaterina KUKLINA / Maxim PETUKHOVRUS41.9022.44 19.465.004.864.934.934.610.00#2
7Annabelle PRÖLSS / Ruben BLOMMAERTGER40.5322.51 19.024.754.544.714.894.891.00#5
8Kamilla GAINETDINOVA / Ivan BICHRUS39.9119.19 20.725.
9Olivia OLTMANNS / Joshua SANTILLANUSA39.1019.56 19.544.964.684.824.965.000.00#14
10Krystel DESJARDINS / Charlie BILODEAUCAN37.7519.64 19.114.934.754.824.714.681.00#13
11Shalena RAU / Phelan SIMPSONCAN37.7318.90 18.834.644.544.794.824.750.00#12
12Giulia FORESTI / Leo Luca SFORZAITA33.8616.68 18.184.364.324.614.714.711.00#3
13Julia LAVRENTIEVA / Yuri RUDIKUKR31.7315.19 17.544.574.214.394.434.321.00#6
14Eliza SMYTH / Jordan DODDSAUS19.388.32

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