
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Breaking Down the Elements: Junior Men's Short Program

For the 2011-2012 season, junior men have 7 required elements in their short program to be performed in 2 minutes and 50 seconds.  The elements can be performed in any order.

1. Double or triple lutz, immediately preceded by connecting steps or other free skating movements
2. Jump combination, double/triple or triple/triple.  May not repeat either Axel jump performed or solo jump
3. Double or triple axel
4. Flying Sit spin, Sit position must be attained in air.  Minimum 8 revolutions.
5. Camel spin, with only 1 change of foot, no flying entry.  Minimum 6 revolutions each foot.
6. Spin Combination, with only 1 change of foot and all 3 basic positions or any variation thereof.  No flying entry.  Minimum 6 revolutions each foot and 2 in each position.
7. Step Sequence, straight line, circular or serpentine

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