Group 2
Ross Miner, USA: 73.38 TES + 69.28 PCS -1.00 = 141.66 Total: 211.90 and into 1st place
- Quad salchow a little off in the air and he has to turn out of it and put a hand down
- Triple axel slipped off the edge on his exit and a stumble and a hand down
- Nice triple axel + double toe
- Good speed and positions in the sit spin
- Great triple lutz + triple toe
- I love the elegant use of his arms and upper body in the step sequence but he's a little choppy on some of the turns and could be into his knees more
- Triple lutz + half loop + triple salchow combination
- Good triple loop
- Triple flip and sits down on the landing and has to put a hand down on the ice
- Spread eagle into an easy looking double axel
- Good stretch through his final spin and nice scratch spin exit
Peter Liebers, GER: 78.92 TES + 66.72 PCS = 145.64 Total: 216.84 and into 1st place
- Nice opening triple flip
- Great height on the triple axel + triple toe; a little tight on the second landing and he stalked the jump a bit
- Triple lutz
- A bit stiff in places in the step sequence but good use of the full body
- Good triple axel--one thing that could really help him is to add more transitions and difficult entries and exits to the jumps to bump up his PCS scores as well as his GOEs
- Triple lutz + double toe + double toe
- Triple loop
- Triple salchow
- Good flexibility in the catchfoot camel spin
- Double axel + double toe
- I like the choreography in his choreographic step sequence and it goes well with the music but he could let go and perform it more
- Good donut spin; a little slow throughout the positions but the speed is consistent
Tomas Verner, CZE: 39.87 TES + 72.58 PCS = 112.45 Total: 180.50 and into 7th place
- Triple toe
- Triple flip a little down on one side on the landing but hangs on
- Single axel
- Nice quality of movement in the step sequence
- Not crazy about his upright catchfoot position and he runs out of speed in the scratch spin
- Double axel
- Popped loop
- Double flip
- Triple flip--not in combo so will not be worth full points
- Single loop
- Nice low stretched out sit spin position and good speed throughout
- Great energy and choreography in the 2nd step sequence and he's really got the crowd into his program
- Good sit positions in the final spin with nice speed
Andrei Rogozine, CAN: 81.03 TES + 68.22 PCS = 149.25 Total: 216.60 and into 2nd place
- Quad toe; not a perfectly clean landing but on his feet
- Spread eagle into a triple axel + triple toe + double toe but running out of speed by the end
- Triple salchow
- Triple lutz and somehow lands facing the wrong direction
- A little slow toward the end of his first sit spin
- I'd like to see more expression from him in the step sequence but good quality of steps
- Spread eagle into a triple axel + triple toe
- Triple loop
- Triple flip
- Double axel + Double axel sequence
- A small loss of centering in his camel spin and he could have his free leg behind him more in the bent leg position
- Seems to be running out of energy in the choreographic step sequence
- He could have more stretch and toe point through his final spin
Misha Ge, UZB: 68.81 TES + 71.24 PCS -1.00 = 139.05 Total: 207.50 and into 4th place
- Triple axel
- Triple flip + double toe with both arms over head
- Triple lutz + double toe + double loop
- Triple lutz
- Nice triple loop
- Good camel spin position with nice speed and timing with music
- Nice triple flip with good toe point
- Triple salchow + triple toe
- Double axel
- Good camel spin with a nice transition into a sit spin, nice flexibility in the positions with good speed
- Lyrics in his music so he might get a deduction
- Hip hop choreography in his step sequence and the audience is really enjoying it
Group 3
Yuzuru Hanyu, JPN: 89.05 TES + 80.00 PCS = 169.05 Total: 244.99 and into 1st place
- Opening quad toe a little down on the landing but he hangs on
- Quad salchow sitting down a bit on the landing and putting a hand down
- Triple flip chest forward on the landing
- Nice camel spin position with good flexibility in the donut into his Biellman spin
