Michael Christian Martinez, PHI: 61.05 TES + 62.34 PCS = 123.39 Total: 183.04
- Opening up with a big triple axel + double toe
- He has such long legs but I'm not sure he quite knows what to do with them yet and some transitions seem a bit unbalanced and awkward but he does have a lot of potential
- Another nice triple axel
- A bit slow headed into the triple lutz + double toe
- Really nice camel spin into a nice low broken let sit variation
- Step sequence seems a bit slow and labored and not as into the ice as he could be--he also seemed to be slightly ahead of his music
- Really nice spiral into a triple toe
- Doubled the lutz
- Spiral into a single flip
- Ina Bauer into a triple loop with a flip out
- Flying entry to a sit spin but slow through the 2nd variation
- He doesn't seem to be really connecting with this program and there isn't an attempt to sell it
- Hydroblade into triple salchow--he does have some interesting entries into his jumps which add to his GOE score
- Nice upright catch foot spin into a gorgeous Biellman in his final combination spin
Christopher Caluza, PHI: 61.70 TES + 61.84 PCS = 123.54 Total: 185.33 and into 1st place
- Triple loop two footed the landing--not enough height to get the quad
- Triple salchow + triple toe a little iffy on the landing
- Nice triple lutz
- Not a lot of transitions between the first few passes and not many variations on the entries and exits
- He seems to slightly lean forward in this step sequence and is on top of his edges a bit but he has nice speed and flow across the ice
- Losing speed through his sit spin position changes
- Great position in his camel spin into a nice catch foot and staying centered through the change of foot
- I like the elegance in these transitions and he seems to be settling in more
- Triple loop + double toe + double loop a little tight
- Triple flip out of a lunge stepping up into a double axel
- Triple lutz + double toe--could have a bit more height on the 2nd jump but he did the Tano variation
- Double axel
- Losing his position a bit on the camel spin and a bit of trouble in the flying change of position to the sit spin but ending with a nice upright catchfoot
Stanislav Samohin, ISR: 50.69 TES + 57.18 PCS -1.00 = 106.87 Total: 163.71 and into 3rd place
- I love his quality of movement and intensity at the top of the program
- Triple axel hands down on the ice
- Triple lutz hand down + double toe
- Single axel
- Triple loop
- Nice camel spin into a stretched out sit spin--lost his center and a bit bobble on the change of foot
- He has a lot going for him in terms of his performance quality and the enjoyability of his skates but the jumps just don't seem there yet
- Triple toe + triple toe and barely hangs on
- Triple lutz hands down and then a fall
- Spread eagle into a double axel two footed landing
- Good variations in his combination spin but it seems a bit slow
- A little bobbly in some of the one foot sections of his footwork but he's really working with his music
- Triple salchow
- He could be lower in these sit positions
Charles Pao, TPE: 24.72 TES + 38.84 PCS -3.00 = 60.56 Total: 95.18 and into 4th place
- Hard fall on his opening triple lutz
- Triple salchow turn out + double toe
- Single flip
- He could use more flexibility through his catchfoot camel position
- A little off balance in places in the step sequence and really shallow on his edges with lots of ice spray
- Triple salchow
- Big telegraph into his triple loop and he landed in almost a criss cross position
- Broken leg sit spin and needs to be much lower in all his sit positions
- I can't tell if he accidentally left his practice gloves on or it that is part of the costume
- Popped jump
- Single axel with no height
- Triple axel fall
- He really needs to work on his knees and edges and that will make everything in this program a lot easier for him
- No speed in his sit spin and he needs more stretch through the free leg
- No connection with the music or performance quality--he also seems to be staring at the ice and not out at the audience which also could be affecting his jumps
Andrei Rogozine, CAN: 50.01 TES + 60.52 PCS = 110.53 Total: 168.92 and into 3rd place
- Two footed opening quad toe with nice speed on the rotation
- Spread eagle into a triple axel with a bit of a step out on the landing
- Triple salchow
- Double lutz
- Flying camel spin into a catch foot position with some good flexibility
- Good speed in his step sequence but I'd like to see him really finish off the moves and stretch through his free leg more
- Spread eagle into triple axel with a step out
- Single loop
- Triple flip
- He could have a lower sit spin position and seems to be traveling slightly throughout the spin
- Some nice movement in his choreographic step sequence but also some moves that seem awkward
