
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Grand Prix Final--Ladies Free Skate

Rachael Flatt, USA
  • 2A+3T--looked a little crooked on the landing but otherwise good
  • 3Lz--She sat down on the landing and took a fall
  • Camel spin--She needs more flexibility through the 2nd position but otherwise a nice spin
  • 3F--really nice jump with a good flow out
  • Flying combination spin--She needs more stretch through her legs in this spin
  • Choreographic spirals--This is improved but she could still use work on her arabesque position
  • 2Lz--possible two foot on the landing and we're into the 2nd half so she'll get a bonus for these jumps
  • 3F+2T+2Lo--a little off on the first landing but she pulls it out
  • 2Lo--nicely done
  • Straight line step sequence--I'd like to see her get more into her edges and really take each movement to its ending in this step sequence
  • 2S--well done
  • Combination spin--some interesting position variations here and she ends just a second after her music
  • A few bobbles and an uncharacteristic fall and lots of doubling at the end but otherwise a nice program.  I don't think it'll be enough to pull her up.  She seems really off.  Wonder if something larger is the matter?
36.47 TES + 46.91 PCS -1.00  = 82.38 and into 1st place

Miki Ando, JPN
  • Miki is either still wearing a banddage on her back still or her tights are pulled to high
  • 3Lz+2Lo--great height on both these jumps and easy landings
  • 3Lo--another easy jump
  • Flying sit spin--Nice positions and great speed.  She's received Level 4s for this in the past.
  • Combination spin--More nice positions and solid speed throughout.  Another element she received Level 4s for.
  • Choreographic spirals--I like her position and she skates a nice clean edge
  • 2A+2T--into the 2nd half and the bonus and it's nicely done
  • 3Lz--Another nice, easy jump
  • 3S--A little bobble on the ending of this one but otherwise nice
  • 3T--And she is just nailing this program
  • 2A+2Lo+2Lo--Another nailed jump
  • Straight line step sequence--This step sequence seems slow for the build in the music here and doesn't flow across the ice the way I'd like it to.
  • Flying combination spin--This has been her weakest spin LEvel wise in the past.  I don't like the illusions and her position is not done well.  She finishes slightly after the music.
  • I hope Miki can figure out her short program issues because she always nails her free skate and it seems to suit her really well.  She's put some pressure on the leaders to skate clean.
64.64 TES + 58.06 PCS = 122.70 new seasons best and into 1st place

Akiko Suzuki, JPN
  • She looks so calm and happy before taking the ice.  She's someone who truly loves to skate and it shows in every performance.
  • 3Lz--a nice solid jump to open her performance
  • 2A+3T--Great landings on both these jumps
  • 3Lo--nicely done
  • Flying combination spin --She's received really low levels for this spin in the past and she loses her centering through the first half of her spin.
  • Choreographic spirals--Great stretched out position in her spirals
  • 3Lz+2T--very nicely done
  • Three very nice jumps here at the end of the program, including a sequence
  • Flying camel spin --This was well done
  • Straight line step sequence--The crowd is clapping along with her here and she has great music for this step sequence.  I really like her attack throughout this section.
  • Combination spin--I love her camel spin to start this combination and she has so much speed.
  • She didn't do a three jump combo here and I'm not sure why because all her landings were clean. 
58.18 TES + 57.28 PCS = 115.46 new seasons best and into 1st place

Kanako Murakami, JPN
  • I really don't understand her costume and don't see what it has to do with the Mask of Zorro
  • 3T+3T--nicely done to open her program
  • 3Lz--Another nice jump with good speed out of it
  • Flying Sitspin--She has such low positions and great speed through this spin.
  • 3F--She pops this jump and two foots the landing
  • Layback spin--Really pretty positions in this spin and nice flexibility in her Biellman but it loses a lot of speed
  • 3F+2T--Into the 2nd half of the program and the bonus.  She doesn't get her free leg all the way extended on the 2nd landing but otherwise well done
  • Choreographic spirals--Nice stretched out positions
  • 3Lo--Another good jump
  • 2A--She gets so low in her takeoff for all these jumps and she can really get some good height
  • 3S+2T+2Lo--Her first jump landing looked two-footed but she completed the combo
  • Straight line step sequence--Lots of movement in this step sequence but it does look a little flaily at moments
  • Combination spin--A lot of speed and it almost looks a little out of control at moments but her positions are nice
  • Minus the popped jump, a solid free skate for Murakami.
59.98 TES + 57.14 PCS = 117.12 new seasons best and into 1st place

Carolina Kostner, ITA
  • 3T--Nicely done with a smooth landing.
  • 2A--Great stretched out landing
  • 2A--second Axel was also solid but I don't like that they're back to back
  • Flying Combination spin--Some nice positions here and good centering of the spin but it's a little slow
  • Flying camel spin--Nicely done
  • 3S--Into the 2nd half and the bonus and nicely landed
  • 1Lo+2T--Popped open the first jump but still manages to tack on the combo.
  • 3Lo+2T--Hits the combination here
  • Choreographic spirals--A nice position on her arabesques
  • Straight line step sequence--She really floats across the ice which I like and incorporates a lot of one foot maneuvers
  • 3S+2T+2--barely manages to squeak out the last jump of the three jump combo but she mangages it
  • combination spin--A nice spin at the end
  • Her technical content was already weak and she couldn't afford to make any mistakes.  She made a few and I think that will drop her in the rankings.
55.56 TES + 60.91 PCS = 116.47 new seasons best and into 1st place

Alissa Czisny, USA
  • Love, love, love her dress and her whole look is so pulled together and so polished.
  • 3Lz+2T--Nicely lands the first combination in her program
  • 3F+2T--She doesn't get her free leg all the way extended here but she lands both jumps well
  • 3T--Another nice jump
  • Flying Camel spin--Really fast spin and her donut position is exquisite
  • 3Lo--She lands it and her coach is jumping up and down on the side
  • Choreographic spirals--I love her spirals and the position change is effortless
  • 3F--Into the bonus and she lands the jump
  • 2A--A step out but she doesn't fall
  • 3T--And she lands it for a relatively clean free skate.
  • Combination spin--Her positions and speed here are enviable
  • Circular step sequence--This is one of her weaker elements  but I like that she's doing a circular step sequence.  I'd like to see her work on the content in both of her programs and pick up some extra points.
  • Layback spin--Her spins truly are the best in the world in any disciple.
  • The smile on her face at the end of her program tells exactly how she feels about that program.
55.68 TES + 61.31 PCS = 116.99 new seasons best and into 1st place

Top 3:
1) Miki Ando
2) Kanako Murakami
3) Alissa Czisny

Top TES: Ando
Top PCS: Czisny

Gold: Czisny
Silver: Kostner
Bronze: Murakami

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