
Saturday, September 1, 2012

JGP Lake Placid Free Dance

Allik/Bellantuono, EST: 55.91 Total: 93.15
  • She has a wonderful leg line
  • Nice flip up to a lift behind his head with a change of position to laying on his leg while he's in a spread eagle
  • Good timing and distance between them on the twizzles
  • A little choppy in places on their first step sequence--they need to really get in their edges and push across the ice
  • Beautiful Biellman position right into a lift with her wrapped around his neck and good speed on the rotation
  • Back walkover onto his foot with her in a Biellman position but it seems like she may have hopped off early
  • A little off on some of their turns in their second step sequence and her leg line doesn't always match his
  • Only one position in the spin so they won't receive as many points
  • Nice final rotational lift with her in a stag position over his shoulder but it looks like he's having trouble hanging on to her after the change of position
Aghai/Partanen, FIN: 61.60 Total: 99.91
  • I'm not sure I'm in love with the red illusion mesh on her costume but otherwise I like the look of it although the long pieces that keep getting caught between her legs are making me nervous
  • They traveled too close togehter on the twizzles and he had to put his foot down to avoid a collision
  • I really like her presence on the ice and she has a fire in her eyes that really accentuates this program
  • Neat rotational lift starting with her being held straight up and down and moving through two changes of position
  • There is a nice ease in all of their change of holds 
  • Nice lift with him in a spread eagle and holding her foot in the air while she balances in a haircutter but his spread eagle position could be wider
  • I really love the way she uses her arms in this dance spin and uses them fully down to her wrist and finger movements
  • I'd like to see them have closer matching leg lines and more stretch through their free legs in this second step sequence; they had a little bobble on a change of hold but got back into it
  • Spread eagle lift with her standing on his feet and arching back
  • Rotational lift with her being held by her arms but it seems like they're having a little trouble getting out of it
Tessari/Clafato, ITA: 44.47 Total: 79.56
  • Haircutter rotational lift seemed slightly slow
  • Very far apart on their twizzles but traveling very close together by the end and off on their unison
  • I'm not in love with the gree under her skirt but I like the satin sheen as it differentiates her white dress from the ice
  • They seem to have trouble getting back into the holds after the turns in the step sequence and are not pushing through their edges
  • Decent dance spin but losing speed
  • Handstand on his foot with a position change onto his legs while he's in a spread eagle
  • Spread eagle curve lift with her wrapped around his waist and suspended over the ice
  • They seem to be very off on their unison in this step sequence and I'd like to see better matching leg lines and their knees down into the ice 
  • They could have had more power and intensity at the ending to really sell the ending of the POTO story

Yermak/Khimich, UKR: 56.06 Total: 101.08
  • Nice stretch from her in the spread eagle lift with him holding her in the air in a Biellman
  • Better edge work and unison in their leg line but they seem a little far apart in some of their holds
  • One some of their transitional footwork I'd like to see them really go for it instead of just going through the movements
  • Travelling apart during the twizzles but good unison
  • He could stretch through his free leg on the dance spin and they could have more speed and a smoother change of direction
  • She needs more stretch through her leg line in the second step sequence and she seems to be overly anticipating the change of holds instead of just letting them happen
  • Nice jump with a twist into his arm for the one arm rotational lift
Heritage/Fast, USA: 60.88 Total: 102.81
  • A few little bobbles on the twizzles but good unison
  • One arm rotational lift with her in a catchfoot and a nice exit
  • Beautiful spread eagle lift with her leg hooked around his shoulder and leaning back; I especially love her use of arms
  • Really nice long leg lines and easy strokes across the ice in this step sequence with fast, easy changes of hold
  • Nice changes of position in their dance spin but they've completely stopped by the end
  • Lost the feed for their second step sequence
  • Nice intricate changes of position in their straight line lift
  • I really like their connection with this music and with each other in this program and I see a lot of improvement in this team
Pogrebinsky/Gudis, USA: 64.32 Total: 109.73
  • She has lovely expression and a nice presence on the ice
  • Flip un into a nice fast rotational lift with changes of position
  • Nice timing on their twizzles but they get so close to each other in the 2nd set
  • She has such long legs but I'm not sure she knows what to do with them yet as she doesn't always fully stretch through her leg
  • Nice ease through their dance spin with good positions and easy changes of direction and nice speed throughout
  • Great posture in their step sequence but a little bobbly on some of the changes of hold
  • Nice one leg straight line lift with her bent back over the ice
  • A little bobble on their shoot the duck in a transition movement
  • A little awkward in some of these changes of position in the lift
  • While their bodies seem a little tentative in places in the step sequence none of that shoes on their faces
  • Overall they are a very young team and show a lot of promise and just have some polishing work to do to compete with the best
Bruser/Lum, CAN: 67.61 Total: 110.67
  • A little wild on their twizzles and their unison suffered a bit
  • Her Pirates costume is almost identical to Meryl's POTO costume
  • Good matching leg lines and speed through their step sequence but she could work on her posture in places and not hunching over when she kicks her leg
  • Nice straight line lift with a flip over him 
  • Kick over hi head into a curve lift with him in a spread eagle position
  • Interesting changes of position in their dance spin with a nice ease and good speed maintained throughout
  • They seem to be getting good edges but are still choppy in their second step sequence
  • She needs more flexibility in the split rotational lift as her legs aren't hitting 180 degrees

