
Monday, December 27, 2010

Breaking Down the Elements: Ice Dance Spins Levels of Difficulty

Because the requirements for calling levels in Ice Dance are so intricate, I have broken up the Level requirements into separate posts for ease of reading.  This post deals with Spin Levels, the next post will deal with lifts and the final post will cover twizzles and step sequences.
Basic Positions in Dance Spins:

1. Upright Position: performed on one foot with skating leg straight or slightly bent and upper body upright (on a nearly vertical axis), arched back or bent to the side. (If the angle between the thigh and shin of the skating leg is less than about 120 degrees, it will be considered as Sit Position.)
2. Sit Position: performed on one foot with skating leg bent in a one-legged crouch position and free leg forward, to the side or back. (If the angle between the thigh and shin of the skating leg is more than about 120 degrees, it will be considered as an Upright or Camel Position depending on the other criteria that characterize these Positions.)
3. Camel Position: performed on one foot with skating leg straight or slightly bent and body bent forward so that the waist line is horizontal and the core of the body is less than 45 degrees above the horizontal line (if it is more, the position will be considered as Upright) and free leg extended or bent upward on horizontal line or higher. If the angle between the thigh and shin of the skating leg is less than about 120 degrees, it will be considered as Sit Position.
Examples of Difficult Variation of Basic Positions:
i) for Upright Position:
a) “Biellmann” type – body upright pulling the boot by the hand above and behind the level of the head (the heel of the boot pulled by the hand above the level of the head);
b) Full layback with upper body arched back towards the ice or sideways with upper body bent to the side towards the ice*;
c) Split with both legs straight and the boot/skate of the free leg held up higher than the head (may be supported by partner);
d) Upper body arched back or sideways with free foot almost touching the head in a full circle (doughnut/ring)*.
Note: A simple upright spin by one or both is not considered to be a difficult pose.
ii) for Sit Position:
a) Full Sit Position (free leg bent or straight) with free leg directed forward with thigh of skating leg at least parallel to the ice;
b) Full Sit Position (free leg bent or straight) with free leg directed backward with thigh of skating leg at least parallel to the ice;
c) Full Sit Position (free leg bent or straight) with free leg directed to the side with not more than 90 degrees between thigh and shin of skating leg;
d) Full Sit Position (free leg crossed extended behind, and directed to the side) not more than 90 degrees between thigh and shin of skating leg;
e) Full Sit Position (free leg crossed behind and touching the skating leg) with thigh of skating leg at least parallel to the ice;
f) Full Sit Position with free leg directed forward with not more than 90 degrees between thigh and shin of skating leg and back of upper body parallel to the ice.
Note: A simple sit spin by one or both is not considered to be a difficult position.
iii) for Camel Position:
a) Camel Spin with upper body (shoulder and head) turned upwards – facing up so that the line of the shoulders is at least 45 degrees past the vertical point;
b) Camel Spin with body nearly horizontal or bent sideways horizontally with head and free foot almost touching (doughnut/ring) *;
c) Camel Spin with body nearly horizontal with the heel of the boot pulled by the hand above the level of the head;
d) Camel Spin with body bent forward to the spinning leg and free leg extended backward and upward up to almost a full split (with the angle between thighs about 180 degrees);
e) Simple Camel by the man with the free leg on horizontal line or higher.
 Note : Simple Camel by the lady is not considered to be a difficult position.
 *Maximum a half a blade length between head and blade
􀂾 Any variation of “doughnut/ring” position mentioned above may be used only once in the spin or combination spin.
􀂾 Biellmann and Camel with boot pulled by the hand above the level of the head may not be used for the same partner as two different difficult variations but may be used by other partner.
􀂾 Sit Position b) and e) should not be executed right after each other to be considered two different difficult sit positions.

Definition and Requirements - A spin skated by the couple together in any hold. It should be started and performed on one foot by both partners simultaneously on the spot around a common axis. Both partners must complete at least 3 full continuous rotations on one foot.
Calling Specifications for Spins:
Basic Requirement for calling a Spin Level 1 - at least three (3) full rotations for both partners on one foot.
1. A Spin will be identified but given NO Level when the couple commences the Spin but at least three full rotations are not completed by both partners.
2. If the spinning movement has been started and a skater is still on two feet for more than ½ rotations, the level will be reduced by 1 level. (Reduce by 2 levels if both partners start on two feet)
3. If a fall occurs at the entrance to or during a spin and is immediately followed by another Spin or Spinning movement (for the purpose of filling time), this additional part will receive no value and will not occupy another spot.
4. If the Spin has commenced and immediately is stopped by fall, stumble or any other reason for interruption it will be called “Spin -No Level” and the element will block a box for Spin.
5. If a loss of control with additional support (touch down by free leg/foot and/or hand(s)) occurs after the Spin has commenced and the Spin continues on one foot by each partner after touchdown without interruption, its Level will be determined according to the requirements fulfilled and reduced by 1 level per touchdown. But if one of the partners (or both) remains on 2 feet to reestablish the Spin for more than ½ rotation and requirements at least for Level 1are fulfilled it will be called Level 1, otherwise it will be called “Spin NO Level”.

Level 1: A Spin that does not meet level 2, 3 or 4 requirements but meets the Basic Requirement and Calling Specifications for a Spin.  Spinning movement started on one foot by both partners AND Both at least 3 full continuous rotations on one foot by both partners

Level 2: Spinning movement started on one foot by both partners AND Both at least 4 full continuous rotations AND 1 difficult different variation from any type of Basic Position for each partner (for at least 2 rotations in a fully established position).

