
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

World Championships: Pairs Short Program

Montalbano/Krasnopolski, ISR: 21.63 TES + 15.80 PCS = 37.43 and into 1st place
  • They are skating to a James Bond theme
  • Throw triple salchow with a two footed landing
  • Double twist
  • She has really nice extension
  • Side by side double axels were off on timing and she turned out of her landing
  • She could use more stretch through her air position in this lift
  • A little off on the timing on their side by side spins but some nice positions and good distance between them
  • This music seems really slow and its affecting the pace of their footwork; they also seem to just be going through the motions and not really putting anything behind their steps
  • Really flat death spiral position, needs more arch

Duhamel/Radford, CAN: 34.77 TES + 24.06 PCS = 58.83 and into 1st place
  • Nice entrance into a high triple twist but a little crashy on the landing
  • She turns out of their side by side triple lutzes but really hangs on to avoid a fall
  • Nice lift with a flip exit
  • Nice entry into their throw triple lutz--her air position was crazy but she somehow stuck the landing
  • They seem a little tight today, especially her in this footwork sequence; the music and the movement demand more freedom and flow
  • Nice death spiral position but her free arm is in a slightly awkward position
  • Nice speed in their side by side spins, great positions, and very together
  • His nose is really bleeding at the end of the program, looks like she elbowed him on the twist; possibly broken and he has a large bag of ice in the kiss and cry

Martini/Kiefer, AUT: 20.79 TES + 14.55 PCS = 35.34 and into 3rd place
  • They are skating to Once Upon a Time in the West
  • Their costumes are nice but they don't scream Western program at all to me
  • Really low double twist with a crash on the landing
  • She two foots and turns out of their throw triple
  • She has a nice air position in the lift but I'd like to see more flexibility through her back in the catch foot variation
  • Gorgeous arabesque spiral from her
  • A nice variation of the upside down death spiral from her
  • Nice side by side spins, good timing, but really far apart from each other and getting very slow toward the end
  • One arm variation on their side by side double flip
  • This footwork is pretty basic but they have some nice weaving around each other and they're doing a lot of it in a dance hold
  • They seem really tired here at the end

Zhang/Wang, CHN: 31.00 TES + 21.25 PCS = 52.25 and into 2nd place
  • Nice triple twist with a clean catch
  • Triple toes were nicely done
  • Nice throw triple loop with a solid landing but lack the height you expect from the Chinese
  • She looks a little wild in the transitions between some of these spins, good timing, but seem far away from each other
  • Nice air position for her in the lift and a really difficult position change with her parallel to the ice
  • I'd like to see a lot more attack through this footwork to really sell the tango vibe
  • Nice death spiral position but he lowers her at the end and she's virtually laying on the ice
Dong/Wu, CHN: 28.57 TES + 20.72 PCS = 49.29 and into 3rd place
  • They are skating to Red Violin
  • They start the program by skating so far away from each other that the camera loses both of them
  • Triple toes were well timed and landed well
  • Nice triple twist with good height but he didn't really catch her before her feet hit the ground and it looked two footed
  • Nice throw triple loop but not a lot of height
  • She could stretch through her knees more in these lifts and really extend her leg line
  • The step sequence has nice mirroring but seems painfully slow
  • Nice death spiral position with a change of hand
  • Good side by side spins but she sickles her foot in the camel position which disrupts the line
Zabijako/Kulbach, EST: 25.74 TES + 18.61 PCS = 44.35 and into 4th place
  • They are skating to a Middle Eastern composition
  • They're starting off with their footwork
  • A lot of repetitions of the Egyptian arm held throughout all these steps, not a lot of variation in the upper body; very slow and no power
  • Double twist, he catches her awkwardly but away from his body
  • He puts a hand down on the side by side toes
  • Nice throw triple loop
  • She needs a lot more stretch through her air position but the lift was solid
  • They are traveling a lot in the sbs spins and are far apart from each other
  • She only gets about half way down in the death spiral

