
Monday, January 3, 2011

Breaking Down the Elements: Junior Ladies Short Program

The junior ladies short program consists of 7 elements that must be performed in 2:50 maximum time.

1. Double axel

2. Double or triple loop immediately preceded by connecting steps or other free skating movements

3. Jump combination, double/double, double/triple or triple/triple, may not repeat either Axel jump performed or solo jump

4. Flying Camel spin, minimum 8 revolutions

5. Layback or sideways leaning spin, minimum 8 revolutions

6. Spin combination, with only 1 change of foot and all 3 basic positions or any variation thereof, no flying entry, minimum 6 revolutions each foot, minimum 2 revolutions each position

7. Step sequence, straight line, circular or serpentine

The main differences between the junior and senior level is that juniors cannot execute a triple axel, they must execute a double or triple loop instead of a jump of their choice, their combination can be a double/double, and the flying spin must be a camel.

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