- Not a lot of speed in his closing spin
Oleksii Bychenko, ISR: 44.36 TES + 56.16 PCS = 100.52 Total: 162.71 and into 5th place
- Nice speed and rotation on the triple axel but messy on the landing
- Triple axel step out + single toe
- Triple loop
- Could be a bit lower in the sit spin but nice speed
- Step sequence seems a bit frantic in places but it's nice to see him going for the choreography
- Triple salchow
- The flamenco choreography is all there but I'd like to see him put a bit more spark behind it and really execute it and get his PCS levels up
- Double flip + double toe
- Single lutz
- Traveling a lot on his camel spin and trouble after his flying change of foot
- Double axel + double toe--seemed tired going in but pulled it off
- Double flip
- Choreographed step sequence seemed rushed and he didn't seem to have enough time to really do all the steps
Max Aaron, USA: 81.88 TES + 75.84 PCS = 157.72 Total: 239.21 and into 1st
- Doubled his opening quad toe attempt
- Quad salchow forward on the landing + single toe loop
- Triple loop right on the music
- Traveling a bit on the flying change of foot in his first spin
- Nice use of his whole body in this step sequence and good connection with the music
- Good broken leg sit variation with an interesting exit--but seemed to come out a few seconds too early
- Quad salchow flip out
- Triple axel + double toe very nicely done
- Triple lutz + half loop + triple salchow
- There is a definite improvement in the quality of his movement and expression this season
- Triple axel right on the music
- Great choreographic step sequence but I'd like to see him open up to the audience a bit more
- Very nice triple flip
- Good final sit spin
Grant Hochstein, USA: 60.94 TES + 69.68 PCS -2.00 =128.62 Total: 191.91 and into 2nd place
- Quad toe fall
- Quad toe fall but much closer to being landed
- Double axel
- Interesting entry to the camel spin with a nice catch foot variation but he could use a bit more speed
- Nice flow and edgework in his step sequence
- Triple lutz
- Flying sit spin with nice stretch through his free leg into a back tuck variation
- Triple flip
- Triple loop seemed a bit off in the air but landed nicely
- Nice inside edge spread eagle and great quality of movement through these transitions
- Triple lutz + double toe
- Triple toe + half loop + double salchow
- Possible hand down on his final combination spin with some really nice position variations
Stephen Carriere, USA: 76.88 TES + 73.18 PCS -2.00 = 148.06 Total: 225.54 and into 2nd place
- Fall on his opening quad toe
- Triple axel + double toe
- Fall on the triple axel
- His upper body seems a bit stiff in the step sequence but he has good flow across the ice
- Good camel position into a sit position with good speed
- Triple salchow + double toe + double toe with arms overhead
- Difficult one foot entry into the triple lutz + triple toe and forward on the landing
- Triple flip
- Good twisted sit position with nice speed
- Triple lutz
- Camel spin into a sit spin, it would be nice to see him hold the headless spin a bit longer, no speed in the camel spin after the change of foot
Joshua Farris, USA: 57.37 TES + 78.34 PCS -1.00 = 134.71 Total: 206.56 and into 3rd place
- Triple toe (intended quad)
- Triple salchow
- Huge ice coverage on the triple axel but sat down on the landing
- Great sit spin position with nice stretch and toe point and a very low position
- He choreographs his programs and it's evident in his execution and commitment to the movement
- Nice subtle quality to his step sequence with great edges, interesting movement and nice flow through his whole body
- Triple axel + single toe
- Triple flip + single toe--first jump was gorgeous not sure what happened
- Triple lutz + double toe
- Lost his foot on the camel spin
- He trains in Colorado Spring so altitude is not an issue for him, so I think he's just dealing with nerves
- This is a gorgeous program and I think he's got a real shot when the jumps are all there
- Double loop
- Camel spin into a nice sit and ending with an upright spin
1 | 7 | Max Aaron, USA | 1 | 81.49 | 1 | 157.72 | 239.21 | |
2 | 9 | Stephen Carriere, USA | 2 | 77.48 | 2 | 148.06 | 225.54 | |
3 | 10 | Joshua Farris, USA | 3 | 71.85 | 3 | 134.71 | 206.56 | |
4 | 8 | Grant Hochstein, USA | 4 | 63.29 | 4 | 128.62 | 191.91 | |
5 | 2 | Christopher Caluza, PHI | 6 | 61.79 | 5 | 123.54 | 185.33 | |
6 | 1 | Michael Christian Martinez, PHI | 7 | 59.65 | 6 | 123.39 | 183.04 | |
7 | 5 | Andrei Rogozine, CAN | 8 | 58.39 | 7 | 110.53 | 168.92 | |
8 | 3 | Stanislav Samohin, ISR | 9 | 56.84 | 8 | 106.87 | 163.71 | |
9 | 6 | Oleksii Bychenko, ISR | 5 | 62.19 | 9 | 100.52 | 162.71 | |
10 | 4 | Charles Pao, TPE | 10 | 34.62 | 10 | 60.56 | 95.18 | |
WD | | Misha Ge, UZB | | | |