Level 3: Spinning movement started on one foot by both partners AND Both at least 5 full continuous rotations AND 2 different difficult variations from 2 different types of Basic Positions (1 difficult variation from 1 type of Basic Position for one partner and 1 different difficult variation from different type of Basic Position for the other partner performed simultaneously) - each difficult variation for at least 5 rotations in a fully established position.  OR 3 difficult different variations in 3 different types of Basic Positions for one partner or 2 difficult different variations in 2 different types of Basic Positions by one partner and 1 from the 3rd type of Basic Position for the other partner (each difficult variation for at least 2 rotations in a fully established position).
Level 4: Spinning movement started on one foot by both partners AND Both a total of at least 6 full continuous rotations AND
OPTION 1: At least 4 different difficult variations from 3 different types of Basic Positions (2 for both partners or 3 difficult variations in at least 2 different types of Basic Positions for one partner and 1 for the other partner). At least one difficult variation must be performed by partners simultaneously - (each difficult variation for at least 2 rotations in a fully established position).
OPTION 2: Change of direction of rotation during Spin for both partners (with at least 2 rotations in both directions in a fully established position) AND  3 different difficult variations from all 3 Basic Positions (each difficult variation for at least 2 rotations in a fully established position).

Definition and Requirements -A spin performed as above after which a change of foot to the other foot is made by both partners simultaneously and further rotations occur. A change of foot means change to the other foot”. Both partners must complete at least 3 rotations on one foot, followed by a change to the other foot for both simultaneously and 3 further rotations on the other foot with no more than ½ rotations on 2 feet during the “change of feet”.
Basic Positions & Examples of Difficult Variations of Basic Positions: See Dance Spins.
Calling Specifications for Combination Spins:
Basic Requirement for calling a Combination Spin Level 1 - at least three (3) full rotations for both parts of the Spin on one foot by each partner of the Combination Spin.
1. A Combination Spin will be identified as a “Combination Spin No Level” when both partners change feet and commence the entry edge to the second part of the Combination Spin but three full rotations are not completed by one or both partners in either part of the Combination Spin.
2. If one of the partners does not change foot (to the other foot) in the Combination Spin, it will be called a Spin Level 1.
3. If the spinning movement has been started and a skater is still on two feet for more than ½ rotation, the level will be reduced by 1 level. (Reduce by 2 levels if both partners start on two feet)
4. If there is more than 1/2 rotation on 2 feet during the change of foot the level will be reduced by 1 level. (Reduce by 2 levels if both partners stay on two feet).
5. If a fall occurs at the entrance to or during a Combination Spin and is immediately followed by another Spin or Spinning movement (for the purpose of filling time) this additional part will receive no value and will not occupy another spot.
6. If the Combination Spin has commenced and immediately is stopped by fall, stumble or any other reason for interruption and its type can not be identified it will be called “Spin -No Level and the element will block a box for Spin.
7. If a loss of control with additional support (touch down by free leg/foot and/or hand(s)) occurs after the Combo Spin has commenced and the Combo Spin continues on one foot by each partner after touchdown (without interruption) its Level will be determined according to the requirements fulfilled and reduced by 1 level per touchdown. But if one of the partner (or both) remains on 2 feet to reestablish the spin for more than ½ rotation and requirements at least for Level 1are fulfilled it will be called Level 1, otherwise it will be called “Combo Spin NO Level”.

Level 1: A Combination Spin that does not meet level 2, 3 or 4 requirements but meets the Basic Requirement and Calling Specifications for a Combination Spin: Spinning movement started on one foot by both partners AND Both partners skate at least 3 full continuous rotations on one foot followed by at least 3 full continuous rotations on the other foot by both partners.

Level 2: Spinning movement started on one foot by both partners AND Both partners skate at least 3 full continuous rotations on one foot followed by at least 3 full continuous rotations on the other foot by both partners. AND 2 different difficult variations from 2 different types of Basic Positions (each difficult variation for at least rotations in a fully established 3 position) (1 for one partner and 1 for the other partner or 2 difficult variations in at least 2 different types of Basic Positions for one partner.)

Level 3: Spinning movement started on one foot by both partners AND Both partners skate at least 3 full continuous rotations on one foot followed by at least 3 full continuous rotations on the other foot by both partners.  AND
OPTION 1: 3 different difficult variations from 3 different types of Basic Positions (each difficult variation for at least 3 rotations in a fully established position) (2 for one partner and 1 for the other partner or 3 difficult variations in at least 2 different types of Basic Positions for one partner).
OPTION 2: Different direction (clockwise or anticlockwise) of rotation for each part of the Combination Spin for both partners AND  2 different difficult variations from 2 different types of Basic Positions (each difficult variation for at least 3 rotations in a fully established position)

Level 4: Spinning movement started on one foot by both partners AND Both partners skate at least 3 full continuous rotations on one foot followed by at least 3 full continuous rotations on the other foot by both partners.  AND
OPTION 1: 4 different difficult variations from all 3 Basic Positions (each difficult variation for at least 3 rotations in a fully established position) (2 for both partners or 3 difficult variations in at least 2 different types of Basic Positions for one partner and 1 for the other partner.)
OPTION 2: Different direction (clockwise or anticlockwise) of rotation for each part of the Combination Spin for both partners AND 3 different difficult variations from all 3 Basic Positions (each difficult variation for at least 3 rotations in a fully established position).

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