- His footwork seems a little slow and he's not putting his usual personality into it
- Triple axel + triple toe might have been a bit two footed on the landing
- Triple axel + double toe with both arms up
- Triple loop with nice ice coverage
- Triple lutz + double toe + double toe
- Triple lutz
- Nice Ina Bauer
- Good positions in the combination spin
- Nice tuck position in the sit spin with good use of his arms
Florent Amodio, FRA: 61.52 TES + 78.58 PCS -1.00 = 141.10 Total: 216.83 and into 3rd place
- Tripled his opening quad salchow attempt
- Fall on his second salchow attempt
- Triple axel a bit off in the air and can't quite get the free leg out on the landing but he muscles it out
- Good twisted camel spin position
- A little scratchy in places on the step sequence so he could clean up those edge changes
- Triple axel turn out
- Triple flip
- Triple lutz
- Triple salchow + double toe
- Good speed and timing on the sit spin with nice positions
- Anticipated the music a bit on the 2nd step sequence and started early
- Nice camel position and good stretch through the free leg in the upright position
Javier Fernandez, ESP: 83.00 TES + 85.30 PCS = 168.30 Total: 249.06 and into 1st place
- Nice quad toe to open the program
- Popped open the quad salchow but adds a double toe
- Great triple axel
- Traveling a little bit on the sit spin and he could have more stretch through his free leg
- Nice Chaplin choreography in his step sequence, good timing with the music, but he doesn't seem 100% committed to the movement
- Nice quad salchow
- Popped lutz + double toe
- Good spread eagle into triple loop
- Triple flip + half loop + triple salchow
- Good broken leg sit spin into an a frame
- Almost fell on a choreographic jump in his second step sequence
- Triple salchow
- Good twisted sit spin into a back spin position
Nan Song, CHN: 68.05 TES + 66.60 PCS = 134.65 Total: 207.68 and into 7th place
- Triple toe nicely done
- Triple axel + double toe
- Triple axel
- I like the movements in his step sequence but he seems to be holding back on them
- He could have a more parallel position in the broken leg camel spin but good flexibility through the upright catchfoot
- Triple lutz + triple toe a bit tight on both landings but pulls it off
- Triple flip
- A little low on the landing of the triple loop
- Good speed and positions in the sit spin
- Double axel a little forward on the landing and a turnout
- Double salchow + Double toe
- Good stretch through the free leg in the final combination spin
Max Aaron, USA: 85.86 TES + 74.30 PCS = 160.16 Total: 238.36 and into 3rd place
- Tons of speed into his quad salchow + double toe
- Popped open his second quad salchow attempt
- A little bit of a struggle on the flying change of foot in his first spin
- Nice energy and intensity to his footwork and good timing with the music
- Nice camel spin position and good speed through the sit variations with ease in the change of positions
- Big triple axel + double toe
- Good triple lutz
- Huge triple axel and he lands the jump fine but hits the boards on the ride out
- Doesn't miss a beat getting into his sit spin after the collision
- Triple lutz + half loop + triple salchow
- Triple flip
- I like the more lyrical side he's trying to show in the 2nd step sequence but he could have more content
- Triple loop right in the last seconds
Takahito Mura, JPN: 84.50 TES + 76.22 PCS = 160.72 Total: 234.18 and into 4th place
- Quad toe two foot landing and flip out
- Triple lutz + triple toe
- Solid triple axel
- Good speed on the camel spin but he could get his free leg higher; nice twisted bent leg variation
- Triple loop
- Beautiful triple axel + double toe
- Triple salchow + double toe
- Good donut position into a nice sit spin but a little slow
- Triple flip
- Triple lutz
- Nice stretched sit position but he needs more toe point and more speed at the end
- Good ice coverage in the choreographic step sequence but I'd like to see more content and variety
Group 4
Daisuke Takahashi, JPN: 70.36 TES + 85.00 PCS -1.00 = 154.36 Total: 239.03 and into 3rd place
- Quad toe looked ok but two footed
- Triple toe