Kadlecova/Bidar, CZE: 26.02 TES + 19.18 PCS = 45.20 and into 4th place
  • This is a fairly young team but they look really relaxed on the ice
  • Nice double twist but she throws her head back in the entry
  • Nice throw triple salchow--they're the same height so he has to really crank it in the prep to get her around
  • Nice side by side loops
  • She could use a bit more stretch through her back on the lift
  • Nice death spiral position but I'd like to see a stronger exit out of the element
  • Nice speed on the side by side spins and good unison; nice flexibility through the y position
  • Nice step sequence but I'd like to see some more power behind it
  • Solid skate for this team

Volosozhar/Trankov, RUS: 37.43 TES + 32.92 PCS = 70.35 and into 1st place
  • They are skating to Carmina Burana
  • Super high triple twist with a clean catch
  • Beautiful side by side triple toes with a nice landing
  • Great air positions for her in the lift especially the position change where her leg is bent but not held
  • Really nice throw triple loop with a solid landing
  • Nice positions in these side by side spins, great speed and nice flexibility; a little far apart though
  • She seems a little hesitant in places in this step sequence but otherwise really nice; some really nice choreographic moments in the sequence as well
  • Really pretty death spiral position with change of arm but she gets a little close to the ice at the end
  • Overall a phenomenal program and they had the home crowd on their feet

Canac/Bonheur, FRA: 24.33 TES + 19.59 PCS = 43.92 and into 7th place
  • Side by side triple salchows--he turned out of his
  • Nice double twist with a clean landing
  • Throw triple loop went straight up and down and she didn't get any distance
  • Nice death spiral position
  • Their side by sid spins are well timed, positions are nice
  • This is a latin program and there is no speed, power or fire in this step sequence
  • Really nice position for her in the lift with great flexibility

Malakhova/Kenchadze, BUL: 16.77 TES + 14.33 PCS -1.00 = 30.10 and into 10th place
  • They are skating to Pirates of the Caribbean
  • She puts a hand down and then stumbles out of their opening triple salchows
  • Double twist with a clean catch
  • She two foots the landing and turns out of the throw triple toe
  • Really long entry into the death spiral, she's almost flat on the ice and they only do a couple rotations
  • She has super long legs and a decent air position in the lift, but if she had a bit more flexibility in her back this could be an amazing position
  • Really off on the side by side spins
  • Not a lot in this step sequence content wise and they spend a lot of it on opposite sides of the rink

Bakirova/Kamianchuk, BLR: 20.43 TES + 17.77 PCS = 38.20 and into 8th place
  • She needs more stretch through he legs throughout transitional movements
  • Nice double twist with a clean catch but could have more height
  • Side by side double axels were good 
  • Throw double was fine
  • Nice air position for her with a one arm hold and he sets her down with one arm
  • They lose their unison on the side by side spins when they change position but always catch back up to each other
  • There isn't a lot of power and speed through the step sequence and they need to be deeper into their edges
  • She has a really awkward death spiral position with her head looking up at him and at one point her hip is resting on the ice

Evora/Ladwig, USA: 30.99 TES + 24.65 PCS -1.00 = 54.64 and into 3rd place
  • They are skating to Sing, Sing, Sing
  • Ladwig was going to compete in the boot that broke at 4CCs but the delay allowed him to break in a new pair
  • Nice triple twist with a decent landing
  • She falls on the side by side triple toes
  • Throw triple was really solid and she had a nice ride out in her landing
  • Nice speed in their side by side spins and good unison but a little far apart; both need more stretch through both their legs in the upright position
  • This stepwork sequence is good but still not as much power as some of the top teams will have
  • Good death spiral position with a change of hold
  • Nice air position for her in the lift with a good flip exit

