Showing posts with label zuerlein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zuerlein. Show all posts

Friday, June 17, 2011

US Skating Off Season News

Rachael Flatt has been fined and reprimanded by USFSA for not disclosing her stress fracture at Worlds.  She has also left Broadmoor and Tom Z to attend college at Stanford, but no coach has been announced yet.

Adam Rippon has left Brian Orser and will train in Detroit under Jason Dungjen.  He is working on a quad lutz.

Johnny Weir has announced he will not compete this season.

Yankowskas and Coughlin split and Denney and Coughlin paired up.  They will skate their short to East of Eden and their long to Nessun Dorma. 

Alexe Gilles left Tom Zakrajsek and moved to Detroit to train with Yuka Sato & Jason Dungjen.  Becky Bereswill is returning to her singles career and will train with them as well.

Ashley Wagner left Priscilla Hill and moved to California to train with John Nicks.  Her free skate is to Black Swan and is choreographed by Philip Mills.  Her short program is also by Mills and to Pollock.

Agnes Zawadzki left Tom Zakrajsek and will train in Colorado Springs with David Santee & Christy Krall.

Joshua Farris left Tom Zakrajsek and will train in Colorado Springs with Christy Krall & Damon Allen.

Felicia Zhang/Nate Bartholomay have paired up and are scheduled to compete at Liberty.

Madison Chock and Greg Zuerlein split and he is retired.

Madison and Keiffer Hubbell split.  He is rumored to be retired and she'll skate with Zachary Donohue.

Ryan Bradley has retired.

Jeremy Abbott's short program is being choreographed by SYTYCD champ Benji Schwimmer.

Grant Hochstein's short program is to Clair de Lune.

Gretchen Donlan/Andrew Speroff will skate to "O mio babbino caro" (SP) and Sleeping Beauty by Tchaikovsky (FS); choreographers are Sheryl Franks and Deidre Williams with footwork by Carrie Wall.

Stephen Carriere has chosen "La Vie En Rose" and "Mack the Knife" for his short program; Swan Lake (FS).

Wesley Campbell will skate to Rodrigo's "Concierto de Aranjuez" (SP) and The Mission (FS).

Alexander Johnson has chosen "O mio babbino caro" (SP) and the Khachaturian ballet Gayane (FS).

Brandon Mroz's new short program will be to "Mack the Knife," and Max Aaron will be skating to a medley of "Assassin's Tango" and "Oblivion" both choreographed by Jeffrey Buttle.

Anastasia Cannuscio and Colin McManus's short dance will be to "Mas Que Nada" by Sergio Mendes (feat. The Black Eyed Peas) and "Magalenha" by Sergio Mendes. Their free dance will be "The Way You Look Tonight" by Adam Levine, "Unforgettable" by Nat King Cole and Natalie King Cole and "Get Me To The Church" by Frank Sinatra. 

Nathan Chen is working on his triple axel and triple triple combinations in preparation for his move to the junior ranks this season.  He is still too young to compete internationally.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Four Continents Championships: Free Dance

Group 1
1. O'Brien/Merriman, AUS: 35.72 TES + 26.30 PCS = 62.02 Total: 104.69
  • They are in 10th place after the short dance
  • A very different costume for her than most ice dance dresses but I really like and it looks good on the ice--silver sequined top and three layers of a ruffled skirt in different colors
  • Nice curve lift with her over his knee and leaning back
  • I'd like to see more extension from both of them through their free leg in this first step sequence and for her to use her arms more naturally instead of placing them
  • This step sequence is also really bouncy, especially from her and they don't get very deep into their knees or edges
  • They come really close to each other in the first set of twizzles, she seems to be bouncing instead of spinning through the second set and has to put her foot down early
  • A really interesting lift in which he spins on one leg while she's in an arched position, very unique
  • A nice rotational lift--flip into the entry with her on his shoulder and a change of position
  • Good positions in their dance spin and decent speed
  • She has a little bobble on some footwork
  • Nice entry into the lift near the end but messy exit
  • Overall they have some nice qualities to work with but they have some things they need to work on as well
2. Borounov/Borounov, AUS: 24.66 TES + 19.05 PCS = 43.71 Total: 72.23 and into 2nd place
  •  They are currently in 12th place
  • She is wearing a very long skirt and with all the skirt problems this season, I hope she doesn't get tripped up by it
  • Nice positions in the dance spin, not a lo of speed, slightly awkward exit out of the element
  • She really needs to straighten her free leg through this footwork sequence--it also seems like she's looking toward the ground and is skating very cautiously
  • Straightline lift with her leaning back toward the ice
  • Simple rotational lift with one arm and she catches her back foot
  • He gets a little out of control on his twizzles, loss of unison, she puts her foot down early in the second set
  • I'd like to see her work on her carriage as well, it looks like she's slightly hunched over in all of the holds
  • It just seems like this team is lacking a lot of their basic technique and it makes a lot of the program a struggle for them
  • A straight line lift with her bent back and him on one foot
  • An interesting curve lift with her in a haircutter position but wrapped around his back
3. Guan/Wang, CHN: 35.10 TES + 28.39 PCS = 63.49 Total: 106.26 and into 1st place
  •  They are in 9th place after the short dance
  • She is in an all white dress with long sleeves and a long skirt--makes it harder to really see her positions with the white ice and white boards
  • First set of twizzles is done with leg extended and seems a little wild but they stay in unison through all sets
  • Some nice changes of holds through this first step sequence but they're very stiff with their hands and it destroys their arm line
  • Flip into the first lift over his shoulder and some position changes into a nice stretched out arabesque on his foot with good extension
  • Really good speed and extension through the dance spins and it's nice to see the male partner execute one of the more difficult positions on one of the variations
  • Their straight line lift with her standing on his boot seems to zig zag a little bit at the beginning
  • Awkward hold in the beginning of the step sequence with them facing different directions and having their hands on each others backs--they seem to have trouble holding it
  • One arm rotational lift in a pretty simple position
  • There isn't really a connection to each other or their music but they're doing a lot of nice elements
  • A good rotational lift with him dipping her up and down through the rotation
4. Bruhns/Westenberger, MEX: 24.95 TES + 22.92 PCS = 47.87 Total: 88.55 and into 3rd place
  • They are in 11th place after the short program
  • Nice entry into their twizzles but they're really off unison--she's one or two twizzles ahead
  • This footwork sequence seems really slow 
  • They seem to kick their free leg into position instead of flowing through the movements 
  • A nice lift with three changes of position for her 
  • Problem centering the entry of the backward camel for their dance spin and the whole sequence is really slow
  • They need to really use their free arm more throughout the step sequence and really extend their lines through these holds
  • Simple one armed rotational lift
  • An interesting hydroblade move ith her hand on his foot 
  • One footed curve lift with her standing on his boot and leaning back
  • I like the abandon they're showing through this choreography at the end--this is the most free they've been the whole dance and it really brings up their performance level

