
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Breaking Down the Elements: Junior Pairs Short Program

The Junior pairs short program consists of 7 elements that must be performed in a maximum time of 2 minutes and 50 seconds.

1. Toe lasso lift take off (Group 5), minimum 2 revolutions by lady, minimum 1 revolution and maximum 3 1/2 revolutions by man

2. Double twist lift, flip or lutz take-off only

3. Double or triple toe loop throw jump

4. Double loop or double axel solo jump
5. Solo combination spin with only 1 change of foot and at least 1 change of position, both partners must achieve at least 2 basic positions for 2 revolutions, minimum 5 revolutions each foot, change of foot may be in form of step over or jump, change of foot and change of position can be made at same time or separately, may commence with a jump

6. Backward inside death spiral, when final death spiral position is attained both partners must execute 1 full revolution with man in full pivot position, lady must skate on a clean edge with her body and head close to the ice surface

7. Step sequence (straight line, circular or serpentine), fully utilize ice surface, partners should share workload and skate close together and to the character of the music, changes of place and holds, short stops and small jump-like movements are permitted.

The main differences between the junior and senior programs is that juniors must execute a toe lasso lift take-off (instead of lasso lift of choice), they cannot execute a triple twist, the throw jump must be a toe loop, and the solo jump must be a loop or axel and not a jump of their choice (and cannot be a triple).

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