Moore-Towers/Moscovitch, CAN: 31.33 TES + 25.53 PCS = 56.86 and into 3rd place
  • They are skating to Zorba's Dance
  • Triple twist didn't have a ton of height but a clean catch
  • She has to hang on to the landing of their side by side triples but she doesn't put her foot down
  • Nice air position for her with a nice stretched out split position
  • Nice throw triple loop
  • Her butt is a little high in the upside down death spiral position
  • The crowd is getting into their step sequence and they are turning on the performance
  • Their unison is really off on the spins; both need a lot more stretch through their legs in the upright position

Kemp/King, GBR: 25.05 TES + 19.09 PCS = 44.14 and into 9th place
  • Double twist; looks like she hits the ice before he really catches her
  • Double salchows were good
  • Low landing on the throw triple loop but she hangs on to it
  • Really pretty death spiral position
  • In the exits from the elements, she gets her leg up really high in arabesque, but it's way to the side instead of behind her 
  • Not a lot of upper body movements or power in their step sequence
  • They lose the timing on their side by side spins in the transitions but catch back up
  • Good air position for her in the lift

Bazarova/Larionov, RUS: 36.10 TES + 28.54 PCS = 64.64 and into 2nd place
  • They are skating to music from the Secret Garden
  • He puts a hand down on their side by side triple toes
  • Nice high triple twist with a clean catch
  • Really pretty throw triple salchow with a really nice landing from her
  • She's almost on the ice on her side in the death spiral
  • Nice timing, great position variations and flexibility in their side by side spins
  • Beautiful lift especially the position chnage with the one hand hold on her hip and she lays on her side and leans over
  • A really nice step sequence with good edge quality; I'd like them to connect with each other a little more though

Berton/Hotarek, ITA: 32.46 TES + 25.17 PCS = 57.63 and into 4th place
  •  Nice speed into their side by side triple toes and a good landing for both of them
  • Double twist with not a lot of height
  • She has a nice air position in the lift and they do a flip exit
  • Decent unison on their side by side spins
  • Good death spiral position
  • I'd like to see more passion and attack in this step sequence but the steps themselves are fine
  • Huge throw triple loop at the very end of the program; a little forward on the landing but she hangs on

Hausch/Wende, GER: 30.96 TES + 23.94 PCS -1.00 = 53.90 and into 7th place
  • They are skating to El Tango de Roxanne
  • I really love her dress and think it's pretty unique for pair skating
  • Nice side by side triple toes to open the program
  • The triple twist goes out instead of up and as a result they have an awkward, crashy landing
  • Looks like her feet get out from under her on the throw triple and she takes a fall
  • Nice footwork but I'd like to see more passion and connection between them
  • Good death spiral with a change of hold
  • She could use a bit more arch and stretch through the lift
  • Good unison on their side by side spins, could use more stretch through the upright position

Pang/Tong, CHN: 40.09 TES + 33.91 PCS = 74.00 and into 1st place
  • Nice side by side triples
  • Beautiful triple twist with a clean one arm catch
  • Really nice throw triple loop
  • Good unison on their side by side spins with a good distance between them; may have lost their centering a bit in the middle
  • Decent air position, but she could use more stretch through the split variation
  • Nice edge quality in this step sequence and some really nice choreography
  • Beautiful arch in her death spiral position with a nice exit out of the element

Savchenko/Szolkowy, GER: 39.12 TES + 33.86 PCS = 72.98 and into 2nd place
  • Unfortunately I think her outfit has become more tacky with each competition 
  • Huge throw triple flip to open the program
  • Really nice triple twist
  • Good side by side triples
  • Nice air position for her in the lift and a nice one arm hold
  • Death spiral seemed a little slow and looked like they had trouble with the hold change
  • This is a nice step sequence and they really turn it on in the second half
  • Their spins are very fast but they lose a little bit of unison; both need more stretch in both legs in the upright position