Group 2
5. Chock/Zuerlein, USA: 44.15 TES + 41.15 PCS = 85.30 Total: 142.44 and into 1st place
  •  They are in 6th place after the short dance
  • There program is Cabaret and both of the characters suit their personalities so perfectly and this is a true performance
  • They make the twizzles look so easy, are well timed with the music, but get a little far apart
  • Nice step sequence
  • Good positions in their dance spin and good speed
  • Great speed going into this footwork
  • Great entry into their lift, it happens so fast and she's right in the upside down position with a nice change of position
  • Nice lift with her hanging upside by only her leg and he skating backward on one leg
  • Easy one armed rotational lift
  • Madison could stretch through her leg more in a few places in the second step sequence and really get into her edges
  • Good fast rotation in their final lift
  • Little bobble getting into their ending pose
  • They're getting a standing ovation from the American Pairs teams watching in the stands
  • There are so many little details in the choreography of this program and it's just put together so well
6. Crone/Poirier, CAN: 47.27 TES + 42.90 PCS = 90.17 Total: 151.83 and into 1st place
  • They are in 5th place after the short dance
  • Really interesting choreography at the beginning and a nice languid feeling to their opening movements
  • Good speed throughout the dance spin and there wasn't a huge pause during their change of foot
  • Lift with her upside down and he one one leg and she's hanging on with just her arm over his shoulder
  • This footwork seems a little slow, but I think they could use that to their advantage and get into their knees a little more
  • Twizzles were really well done and they were right on time for all three sets
  • Nice cartwheels over his extended leg
  • Curve lift with him in a spread eagle and leaning back with changes of position as she spirals up to standing on his leg
  • Good speed through this second step sequence but I'd like to see a little more connection with each other instead of the focus out the whole time
  • Flip into a rotational lift with her wrapped around his body
  • Nice rotational lift with her hanging down and holding on by one arm
  • This program has really improved since I last saw it at the Grand Prix Final
7. Huang/Zheng, CHN: 40.01 TES + 37.35 PCS = 77.36 Total: 130.29 and into 3rd place
  • They are in 7th place after the short dance
  • She really needs to straighten her leg, it never seems to get all the way straight through any of these steps
  • Curve lift with him in a spread eagle and holding her in an arch
  • Good timing on their twizzles with good variations
  • A full turn jump into a lift with variations of position--reminds me of one of Davis and White's POTO lifts.
  • Nice positions in the dance spin, but slow and he could have a better free arm position
  • We started with Singing in the Rain but now seem to be in some kind of techno remix of the song--kind of breaks up the charm and easy flow of their program
  • Nice curve lift with him in a hydroblade position and she's leaning on him in an arched position
  • I've really seen an improvement in the Chinese teams as a whole--they've become more expressive in their performances and are really working on emulating the American style lifts with lots of position changes and difficulty.  I think this might be the next field with China might have a big breakthrough.
8. Yu/Wang, CHN: 40.92 TES + 34.25 PCS = 75.17 Total: 125.75 and into 4th place
  •  They are in 8th place after the short dance
  • Flip into a shoulder lift and change of position
  • They have some good speed into their twizzles and have good unison, positions, and placement in relation to each other
  • Most of the time she has full stretch through her free leg, but when the steps are faster, she'll bend her free leg, not point her toe and sickle her foot
  • Straightline lift with him going backwards and she standing on his boot
  • Nice positions in the dance spin but not a lot of speed; they have great use of their arms through the spin
  • They have a very nice lyrical flow through their arms and upper body throughout the program and perform this program nicely
  • She has very nice lines through these lifts and hits some great arabesque and attitude positions
  • One armed rotational lift with her in a catch foot looks a little labored toward the end of the program

