
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Grand Prix Final--Free Dance

Group 1
Ekaterina Bobrova/Dmitri Soloviev, RUS
  • I really love her dress and the beading and water colors n the underskirt are gorgeous
  • He drops his foot on the 2nd set of twizzles and steps out of the 3rd step
  • Nice entrance into their straightline lift but it looked a little labored on the exit
  • Nice edges and changes in hold on their circular step sequence here but I'd like to see her really extend her free leg
  • Nice positions in their lift but they look a little labored in the position changes
  • She has nice positions in the dance spin and they show off her flexibility
  • Another nice step sequence well timed to the music
  • Interesting rotational lift, but she really needs to squeeze her legs together in the 2nd position as they're at an awkward angle when only slightly apart
  • The music is long over and they're still moving.  It looks deliberate though and hopefully that won't put them over time.
40.84 TES + 41.58 PCS = 82.42 and into 1st place

Vanessa Crone/Paul Poirier, CAN
  • The dance spin is nice and they have some unique positions and interesting changes in hold and position
  • Nice lift with her upside down and him on one leg but a slight bobble on the exit
  • Nice changes of hold on their step sequence and lots of interesting variety in their steps
  • Fast twizzles through all three sets, great unison and very close together
  • They have some really interesting moves that I've never seen before
  • She does a lift facing him and kicks over his head to come back to the ice but it looks like there may have been a slight bobble on the landing
  • Flip into a rotational lift but she needs to watch her leg positions through the changes
  • Very intriguing program but I'm not wowed and I don't feel they really connect with the audience or tell a story.
42.78 TES + 42.14 PCS = 84.92 and into 1st place

Kaitlyn Weaver/Andrew Poje, CAN
  • They have a ton of speed and power across the ice through this first step sequence
  • I'd like to see Kaitlyn stretch through her legs more and really straighten her knees
  • A little loss of unison at the end of their second twizzle set but otherwise nicely done
  • Nice dance spin but they could do a better job with the transition before the change of foot
  • Nice one armed rotational lift where he picks her up from a kneeling position
  • I'd love to see them have more of a connection with each other through the Come What May section of their program
  • Tons of strength shown off as she holds her body parallel to the ice and he skates on one leg
  • I'd like to see them attack this tango section a little more
  • So much speed through their rotation lift with her in a haircutter position
  • Solid program and they just need a little fine tuning which will bring up their GOEs and PCS
39.84 TES + 40.99 PCS = 80.83 and into 3rd place

Group 2
Nora Hoffman/Maxim Zavozin, HUN
  • Interesting positions in their dance spin, but I'd like the speed to maintain consistent and for there to be a better transition between the foot change
  • Twizzles were good unison and they completed 3 sets
  • Their position changes in the footwork sequence are a little more basic than some of the other teams and I'd like to see them flow more through the steps
  • I don't really like any of the positions in their rotational lift, especially when she's in the fetal position on his shoulders
  • Nice split position for her in the straight line lift with him skating on one foot
  • I'd like to see them add more variety to this program because their go to seems to be having Nora hold her foot behind her head.  That would also really help their choreography score.
  • He has two bobbles in the last footwork sequence but manages to get back into the choreography
37.13 TES + 38.96 PCS = 76.09 and into 4th place

Nathalie Pechalat/Fabian Bourzat, FRA
  • I love when dance teams get into their programs before the music even starts
  • They have great speed and ice coverage
  • Their first lift is nice and I like the added touches of her arms flapping in the lift
  • Loving the character in this step sequence into the twizzles
  • The twizzles are well timed for the most part, they complete 3 sets, and they remain very close together
  • This lift is great as he flips her in the air and she twists and they he rolls her up and then drops her down to the ice.  Very intricate and executed with ease.
  • In some places I think she could straighten her knee just a little bit more
  • She does a flip in and then back in this lift but it takes a while to hit an actual position
  • They need a better transition in their dance lift and the changes cost them a lot of speed and bring the element nearly to a stop
  • This program is absolutely charming and they really have it polished and performance ready.
46.50 TES + PCS 49.94  = 96.44 new seasons best and into 1st place

Meryl Davis/Charlie White, USA
  • I love that Meryl performs from the first note of the music and never stops until it ends
  • Great entrance into their lift and she's balancing on just his leg as he skates on one foot
  • Their step sequence is well executed but I'd like to see more tango inspired moves
  • Music change and here comes the tango steps
  • They are just demolishing these tangos with such speed and attack.  They jump into the first set for the feature.
  • They are really attacking the tango elements of their program especially with their arms and heads and they have the quick feet that is the signature of a tango
  • Interesting position in the dance spin but I'd like to see Meryl straighten her knee a bit more
  • Roatational lift where he holds her by only her knees with a slight bobble on the exit
  • Final rotational lift with her on a split position on his shoulder and a slight bobble on the exit
  • Not my favorite program for Meryl and Charlie but they perform every second and except for a few problems on the exits of the lifts it is superbly executed.
50.15 TES + 52.79 PCS = 102.94 new seasons best and into 1st place

Top 3:
1) Davis/White
2) Pechalat/Bourzat
3) Crone/Poirier

Top TES: Davis/White
Top PCS: Davis/White

Gold: Davis/White
Silver: Pechalat/Bourzat
Bronze: Crone/Poirier

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