
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Breaking Down the Elements: Pairs Levels of Difficulty

Number of features for Levels: 2 for Level 2, 3 for Level 3, 4 for Level 4

Twist Lifts
1) Lady’s split position (each leg at least 45° from the body axis)
2) Catching the lady at the side of the waist without her hand(s)/arm(s)/any part of upper body touching the man
3) Lady’s position in the air with arm(s) above the head (minimum one full revolution)
4) Difficult take-off (steps/skating moves executed by both partners immediately preceding take-off)


1) Difficult (simple for juniors) variation of the take-off
2) 1 change of hold and/or lady’s position (1 rev. before and after the change, counts twice if repeated)
3) Difficult variation of the lady (one full revolution)
4) Difficult (simple for juniors) carry (not for SP)
5) One-hand-hold of the man (2 full revolutions in total)
6) Additional revolutions of the man with one-hand-hold after 2 revolutions in 5) (only in FS and only in one lift)
7) Difficult (simple for juniors) landing variety
8) Change of rotational direction by the man (one revolution before and after the change)

Step Sequences

1) Simple variety(Level 2), variety(Levels 3–4) of turns and steps of both partners throughout (compulsory)
2) Rotations (turns, steps) in either direction (left and right) with full body rotation covering at least 1/3 of the pattern in total for each rotational direction)
3) Use of upper body movements
4) Changes of pos. (crossing at least twice while doing steps and turns) for at least 1/3 of the sequence
5) Not separating at least half of the pattern (changes of holds are allowed)

Death Spirals
1) Difficult entry (immediately preceding the death spiral) and/or exit
2) Change of man’s pivot position (not for SP)
3) Change of lady’s and/or man’s arm hold (1 rev. with each hold)
4) Additional revolution(s) of the lady after the first revolution (counts as many times as repeated)
Features 3 and 4 are counted only if both partners are in “low” positions (see Clarifications)

Solo Spins
1) 1 difficult variation in a basic or (for spin combinations only) in an intermediate position
2) Another difficult variation in a basic position which must be significantly different from the first one and:
● spin in one position with change of foot – on different foot than the first one
● spin combination without change of foot – in different position than the first one
● spin combination with change of foot – on different foot and in different position than the first one
3) Flying or backward entrance
4) Clear change of edge in sit (only from backward inside to forward outside) or camel
5) All 3 basic positions on one foot (counts twice if executed on both feet)
6) 2 changes of foot (not for SP)
7) Both directions immediately following each other
8) At least 6 rev. without changes in pos./variation, foot and edge (camel, sit, layback, difficult upright)

In any spin with change of foot the maximum number of features attained on one foot is two (2).  For Spins with change of foot at least one basic position on each foot is mandatory for Levels 2 – 4 both in Short Program and in Free Skating.

Pair Spins

1) 2 changes of basic positions of both partners
2) Additional change(s) of basic positions of both partners after the 2 changes required above
3) 3 difficult variations of positions of partners, only one of which can be in intermediate position (each
variation of each partner counts separately)
4) Any other difficult variation(s) of positions of partners in addition to the 3 variations required above
5) Entrance from backward outside or inside edge
6) Both directions immediately following each other
7) At least 6 revolutions without any changes in position/variation and foot (camel, sit, difficult upright)

Definition of carries and one hand holds

Holds: Hand-to-Hand, Hand-to-Hip, Hand-to-Waist and Hand-to-Armpit.  
Positions: Upright (lady’s upper body vertical), Star (lady’s position sideways with upper body parallel to the ice) and Platter (lady’s position flat, facing up or down with upper body parallel to the ice).
Carry : Two hand Carry up to 3 seconds with no revolution of the man

Take-off: Includes but is not limited to change of hand hold on ascent of lift.
Landing : Different landing foot, change of hold on descent.
Carry: Duration at least 3 seconds.

Take-off Includes but not limited to: Somersault take-off, dance lift going immediately into a Pair lift take-off without the lady touching the ice between two lifts, one hand take-off, Spread-Eagle, Ina Bauer or Spiral by one by one or both partners as the entry curve.
Landing: Variation of the difficult landing which includes but is not limited to: Somersaults, variation in hold, partner positions and /or direction of landing, one hand landing, Spread-Eagle position of the man during dismounting.
Carry: Includes at least one of the following features: during the carry the man for at least 3 seconds skates on one foot or holds the partner on one arm or performs crossovers or performs Spread Eagle or a similar move.
Position: A movement of a leg(s), arm(s) or upper body which requires more physical strength or flexibility and that has an effect on the balance of the main body core.  Only these variations can increase the Level.

Change of hold or lady’s position requires one full revolution before and after this change. If a change of hold and a change of lady’s position are executed at the same time, only one Level feature will be awarded.

Types of turns (executed on one foot) :  three turns, twizzles, brackets, loops, counters, rockers.
Types of steps (executed on one foot whenever possible) : toe steps, chasses, mohawks, choctaws, curves with change of edge, cross-rolls, running steps.
Simple variety: must include at least 7 turns & 4 steps, none of the types can be counted more than twice.
Variety: must include at least 9 turns and 4 steps, none of the types can be counted more than twice.
Use of upper body movements means the visible use for a combined total of at least 2/3 of the pattern of the step sequence any movements of the arms, head and torso that have an effect on the balance of the main body core.

Solo spins: same as Single Skating
Pair spins: Entrance from backward outside or inside edge requires that each partner rotates at least two (2) revolutions on a bасkward outside/inside edge.
Execution of 4 difficult variations: (each variation of each partner counted separately, at least 2 rev. in each variation) will result in 2 Level features independent on the order of these variations if at least 2 of these variations are executed in basic positions.

Lady’s “low” positionfor inside Death Spirals the lowest hip or buttock and head should not be higher than her skating knee; for outside Death Spirals – head should not be higher than her skating knee and bodyline between knee of skating leg and head should be flat or shallow arch.
Man’s ‘low” pivot position: buttocks not higher than the knee of the pivot foot.
Any part of the Death Spiral with a higher lady’s or man’s position is not valid for Level features 3) and 4). During the change of pivot a higher man’s position is possible, but for the feature 2) the man must have one revolution in the “low” pivot position before and after the change.
Change of arm hold by the lady or man requires one full revolution in the death spiral position before and after this change. However if both partners change arms at the same time, only one Level feature will be awarded.
Difficult entry, exit:
Skater(s) must demonstrate positions that affect main body core and balance on the entry curve. Only these positions can be counted for Level features. An example of a difficult exit also: Lady exits immediately into a lift (dance or other) or into a jump.  Entry commences at the beginning of entry curve when one or both partners are already on one foot on the edge of the death spiral.  Exit starts when the Man starts bending his “holding” arm in the elbow and ends when the Lady comes to the vertical position.

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