Group 3
9. Shibutani/Shibutani, USA: 48.76 TES + 44.58 PCS = 93.34 Total: 155.38 and into 1st place
  • They just look so effortless on the ice together
  • Great speed through their dance spins and really nice positions, especially her layback
  • They have such nice deep edges and and knees throughout this step sequence and all of their movements are so clean and crisp
  • Great entry into their first lift with great changes of position and fast rotation with her in a catchfoot position--they change positions to quickly for me to even type them!
  • They have the fastest and best twizzles in the world and they executed them beautifully here
  • Flip over the head and a nice twist to drop her down to hip height
  • It is impossible not to watch this program and smile along with them
  • Their timing and musicality is impeccable
  • Simple one armed roational lift at the end of the program
10. Davis/White, USA: 50.01 TES + 53.01 PCS = 103.02 Total: 172.03 and into 1st place
  • Meryl is back to her Forever 21 dress from the Grand Prix Final.  I prefer her nationals dress to this one.
  • There is so much passion and performance in this program from every inch of their bodies
  • Entrance into their first lift with arms crossed and a flip onto the back and he skates backwards on one leg while she balances on it
  • Nice clean edges and deep knees in the step sequence and good timing 
  • This transition footwork in the middle is so fast
  • Really fast twizzles, looks they might have slightly lost unison on the end
  • She jumps up onto his leg for the next lift with a nice side curve 
  • I love these steps here with the dueling feet characteristic of a ballroom tango
  • Such a difficult position for her in their dance spin but I wish she'd straighten her free leg a little more
  • Rotational lift with a change of position to holding her only by the knees and letting her upper body swing free
  • Nice second step sequence and great facial expressions from both
  • Final rotational split lift with tons of speed
11. Virtue/Moir, CAN: Withdrawal
  • They are in 1st place after the short dance
  • Hello hips!  They are really working the samba feeling at the beginning of this program and look like they're doing a real ballroom routine
  • Interesting twizzle sequence in a circle but I don't think they were exactly on time with each other
  • Great timing on their accents and well choreographed with the music
  • He tosses her up into a full twist and they do a rotational lift with her leg wrapped around his head
  • They've stopped now after the lift and are talking to their coaches
  • Tessa is injured and they've withdrawn.  From the part of the program they did, their program was to die for.
12. Weaver/Poje, CAN: 42.29 TES + 43.30 PCS = 85.69 Total: 151.14 and into 4th place
  • They are in 3rd place after the Short Program
  • This first step sequence has really nice speed and they have good use of their full body
  • Good twizzles with a slight loss of unison
  • He has a little bobble on a transition step and they have to abort their dance spin after one revolution but then start again--not sure what kind of credit they'll get for it--might be enough of a mistake to give the Shibs the go ahead
  • He picks her up from the ice in a nice one armed rotational lift
  • I'd like to see a more tender connection between them in Come What May
  • A great lift where he flips her over and holds her up by the blade of her skate
  • A really difficult straight line lift and they have trouble at the end and he has to set her down a little early
  • Really nicely choreographed step sequence here at the end 
  • Rotational lift with her in a haircutter position
  • Holding her on his back and a flip around to a fish hold
Gold: Davis/White
Silver: Shibutani/Shibutani
Bronze: Crone/Poirier

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Four Continents Championships: Short Dance

  1. Virtue/Moir, CAN: 35.64 TES + 33.76 PCS = 69.40
  2. Davis/White, USA: 34.50 TES + 34.51 PCS = 69.01
  3. Weaver/Poje, CAN: 36.50 TES + 28.95 PCS = 65.45
  4. Shibutani/Shibutani, USA: 34.22 TES + 27.82 PCS = 62.04
  5. Crone/Poirier, CAN: 33.50 TES + 28.16 PCS = 61.66
  6. Chock/Zuerlein, USA: 30.94 TES + 26.20 PCS = 57.14
  7. Huang/Zheng, CHN: 28.42 TES + 24.51 PCS = 52.93
  8. Yu/Wang, CHN: 27.78 TES + 22.80 PCS = 50.58
  9. Guan/Wang, CHN: 24.72 TES + 18.05 PCS = 42.77
  10. O'Brien/Merriman, AUS: 25.00 TES + 17.67 PCS = 42.67
  11. Bruhns/Westenberger, MEX: 25.28 TES + 15.40 PCS = 40.68
  12. Borounov/Borounov, AUS: 15.62 TES + 12.90 PCS = 28.52

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Four Continents Championships: Dance Preview

Davis and White have not lost an event all season.  They have steadily been improving their levels in their short dance and achieved all Level 4s at nationals and their free dance is one of the most difficult in the sport but is brilliantly executed.  Their biggest rivals are their training mates Virtue and Moir who have not competed all season due to her surgery.  Davis and White should take an easy victory here and set them up with the momentum to win their first World title.  They have the best short dance, free dance and total scores for the season.

Virtue and Moir are the reigning Olympic and World Champions.  They are absolutely gorgeous to watch on the ice.  I think they'll put out solid programs here, but many teams have struggled to pick up top levels in the new short dance and it has taken them a few events to work out the kinks.  Virtue and Moir elected to skip their nationals because they felt they weren't prepared enough to compete so this will be their first competition.  I expect they'll have a few little problems but this is a warmup event for them to get their programs in order for Worlds.

Crone and Poirier's scores have been all over the board this season.  They had high marks at their first Grand Prix event but couldn't seem to match that performance the rest of the season.  Their Grand Prix Final score was almost 15 points below their seasons best largely due to their short dance.  I don't think their performance quality matches the mood of the music and I don't think its particularly well choreographed, and they were docked heavily at the GPF.  They won the national title but only by one point over Weaver and Poje.  As one of two teams here who medaled at the GPF they have an edge, but they can't afford to make any mistakes.  They have the 5th best short dance, 6th best free dance and 5th best total score of the season.

The Shibutanis have been ascending like a rocket this season.  They are the first team to win two medals in their first season on the senior Grand Prix and their scores have been steadily improving throughout the season.  They made the race for gold at nationals a tighter race than anyone expected, and even beat Davis and White on the technical element scores.  Their short dance scores are lower than some of the other teams here but they made mistakes in this segment in both their Grand Prixs, and when skated clean they can really rack up the points.  I think their talent is good enough to put them on the podium here but younger teams seem to receive lower program components than older teams which could make the difference here.  They have the 8th best free dance and 9th best total score of the season.

Weaver and Poje and Chock and Zuerlein round out the American and Canadian contingents.  Both teams did well on the Grand Prix circuit this season.  Weaver and Poje's short dance is absolutely stunning and I think they've been underscored on this segment this season.  The Golden Waltz looks like it was choreographed to their music and it is easy to lose yourself in their program.  Their free dance to Moulin Rouge has never really come together and clicked with the judges.  I think they'll have a hard time holding on to their title and finishing on the podium.  They have the 8th best short dance and 10th best total score of the season.

Chock and Zuerlein seem to have the opposite problem in that their short program is nice but doesn't seem to really wow the judges or the audience.  Their free skate to Cabaret is really well done and suits their personalities perfectly, but they made errors on the Grand Prix and didn't receive the full marks.  Their levels are not as high and their programs are not as clean as some of their training mates but they are very entertaining to watch and should give Weaver and Poje a run for their money for 5th place.  They have the 9th best short dance of the season.