Yankowskas/Coughlin, USA: 32.93 TES + 26.83 PCS -1.00 = 58.76 and into 6th place
  • Other skaters take note: this is how a tango should be performed! 
  • Really nice triple twist with a clean catch
  • Beautiful throw triple salchow
  • She steps out of her triple toe but otherwise they were nice
  • REally nice air position and interesting variations in position
  • Good unison in their side by side spins
  • She has great nuances in the step sequence and makes great use of her hands; they also have a great connection with each other
  • Nice death spiral position
  • Solid performance for them in their first trip to Worlds

Takahashi/Tran, JPN: 33.57 TES + 25.59 PCS = 59.16 and into 5th place
  • They are skating to Feeling Good by Michael Buble
  • Opened with nice side by side triple salchows
  • Big double twist with a clean catch
  • Nice unison on their side by side spins but both need more stretch through both legs in the upright position
  • Beautiful arabesque spiral from her
  • Nice throw triple toe
  • This step sequence is really well timed with the music and there are some really nice elements in here
  • In her first air position she has one leg in front of the other and needs to work on evening that out
  • Nice death spiral

Kavaguti/Smirnov, RUS: 31.83 TES + 31.73 PCS -1.00 = 62.54 and into 5th place
  • These costumes are heinous and aren't doing anything for either of them
  • She was forward on the landing of the side by side triple toes but hangs on
  • Low landing on the throw triple loop but hangs on to that as well
  • Good triple twist
  • Good death spiral position
  • A little lack of unison in parts of the side by side spins
  • He takes a spill in the step sequence and slides into the boards; takes him a second to get back into it
  • Good speed through the final lift and a nice flip exit out of it

  1. Pang/Tong, CHN: 40.09 TES + 33.91 PCS = 74.00
  2. Savchenko/Szolkowy, GER: 39.12 TES + 33.86 PCS = 72.98 
  3. Volosozhar/Trankov, RUS: 37.43 TES + 32.92 PCS = 70.35
  4. Bazarova/Larionov, RUS: 36.10 TES + 28.54 PCS = 64.64 
  5. Kavaguti/Smirnov, RUS: 31.83 TES + 31.73 PCS -1.00 = 62.54
  6. Takahashi/Tran, JPN: 33.57 TES + 25.59 PCS = 59.16 
  7. Duhamel/Radford, CAN: 34.77 TES + 24.06 PCS = 58.83
  8. Yankowskas/Coughlin, USA: 32.93 TES + 26.83 PCS -1.00 = 58.76
  9. Berton/Hotarek, ITA: 32.46 TES + 25.17 PCS = 57.63
  10. Moore-Towers/Moscovitch, CAN: 31.33 TES + 25.53 PCS = 56.86
  11. Evora/Ladwig, USA: 30.99 TES + 24.65 PCS -1.00 = 54.64
  12. Hausch/Wende, GER: 30.96 TES + 23.94 PCS -1.00 = 53.90 
  13. Zhang/Wang, CHN: 31.00 TES + 21.25 PCS = 52.25 
  14. Dong/Wu, CHN: 28.57 TES + 20.72 PCS = 49.29 
  15. Kadlecova/Bidar, CZE: 26.02 TES + 19.18 PCS = 45.20
  16. Zabijako/Kulbach, EST: 25.74 TES + 18.61 PCS = 44.35 
  17. Kemp/King, GBR: 25.05 TES + 19.09 PCS = 44.14
  18. Canac/Bonheur, FRA: 24.33 TES + 19.59 PCS = 43.92 
  19. Bakirova/Kamianchuk, BLR: 20.43 TES + 17.77 PCS = 38.20
  20. Montalbano/Krasnopolski, ISR: 21.63 TES + 15.80 PCS = 37.43
  21. Martini/Kiefer, AUT: 20.79 TES + 14.55 PCS = 35.34 
  22. Malakhova/Kenchadze, BUL: 16.77 TES + 14.33 PCS -1.00 = 30.10

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