- Nice triple axel
- Good stretch in the sit spin with nice toe point
- Good choreography, edges and ice coverage on the step sequence
- Nice sideways spin into an upright spin with a bit of traveling
- Fall on a triple axel
- Triple loop hand down
- Triple salchow
- Triple lutz + double toe + double loop
- Triple flip
- Great feeling behind the 2nd step sequence and nice use of the full body in a variety of steps
- I'd like to see a higher free leg in the camel spin and a bit more speed
Michal Brezina, CZE: 70.17 TES + 77.74 PCS -2.00 = 145.91 Total: 229.00 and into 6th place
- Big fall on the opening quad salchow
- Really nice triple axel
- Fall on the 2nd quad salchow--I think the takeoff is really the killer; he's so hunched over he has to do twice as much work to stand up straight and do the rotation
- He seems very slow, tired and just walking through the movements in his step sequence
- Double axel + double toe
- Good triple flip
- Nice triple loop
- Good triple lutz
- Step out and hands down on the triple axel
- Good position in hte camel spin with nice speed into the sit position
- Good twisted sit position but losing all speed after the change of foot, finished the spin really early and had nothing going into the ending pose
Patrick Chan, CAN: 82.13 TES + 89.28 PCS -2.00 = 169.41 Total: 267.78 and into 1st place
- Gorgeous quad toe + triple toe
- And another gorgeous quad toe
- Triple lutz was off from the takeoff and a fall
- Nice variety of steps in his step sequence and good flow and changes of edge
- Good stretch through the camel position and picking up speed
- Fall on a triple axel
- Nice triple loop
- Triple flip half loop triple salchow with a flip out on the last jump
- Double lutz + double toe
- He had a huge lead and started off brilliantly but this is a lot of mistakes and he's really leaving the door open
- Nice choreography and elegant flow through the choreographic step sequence
- Double axel a little back on the landing
- Good final spin nicely timed with the music
Brian Joubert, FRA: 65.81 TES + 82.28 PCS = 148.09 Total: 232.26 and into 7th place
- Nice quad toe
- Triple salchow
- Triple axel two footed and leaning on the landing but hangs on
- Not a lot of speed in the sit spin
- Quad toe + single toe
- Triple flip + double toe
- Camel spin into a decent sit spin with maintained speed
- Triple lutz
- Triple salchow + double toe
- Triple flip
- There's not a lot of performance or choreography in the program and I feel like it doesn't hold your attention very well in between the jumps
- The choreography in the 2nd step sequence seems out of time and out of character for the music
Denis Ten, KAZ: 87.76 TES + 87.16 PCS = 174.92 Total: 266.48 and into 2nd place
- Nice opening quad toe--he was really struggling on them in warmup and that one was textook
- Nice high triple axel + triple toe
- Good second triple axel--he has so much spring in his jumps
- Nice light choreography in the step sequence with nice use of his arms and upper body to accent the movement
- Good camel spin position with a very nice donut but he could work on maintaining the speed throughout the spin
- Triple lutz + double toe + double toe
- Popped jump + double toe
- Triple salchow
- Triple loop slightly forward on the landing
- Nice twisted position sit spin but losing speed in the back tuck position
- Good double axel
- Nice choreography and he's really selling hte program in the 2nd step sequence but he may have been slightly off the music in places
- Final combination spin good speed with the music and nice positions
- He had the competition of his life here!
Kevin Reynolds, CAN: 77.04 TES + 77.78 PCS = 154.82 Total: 239.98 and into 5th place
- Quad salchow turnout
- Quad toe + Triple Toe
- Great ice coverage on the triple axel + triple toe
- Good extension on the camel spin positions
- Quad toe hand down
- Double axel
- Triple flip + Double toe + double loop
- Triple lutz
- Triple salchow
- I really like this choreographic step sequence and think it's one of the better artistic moments of the program
- Not a great sit or camel position in his final spin