My podium predictions:
Gold: Davis/White
Silver: Virtue/Moir
Bronze: Crone/Poirier

My USFSA Fantasy Team:
A) Davis/White
B) Shibutani/Shibutani
C) Huang/Zheng

The teams:
Borounov/Borounov, AUS:  They finished 12th at Four Continents last season.

O'Brien/Merriman, AUS: They finished 10th at Four Continents and 25th at Worlds last season.

Crone/Poirier, CAN: They finished 14th at the Olympics and 7th at the World Championships.  They won bronze at the Grand Prix Final after winning gold at Skate Canada and silver at Skate America.

Virtue/Moir, CAN: Virtue and Moir are the reigning Olympic and World Champions.  They sat out the Grand Prix season due to injury.  They are the 2006 World Junior Champions.  They are the 2006 and 2007 Four Continents Bronze medalists, 2009 silver medalists, and 2008 champions.  They are the 2009 World Bronze medalists and 2008 silver medalists.

Weaver/Poje, CAN: Weaver and Poje are the reigning Four Continents champions.  They are the 2007 World Junior Bronze Medalists.  They finished 5th at the Grand Prix Final after winning silver at NHK Trophy and finishing 4th at Skate America. 

Guan/Wang, CHN: They placed 9th at Four Continents last season.  They finished 9th at Cup of China.

Huang/Zheng, CHN: They placed 19th at the Olympics and 4th at Four Continents last season.  They placed 5th at Cup of China and Trophee Eric Bompard.

Yu/Wang, CHN: They placed 18th at the World Championships and 8th at Four Continents last season.  They placed 9th at the NHK Trophy and 8th at Cup of China.

Bruhns/Westenberger, MEX: This is their first season together.

Chock/Zuerlein, USA: Chock and Zuerlein finished 5th at Four Continents last season..  They are the 2009 World Junior Champions.  They won bronze at Skate Canada and Trophee Eric Bompard. 

Davis/White, USA: They won silver at Olympics and Worlds.  They are the 2009 Four Continents champions and 2008 silver medalists.  They are the 2006 World Junior bronze medalists.  They won gold at NHK Trophy and Skate America to qualify for the Grand Prix Final where they won gold.

Shibutani/Shibutani, USA: They finished 4th at World Juniors last season.  They are the 2009 World Junior Silver Medalists.  They won bronze at the NHK Trophy and Skate America.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

US Nationals: Senior Recap

What an event!  Ryan Bradley put together a clean short program complete with a quad and his signature personality weaved throughout to take the lead in the men's event.  His free skate wasn't pretty, including a miss on both of his quads but he hung on and even executed a Triple Axel + Triple toe combination to finish 4th in the free skate.  His scores were good enough to give him his first national title at 27 years of age.  He thought about retiring after last season and sat out the Grand Prix but was convinced to come back by fans.  At the press conference after the event he declared that he was open to making a run at the 2014 Olympic team.  These programs were not as well trained as they could have been, and if he can skate clean, he could place well at worlds.  With three quads he has the technical skills and he's one of the best performers in the world. 

Richard Dornbush is the reigning Junior Grand Prix Final champion and after a 7th place short program, he had an impressive outing of his Sherlock Holmes Free Skate and placed first in the segment and won the silver medal.  While many were predicting him to win a medal at Junior Worlds, he'll instead be heading to Senior Worlds.  At both the JGP Final and Nationals his free skate was able to carry him to the top after a less than stellar short program.  His JGP Final scores put him amongst the top 10 in the world.  If he can clean up his short program, he could have a stellar debut at Worlds.

After skating on the Grand Prix for the first time, Ross Miner decided to go home and train harder.  He wanted to bring himself up to the level of the top skaters he was competing against.  These results paid off as he skated a gorgeous free program to edge out Jeremy Abbott for the bronze medal.    He has been named to the Worlds Team and will be competing in Tokyo in May.

Jeremy Abbott skated a beautiful short program full of passion and fire and put himself in a good position to defend his national title.  Unfortunately, he wasn't able to keep it together in his free skate and was plagued with falls, downgrades, under-rotations and doubling of his jumps.  He finished only .19 behind Miner, but USFSA elected to send Miner to Worlds and Abbott to Four Continents in Taipei.  When he is on, he is truly one of the best male skaters out there today but he can't always seem to get past his mental block.  He'll be going up against the top Japanese men at 4Cs so he'll have a chance to redeem himself there.

Adam Rippon had a disaster of a short program, including a fall on his signature Rippon Lutz.  He rebounded in his free skate to place 3rd in the segment and finish 5th overall.  I was especially impressed in how he refocused himself after a mistake on his opening jump combination and was able to go clean for the rest of the program.  He's now had one bad short program (nationals) and one bad free skate (Skate America) so hopefully he can put this behind him and skate like he did at Skate America.  He'll be skating at 4 Continents along with Armin Mahbahnoozadeh.

The trooper of the year award goes to Joshua Farris.  He finished 13th in the short program in his first senior nationals.  He tore a muscle in his leg practicing quads and then suffered an allergic reaction that kept him in the hospital almost all night the day before the free skate.  Then, during his free skate, he broke his ankle in the middle of the program.  He kept skating and went for all of his elements, including the triple jumps.  He has the rest of the season to heal and we'll see him back on the Junior Grand Prix circuit next fall.

I had no correct exact predictions, but I picked two of the medal winners (Abbott and Bradley).

Alissa Csizny put together two clean programs to reclaim the national title she last won in 2009.  Her levels on her step sequences were greatly improved from her outings on the Grand Prix and her only mistake in the free skate was an under-rotated jump.  Reports from the arena were the crowd went silent because they were so captivated by her performance.  In the press conference, Alissa said this victory was sweeter and gave credit to her new coaches for believing in her when no one else did.  She'll be competing at Four Continents where she'll face off against the Japanese ladies again before taking on the world in Tokyo.  If Alissa skates like she has been for most of this season, she should land on the World podium in March.