Aldridge/Eaton, USA: 83.32 Total: 136.80
  • I LOVE her dress.  It's a pinkish/ivory with short sleeves and a lace back and a layered skirt
  • She has such natural expression on the ice and they both really seel their programs and commit to the movement instead of just going through the movements
  • Great ease in their position changes in the straight line spread eagle lift
  • Great posture and use of her arms and upper body through this step sequence with nice speed
  • Good edges and nice matching leg lines in their step sequence as well
  • Beautiful double camel spin and nice change of position through their dance spin
  • Good curve spread eagle lift with her arched back over the ice
  • Great character in some of the transitional movements of this program--nice choreography
  • Solid set of three twizzles with great speed and nice timing
  • Nice changes of hold in their second step sequence with good edge work
  • Haircutter rotational lift and she could have more stretch through her free leg
  • Very solid program, nicely done!
Morozora/Zhirnov, RUS: 64.27 Total: 111.49
  • She misses her blade on the jump into the first set of twizzles and takes a hard fall
  • They seem to recover nicely and complete the next two sets of twizzles
  • They both have nice extension in their legs and good matching lines through their first step sequence
  • Leg around his head and a flip up to a haircutter hold for her in the spread eagle lift
  • A little bit awkward getting up into their second lift but a beautiful arched position for her
  • Nice positions in their dance spin with an awkward change of position
  • Good speed in the rotational spin with a nice change of position but a little difficulty getting out of it
  • A difficult edge sequence at the beginning of their second footwork sequence and nicely done
  • Nice serpentine lift with him in a spread eagle and changing edges in the middle
  • Great recovery after that fluke fall in the first seconds of the program
Kosigina/Moroshkin, RUS: 75.80 Total: 135.24
  • Some hip hop moves to open up their Michael Jackson program
  • Nice flip into their first rotational lift
  • Good twizzles
  • I'm really not crazy with their cuts and remixes of this music--they detract more than they add to the program
  • Very nice edges in their footwork but they seem a little slow
  • She needs more flexibility in their straight line lift with her standing on his blade and it looks like she fell out of it early
  • She needs to watch her wrist in the step sequences as it sometimes just dangles there and breaks the arm line
  • The feed went out through the middle of their program
  • While they are technically good in comparison their program seems a bit more junior than Aldridge and Eaton's with some of the choreography and the music cuts
Poulin/Servant, CAN: 68.76 Total: 114.71
  • Very nice edges in their step sequence and good matching leg lines; they both have such nice posture and carriage as well
  • Nice flip up into a straight line lift with good changes of position
  • Nice speed in the dance spin with good positions
  • I really like the classic look of their costumes but I'm not sure I understand their music
  • Good timing on their twizzles but very slow
  • Curve lift with him in a nice deep spread eagle and her arched over the ice
  • She bobbles on a turn in their step sequence and they lose a second or two
  • He has a tad better stretch in his legs and she is losing her posture a bit at the end of this routine
Pl.  NameNationTSS
1Alexandra ALDRIDGE / Daniel EATONUSA83.3241.59 41.737.046.757.
2Evgenia KOSIGINA / Nikolai MOROSHKINRUS75.8035.80 40.006.756.636.586.756.630.00#10
3Andreanne POULIN / Marc-Andre SERVANTCAN68.7631.66
4Noa BRUSER / Timothy LUMCAN67.6133.98 34.635.715.585.925.885.921.00#7
5Elliana POGREBINSKY / Ross GUDISUSA64.3232.92 32.405.385.335.505.465.381.00#6
6Daria MOROZOVA / Mikhail ZHIRNOVRUS64.2729.41 35.866.135.835.836.215.961.00#9
7Sara AGHAI / Jussiville PARTANENFIN61.6032.10 29.505.044.715.085.004.880.00#2
8Madeline HERITAGE / Nathaniel FASTUSA60.8830.66 31.225.385.045.215.335.131.00#5
9Lolita YERMAK / Alexei KHIMICHUKR56.0625.88
10Johanna ALLIK / Paul BELLANTUONOEST55.9128.35 27.564.794.464.634.714.420.00#1
11Jasmine TESSARI / Stefano COLAFATOITA44.4722.27 23.203.963.673.834.173.831.00#3

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