Rachael Flatt debuted her new short program in Greensboro and Lori Nichol hit a home run on the choreography.  I've never seen Rachael so committed to her performance or so free in her movement as during her step sequence at the end of her East of Eden program.  I think this program really suits her and I'm interested to see how it's received by the international judges.  Her spins have long been a weakness for her, and a Level 1 on her layback spin made the difference between being 1st or 3rd in the short program.  She's working on some more difficult jump combinations for the next two competitions.  With a great new program and a renewed love of skating, Rachael looks ready to take on the world and attempt to win back three spots for US ladies at next years worlds.

Mirai Nagasu skated a clean short program to land in first place.  Unfortunately, she couldn't keep it together and let her nerves take over.  She looked terrified before she started her free skate and it showed in her program.  She botched her flying sit spin so badly that she ended up receiving no credit for the element.  Frank Carroll revealed after the event that she didn't start training seriously until a few weeks before Nationals.  In the press conference, Mirai was upset about not going to Worlds because she wanted to go to Japan to see her family.  I'm not sure how much her heart is into skating and while she can be a lovely skater, she doesn't seem to be mature enough to handle the pressure of training and competition.  Hopefully she'll do some soul searching before next season and decide what direction to take her career.

Agnes Zawadzki and Christina Gao both had solid outings to claim spots on the Junior Worlds team.  Agnes has struggled with her long program all season, and it was great to see her execute a good program here.  Christina has really grown up and matured since last season.  I think she's still getting used to her new height, but she definitely is beginning to skate like Yuna Kim.  Both these young ladies have a bright future ahead of them and are armed with a full technical arsenal including triple-triple combinations.  They'll take on the young Russian prodigies for spots on the Junior World Podium.

Ashley Wagner was battling the flu and wasn't able to put out the two clean programs necessary to medal in this extremely competitive field.  She seemed to have a good attitude after the event, and hopefully we'll see her next year, healthy and fighting for a spot on the World team.

Vanessa Lam who won her only JGP assignment this season and Yasmin Siraj, the youngest senior competitor, finished 7th and 8th at their first senior nationals.

I had one exact prediction (Alissa won gold) and picked 3 out of the 4 medalists (Alissa, Mirai and Rachael).
Caitlin Yankowskas and John Coughlin had the arena and the television in audience in tears after their moving free skate to Ave Maria, a tribute to John's mother Stacy who passed away last February.  Besides their amazing emotional performance, they solidly executed all of their elements to finish 1st in both segments and earn their first trip to Worlds.  I have been impressed with this team for several years and it was nice to see everything come together for them in such a trying year.  They also won their first Grand Prix medal this season and I think their programs can carry them to the podium at 4 Continents as well.

Evora and Ladwig debuted their new short program here and it seems to suit their personalities much better and the judges agreed.  They showed off their signature lifts in the free skate and won their second consecutive silver medal.  If both of these teams skate their best at Worlds, there is a small chance that the United States could earn a 3rd pairs slot for next years Worlds. 

Denney and Barrett were able to rebound from the mistakes in their short program and only erred on the side by side double axels in their free skate to claim the silver medal.  They have now won a medal at nationals in each of their three seasons together.  They'll be heading to Four Continents but not Worlds.

Mary Beth Marley and Rockne Brubaker have only been skating together for a few months but already showed some of the maturity and polish of the top teams.  I can't wait to see what they look like next season with more training under their belt and some international assignments.  They finished 4th in their first competition.

Castelli and Shnapir had some troubles in both their skates but still finished 5th overall.

I had 1 exact prediction (Yankowskas and Coughlin won gold) and picked 3/4 of the medalists (Yankowskas/Coughlin, Evora/Ladwig, Denney/Barrett)

While the final results were what many predicted, the dance event was still full of surprises.  Davis and White won their third consecutive national title.  They received Level 3s and 4s on all the elements in their free dance with all positive GOEs.  Their free dance was full of difficulty and passion and their program showed all the potential of being a world championship winning program.

The Shibutanis were absolutely charming in both of their programs and performed with maturity beyond their years.  They finished only 6 points behind Davis and White in the short program and beat them on the technical score in the free skate.  They also received all Level 3s and 4s and positive GOES on their program.  They looked like completely different skaters than on the Grand Prix, where they already shined as the only team to win two medals in their senior debut.  If they continue their growth and perform like they did at nationals they should have a great debut at senior worlds and it won't be long before they're on the medal podium at Worlds and possibly even passing up their training mates.

While Chock and Zuerlein had two solid programs, they fell far behind the rest of Team Canton, nearly 20 points out of second place.  They had similar scores as the Shibutanis on the Grand Prix and their programs were cleaner here than on the Grand Prix.  I don't particularly love their short dance, but their free dance is phenomenal and they completely embrace their roles and put on a great performance. 

The Hubbells were able to grab the pewter medal after an unusual fall by Kriengkrairut/Giuletti-Schmitt in the free dance.  Cannuscio and Lorello had a good senior debut to finish 6th.

I had three exact predictions (gold-bronze medals) and picked 3/4 medalists.

Overall: I had 5 exact predictions and picked 11/16 of the medalists.  My USFSA Fantasy Team finished 6th.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

US Figure Skating International Teams

U.S. Figure Skating has named the following athletes to the Four Continents, World Juniors and World Teams.

Four Continents Championships: February 15-20, Chinese Taipei
Men: Jeremy Abbott, Armin Mahbanoozadeh, Adam Rippon
Ladies: Alissa Czisny, Rachael Flatt, Mirai Nagasu
Pairs: Denney/Barrett, Evora/Ladwig, Yankowskas/Coughlin
Dance: Chock/Zuerlein, Davis/White, Shibutani/Shibutani

World Junior Championships: February 28-March 6, Republic of Korea
Men: Max Aaron, Jason Brown, Keegan Messing
Ladies: Christina Gao, Courtney Hicks, Agnes Zawadzki
Pairs: Cain/Reagan, Andrews/LeDuc
Dance: Bonacorsi/Mager, Cannuscio/McManus, Lichtman/Copely

World Championships: March 21-27, Japan
Men: Ryan Bradley, Richard Dornbush, Ross Miner
Ladies: Alissa Czisny, Rachael Flatt
Pairs: Evora/Ladwig, Yankowskas/Coughlin
Dance: Chock/Zuerlein, Davis/White, Shibutani/Shibutani

Friday, January 28, 2011

US Nationals: Senior Short Dance

  1. Carey/Van Natten: 18.49 TES: + 15.86 PCS = 34.35 
    1. She has some nice leg extensions
    2. Way off on their twzzle unison and they are very slow but they are really close together
    3. They need to really work on getting into their knees and having deeper edges in their Golden Waltz
    4. A really awkward music change for them to a completely different feel
    5. A decent step sequence
    6. Partner cartwheel at the end of their piece and they finish after the music
  2. Tibbetts/Brubaker: 20.43 TES + 22.43 PCS -1.00 = 41.86 and into 1st place 
    1. They are 19 and 21 and skating to At Last and Hallelujah
    2. I'd like to see her be more expressive in this Golden Waltz section and a little less tentative
    3. They skate a nice size pattern and really cover all the ice surface
    4. Awkward music transition
    5. Nice flip into a rotational lift but I'm not really sure about her leg position, she either needs her legs wider or tighter together
    6. A nice step sequence for them but I'd like to see her perform a little more here as well, he has some nice faces and expression
    7. Hop into the twizzles and he has a little bobble but hangs on to it
  3. Hoptman/Filchenkov: 26.57 TES + 21.80 PCS = 48.37 and into 1st place
    1. She is 21 and he is 24
    2. They are skating to Dark Eyes
    3. They twizzle in opposite directions which is unusual
    4. They are zipping through the Golden Waltz section and I'd like to see them hold their moves a little longer but they are hitting some nice lines
    5. They are executing the Tanith Belbin signature split rotational lift
    6. They have decent edges through their step sequence
    7. A nice rotational lift with her legs wrapped and in a nice arch position at the end of the program
  4. Pilgrim/Lorello: 15.43 TES + 17.36 PCS = 32.79 and into 4th place
    1. They are 20 and 23
    2. They hop into their twizzles and have decent unison but are very far apart
    3. They are a little hoppy on hte ice and need to get deeper into their knees and there are a few places where they are spraying ice on their edge changes
    4. The black tights are very distracting on her
    5. Very odd music change and this second song has no connection to their first piece
    6. She doesn't straighten her leg all the way in this step sequence and I'd like to see them both flow through their movements a little more
    7. A nice but simple one armed rotational lift
  5. Cannuscio/Lorello: 28.93 TES + 25.50 PCS = 54.43 and into 1st place 
    1. Both of them have siblings that compete in ice dance
    2. They have a very nice quality of movement
    3. A hop into some very fast twizzles and with good unison but they aren't as close as I'd like them to be
    4. I'm not crazy about her dress and don't think it's a great color on her and it cuts off the line of her legs
    5. They have nice speed and a good feel during this step sequence and they have some nice details in their heads and arms
    6. A nice flow through this Golden Waltz sequence and she has a very pleasant look through her face on this section
    7. A nice over the head into a one armed rotational lift with a catch foot position for her
    8. The backwalkover at the end seems a little out of place
  6. Hubbell/Hubbell: 30.64 TES + 27.27 PCS = 57.91 and into 1st place 
    1. Rotational lift with her in a hair cutter position
    2. They have a nice flow in their Golden Waltz and nice lines and good edging
    3. A nice shoot the duck position for her
    4. He falls out of his twizzles in the step sequence and bobbles a few more steps
    5. Nice twizzles for them but a lack of unson in the second set and she steps out of it early
  7. Zuber/Herring: 24.95 TES + 19.47 PCS = 44.42 and into 4th place
    1. She is 20 and he is 21 and they are skating to Fallin and Libertango
    2. Her dress is very different but I really like the way it moves on the ice
    3. A nice straight line lift with her in a tilt and he in a spread eagle position
    4. I'd like to see them have more connection to each other and their music through this Golden Waltz section
    5. A nice shoot the duck position from her
    6. Nice speed and roation on their twizzles and good unison
    7. They have a good distance between them on the step sequence and really nice unison and good steps
  8. Chock/Zuerlein: 32.00 TES + 29.74 PCS = 61.74 and into 1st place
    1. They are 18 and 22 and are skating to Edith Piaf music
    2. I love their performance level and how commited they are to their programs
    3. They really make this step sequence look easy and have really nice details in their heads and arms
    4. Good speed and unison in their twizzles but they weren't as close in the second set as the first
    5. Nice speed and flow through this Golden Waltz sequence and nicely set to the music
    6. Good shoot the duck position for her
    7. Very nice edges, holds and lines through the Golden Waltz
    8. Super fast rotational lift and she is in the hiarcutter position
    9. Confirmed: Marina Zoueva is in the building
  9. Zeigler/Burbank: 16.15 TES + 17.14 PCS -1.00 = 32.29 and into 9th place
    1. Their twizzles are close together but the unison was way off and they were very slow
    2. I'm not really sure I like the tunic on him
    3. He takes a big spill in the step sequence and he looks really off balance in some of these movement
    4. They are doing the Golden Waltz to a big crescendo in the music and it is not matched by their facial expressions or their quality of movement
    5. They do have nice positions in the Golden Waltz
    6. A very slow one armed rotational lift at the end and she's not really in a clear position
    7. Flip into their transitional lift and he struggles with the one leg skating and puts her down early
  10. Shibutani/Shibutani: 38.43 TES + 32.04 PCS = 70.47 and into 1st place
    1. She is 16 and he is 19
    2. Lightning fast twizzles, they execute three sets and they are spot on
    3. A very nice step sequence, very well timed, they cover a lot of ice and great unison
    4. Great speed and positions in the Golden Waltz and they are very deep into their knees
    5. Beautiful shoot the duck position for her and a nice layback position
    6. She has suck nice carriage on the ice and a great flow through her arms
    7. Step up into a really nice lift with her foot on his shoulder and great flipping positions in their transitional lift at the end
    8. A standing ovation from the crowd!
  11. Nardozzi/Cuthbertson: 20.08 TES + 18.45 PCS = 38.53 and into 8th place 
    1. A really neat jump into his arms for their first rotational lift and some nice position changes
    2. She slips a little on the Golden Waltz and bobbles a few steps
    3. A really nice shoot the duck position from her
    4. An interesting transitional lift where she flips over her back and kneels on the ice
    5. Some interesting movements in their step sequence but he doesn't seem to fully use his arms
  12. Davis/White: 38.78 TES + 37.26 PCS = 76.04 and into 1st place
    1. I adore their connection to each other on the ice
    2. Very fast twizzles and just slightly off in the 1st set
    3. Very nice movement in relation to each other and nice edge quality and performance in their step sequence
    4. Good speed and flow through their Golden Waltz with nice deep knees and good edges
    5. There are a few places I'd like to see her arm a little less placed and more natural but overall they have great carriage and movement through their upper bodies
    6. A great entry into the rotational lift and nice positions for her 
  13. Wingle/McKernan: 31.15 TES + 23.92 PCS = 55.07 and into 5th place
    1. A little bouncy in parts of the Golden Waltz but they have nice flow and good coverage of the ice
    2. Way off unison on their twizzles and very far apart
    3. A nice curve lift with her over his shoulder but I'd like to see a little more arch in her back
    4. She really needs to extend through her free leg in the step sequence
    5. I didn't know they were coached by Zoueva/Shpilband
  14. Aronow/Donohue: 19.95 TES + 20.89 PCS = 40.84 and into 10th place
    1. She is 19 and he is 20
    2. He competed at the junior level with Piper Gilles last year
    3. She needs to straighten through her free leg through the Golden Waltz section
    4. Really wild by him on the first twizzle set and they have no unison and are very far apart
    5. A one armed rotational lift with her in a catch foot position but I'd like to see a little more arch in her back
    6. She has a nice presence on the ice and some nice performance qualities
    7. Apparently Shpilband and Zoueva coach this team too!
  15. Kriengkrairut/Giuletti-Schmitt: 32.08 TES + 26.51 PCS = 58.59 and into 4th place 
    1. A nice stratight line lift with great position changs and a nice exit
    2. Great unison on their twizzles and very clean transitions between the sets
    3. She has a nice presence on the ice and really uses her hands and arms well to accent the Golden Waltz
    4. A really nice split spin that was a great transitional moment
    5. A solid step sequence and they get great ice coverage
    6. A really nice transitional lift at the end of the piece and she spirals down his body to the ending pose

Sunday, January 23, 2011

U.S. Nationals: Senior Ice Dance Preview

This looks to be a sweep for Zoueva and Shpilband's three teams competing at this event.

Davis and White should have no trouble winning their third consecutive title.  Their worst score of the season was at Skate America where they had several uncharacteristic falls and is still better by 12 points than any other team in the field's best.  Their free skate is incredibly difficult and they skate in a class unmatched by any other world teams except Virtue and Moir (also a Zoueva/Shpilband team).

The Shibutanis are skating their first year on the senior circuit and are the first ice dance team to ever win two Grand Prix medals in their first year.  I adore their short dance but they have had bobbles at all their events which have cost them points.  They have some of the best twizzles in the world and really showcase their talent and speed in their free dance which is the 5th best internationally so far this season.  Their total score is ranked 7th.  Their scores are slightly higher than Chock/Zuerleins and there should be a close fight between these two for the silver medal.

Chock and Zuerlein won two medals in their second season on the Grand Prix.  Their short dance is ranked 8th and their free dance is 10th internationally.  They have had some problems with their programs and these errors have cost them points.  If they've corrected these problems they can contend with their younger training mates, but they should have no problem placing at least third and securing a spot on the World team.  The placement between these two teams is especially important going into next season with an injured Samuelson and Bates back at nationals and 4 world class teams fighting for 3 World Team spots).

The other two teams that should round out the top 5 are the Hubbells and Kriengkrairut/Giuletti-Schmitt.  While neither one is likely to really challenge for the podium, they should secure themselves Grand Prix assignments for next season.

For an analysis of all the best and worst scores of the season go to:

My podium predictions:
Gold: Davis/White
Silver: Shibutani/Shibutani
Bronze: Chock/Zuerlein
Pewter: Kriengkrairut/Giuletti-Schmitt

My USFSA Fantasy Picks:
A) Davis/White
B) Kriengkrairut/Giuletti-Schmitt
C) Hoptman/Filchenkov

Davis/White: They won silver at Olympics and Worlds.  They are the 2009 Four Continents champions and 2008 silver medalists.  They are the 2006 World Junior bronze medalists.  They won gold at NHK Trophy and Skate America to qualify for the Grand Prix Final where they won gold.  They are the 2004 National Junior silver medalists, 2006 National Junior Champions, 2007 National bronze medalists and 2008 National silver medalists.  They are competing for their third consecutive national title.

Chock/Zuerlein: Chock and Zuerlein finished 5th at Four Continents.  They are the 2009 World Junior Champions.  They won bronze at Skate Canada and Trophee Eric Bompard.  They are the 2008 National Junior Bronze medalists and 2009 National Junior Champions.  They finished 5th at nationals last season.

Hubbell/Hubbell: They won bronze at Four Continents.  They They finished 6th at Cup of China and withdrew from Cup of Russia after the short dance.  They are the 2007 National Junior silver medalists, 2008 National Junior Champions and 2009 National pewter medalists.  They finished 6th at nationals last season.

Kriengkrairut/Giuletti-Schmitt: They finished 6th at Skate America.  They are the 2007 National Junior bronze medalists.  They finished 8th at nationals last year.

Shibutani/Shibutani: They finished 4th at World Juniors last season.  They are the 2009 World Junior Silver Medalists.  They won bronze at the NHK Trophy and Skate America.  They are the 2008 National Junior pewter medalists, 2009 National Junior silver medalists and the reigning National Junior Champions.

Tibbetts/Brubaker:  They finished 7th at the World Junior Championships.  They finished 9th at Skate Canada.  They are the reigning National Junior silver medalists.

Cannuscio/Lorello: They finished 10th at Cup of Russia and 7th at Trophee Eric Bompard.  They are the reigning National Junior pewter medalists.

Carey/Van Natten:

Nardozzi/Cuthbertson: They finished 12th at nationals at the junior level last season.

Wingle/McKernan: They qualified with a 1st place finish at Midwestern sectionals.  They finished 10th at nationals last season.

Hoptman/Filchenkov: They qualified with a 1st place finish at Eastern sectionals.

Aronow/Donohue: They qualified with a 2nd place finish at Midwestern sectionals.

Zuber/Herring: They qualified with a 2nd place finish at Eastern sectionals.

Zeigler/Burbank: They qualified with a 3rd place finish at Eastern sectionals.  They finished 10th at nationals at the junior level last year.

Pilgrim/Lorello: They qualified with a 4th place finish at Eastern sectionals.

Ponomaryova/Kelling had qualified for nationals but have withdrawn.
Samuelson/Bates had qualifed for nationals but are out for the season due to injury.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Trophee Eric Bompard Dance Preview

This should be an easy win for Pechalat and Bourzat and with a second gold medal they'll secure a spot in the Final.  If they can bring their scores up here, they could put themselves in a position to be competitive with Davis and White at the Final.  They also have a lot of room for mistakes as a medal of any color will get them into the Final.  Chock/Zuerlein, Riazanova/Tkachenko and Carron/Jones will battle it out for the final two podium spots.  I give the edge to the Americans and Russians as both countries have had successful outings on the Grand Prix this season.  Chock and Zuerlein have an exciting free skate and that should make them competitive for the silver medal here but if they win bronze, they'll be in a tiebreaker with the Shibutanis for the final Grand Prix Final slot.  Carron and Jones do have home ice advantage here which could boost them onto the podium.  The rest of the field is made up mostly of young teams looking to improve their scores and set themselves up for nationals.

My podium predictions are:
Gold: Pechelat/Bourzat
Silver: Chock/Zuerlien
Bronze: Riazanova/Tkachenko

My USFSA Fantasy Team is:
A) Pechelat/Bourzat
B) Riazanova/Tkachenko
C) Cannuscio/Lorello

Information on all the competitors is below.

Kharis Ralph/Asher Hill, CAN: Ralph and Hill placed 6th at the Four Continents Championships.  They won silver medals at both their Junior Grand Prix assignments last season and placed 4th at the Junior Grand Prix Final.  They finished 7th in their Grand Prix debut at Cup of China.

Xintong Huang/Xun Zheng, CHN: They placed 19th at the Olympics and 4th at Four Continents.  They placed 7th and 5th at their two Grand Prix assignments last season.  They finished 5th earlier this season at Cup of China.

Pernelle Carron/Lloyd Jones, FRA: They finished 12 at both Worlds and Europeans.  They finished 9th at Trophee Eric Bompard last season.  They finished 5th earlier this season at Skate Canada.

Nathalie Pechalat/Fabian Bourzat, FRA: They placed 7th at the Olympics and 4th at both Worlds and Europeans.  They won silver last season at both their Grand Prix assigments in Paris and Canada and won bronze at the Grand Prix Final.  They won gold earlier this season at Cup of China. 

Dora Turoczi/Balazs Major, HUN: They finished 12th at World Juniors last season.  They finished 10th at both their Junior Grand Prix assignments last season.  They finished 10th at their Grand Prix debut at NHK Trophy.
Ekaterina Riazanova/Ilia Tkachenko, RUS: They finished 6th at their Grand Prix debut in Moscow last season.  They finished 5th at Skate America earlier this season.
Isabella Cannuscio/Ian Lorello, USA: They won bronze at both of their Junior Grand Prix assignments last season and placed 6th in the Junior Grand Prix Final.  They finished 10th at their Grand Prix debut at Cup of Russia.

Madison Chock/Greg Zuerlein, USA: Chock and Zuerlein finished 5th at Four Continents.  They are the 2009 World Junior Champions.  They finished 8th and 6th at their two Grand Prix assignments last season.  They won bronze at Skate Canada earlier this season.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Welcome and Skate Canada Picks

Welcome to my new blog!  Here I'll be previewing upcoming events, posting my thoughts and reactions and breaking down the different disciplines.  Stay tuned for figure skating news and updates as well as we lead up to the Grand Prix Final, 2011 Nationals, 2011 Four Continents and 2011 Worlds.

The first Grand Prix event of the season was last weekend and I'll be posting some of my thoughts from the NHK Trophy over the course of the week. 

Skate Canada will be taking place this weekend and I have just submitted my picks for the USFSA Fantasy Skating Challenge.  Barring any changes in the lineup, my team is:

Ladies: A) Fumie Suguri, JPN     B) Sarah Meier, SUI     C) Agnes Zawadzki, USA
Men: A) Patrick Chan, CAN     B) Javier Fernandez, ESP     C) Grant Hochstein, USA
Pairs: A) Iliushechkina/Maisuradze, RUS     B) Duhamel/Radford     C) Moore-Towers/Moscovitch, CAN
Dance: A) Kerr/Kerr, GBR     B) Chock/Zuerlein, USA     C) Tibbetts/Brubaker, USA   

You can follow me as Skategate or play yourself at  I'm also competing for bragging rights with Backstage Barbie and you can follow her reactions at